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Sex Offender Registration and Compliance Conference – Sept. 5, 2024

2024 Sex Offender Registration and Compliance Conference held at the Reed Center in Midwest City, OK. Registration and more information available here.

Health Services

The Chief Medical Officer is committed to providing appropriate, timely, and quality medical and mental health services using best practices, measurable outcomes, and validated informational sources.

Dana Webb
Chief Administrator of Health Services

Bruce Meyer, M.D.
Acting Chief Medical Officer
Phone: 405-425-2307
Fax: 405-425-2911 

The Oklahoma Department of Corrections Medical Services Unit is committed to providing clinically appropriate, medically necessary, professional, efficient, and humane medical and dental care for offender patients.

Medical Services provides medical care for inmates in Oklahoma Department of Corrections (ODOC) facilities, work centers, contract facilities, and ODOC inmates in contract county jail beds. An electronic health record system is in use at all ODOC facilities, allowing current access to electronic documentation of all medical services and consults provided. Quality and access to care is strongly emphasized and is measured by periodic facility audits by central office performance improvement nurse managers and by a performance improvement committee composed of ODOC professional medical staff. ODOC clinical-quality outcomes routinely exceed community benchmarks. The American Correctional Association accredits all of the medical services units along with their facilities.

Generic and clinically-appropriate medications are prescribed. Medications are provided by an outside pharmacy vendor at low cost, resulting in efficient medication cost control. A pharmacy and therapeutics committee composed of ODOC clinicians and pharmacist monitors prescribing practices for cost efficiency and quality of care.

An internal ODOC utilization and review committee composed of ODOC physicians and staff monitors for efficient use of internal and external resources; including hospital days, emergency room visits, laboratory tests, and specialty care. All inmate patient deaths are reviewed internally by ODOC physicians’ mortality peer review and are also reviewed externally.

Judgment & Sentence Packet Information

Savanna Jones, Administrative Specialist
Medical Services Administration

3300 N. Martin Luther King Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73111



(Outside care notification and refill forms should be faxed to the above listed number. For the conservation of paper, a cover sheet is not necessary for any requests)

The following forms are effective from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. Please discontinue use of older forms. The new forms are meant to minimize confusion and standardize all requests.  

Please post the forms where personnel may refer to them or forward to the appropriate department. Contact us if your facility has specific requirements about how records are maintained that differs from these instructions. Please read carefully as these instructions were modified from last year's packet.

Information for Medical Contacts in the County Jail System

No Pre-Approvals Needed

We DO NOT pre-approve outside care for ODOC-ready inmates. Your local/jail provider will make the determination as to whether an inmate needs to be seen by another outside provider/specialist, including dentists. When possible, make specialty appointments with your Host Facility; or make the local appointment and send us the Medical Notification Form (MNF) AFTER the inmate has been seen. The county jail is responsible for providing routine medical, mental health, and dental care in accordance with State Statute Title 57-38.3.

ODOC Inmates

There are 4 categories of ODOC inmates.

  1. Sentenced to ODOC in a county facility and waiting for a bed in a state facility. These are ODOC-ready inmates that this program covers. We are given a list of those “waiting” in county by Lexington Assessment and Reception Center (LARC) for male inmates and Mabel Bassett Correctional Center (MBCC) for female inmates. Outside medical care and medications for these inmates are submitted to us as outlined below.
  2. ODOC in a state facility that have been returned to a county facility at the county’s request in order to face additional charges. These are the responsibility of the county as the county has chosen to house the inmate while they wait for court rather than transporting them back and forth between court and the prison. On a rare occasion, an ODOC inmate who has been sentenced but is still in county will also be awaiting further charges. These are also the responsibility of the county until such time as they have been sentenced on the last charge outstanding. If the charges are dismissed, the most recent Judgment and Sentence (J&S) applies. Inmates that have returned to the county for a delayed sentence hearing will be the responsibility of the county.
  3. ODOC in a state facility. When they are brought out of county and given bed space in a state facility. These are covered under a different funding source.
  4. ODOC contracted inmates. ODOC currently has two contracts with county jails. These inmates are considered to be incarcerated in the “prison” even though they are in a county facility and are covered under the same funding as those in #3 above, not this program.

Certified Judgment and Sentence

If the inmate is not listed on the “County Jail Waiting List” (COMIT) with a J&S received date on or before date of service requested, the county jail will be responsible for cost of outside medical care and medications. 

Host Facility Requests

Whenever possible, the host facility should be utilized rather than outside medical care for ODOC-ready inmates. The Request for Medical Care at DOC Host Facility Form should be faxed directly to the Host Facility assigned to your jail to request appointments. Find your county on the included Host Facility Responsibility List and fax your request form to the appropriate facility. We do not need a copy of that request. The Host Facility will forward these forms to us after the inmate has been seen. Please discontinue use of the old forms that do not have the check box in the lower right that indicates if scripts were ordered.

You should also send a completed MNF or bring the MNF to the appointment. Medications prescribed will be listed on the form by the medical staff and are usually ordered by the Host Facility directly from Diamond Pharmacy Services. Have the provider sign the form and date it with the date of service. It should be faxed to us after the inmate has been seen for logging. This is often done for you by the Host Facility.

If the Host Facility provider suggests that the ODOC-ready inmate needs to see a specialist outside of the state facility, you must file a MNF with us after the appointment in the same manner as you would for all other outside care. The Host Facility does not do this for you. Once the form is complete, email it to Savanna Jones or fax it to 405-425-2911.

Find a Contracted Provider

If you are unable to take the ODOC-ready inmate to a Host Facility, cannot get an appointment in a reasonable period of time, or the condition worsens before your Host Facility appointment, you may take the inmate to a local provider

Please check the provider listing for a contracted provider in your area. Looking under provider search by zip code with a mileage range seems to be the easiest way. You can then look for specialists as needed.

NOTE: Any non-contracted providers will be paid at Medicaid rates.


There has been a lot of confusion about dental, particularly about wisdom teeth. ODOC only pays for emergency extractions for ODOC-ready inmates. The general mindset is that many dental pain issues can be relieved with proper dental hygiene and/or antibiotics. The first step should be to have the inmate see the local/jail medical provider. If there appears to be a serious issue, the provider can prescribe meds while you try to make an appointment with dental at the Host Facility. If the dentist at the Host Facility deems further action is needed, they will either make the arrangements or give you guidance in making them yourself. It is important that you allow the Host Facility to make the determination of care as Healthscope will not pay for routine exams and cleanings, dental surgery, root canals, crowns, fillings, etc. It will end up being a cost to your facility.

If antibiotics do not appear to be working and your appointment is still pending, or a long time out, you can seek care locally with a contracted provider. After the appointment, send us a MNF completed as you would for any other outside medical care. The care given by the provider must be noted in the comments section to include the number of the teeth extracted, if appropriate. 

Remember that any care other than the exam and/or an emergency extraction is not covered by the contract the provider has with us and will be denied. This means the charges will be the responsibility of the county and/or the inmate.

Medical Care and New Prescriptions

The MNF must accompany any new prescriptions, as well as all outside medical care requests. Do NOT use a form that did not arrive in this packet. These forms can be preprinted with your facility information for ease of use. A master can also be created with the personal information for each inmate who has maintenance meds for even faster completion. Please write out the provider/hospital name. The local abbreviations only cause confusion with Healthscope and delays payment to the provider.

New Scripts

For scripts, only the Jail Administrator portion needs to be completed and medications can be listed in the Health Care Provider section. This must be signed by either the provider or the in-jail medical personnel who are authorized to transcribe medication orders. If a Patient Care Form and/or script pad is used and signed/stamped by the provider, they will not need to sign the MNF. If we receive script requests by 2pm, they will be delivered the next business day.

There are some prescriptions that have multiple formulas, most notably Hydroxyzine which is available as Pamoate or HCL and regularly ordered for ODOC-ready inmates. Please ensure that the orders you are submitting have the proper formulation, complete dosage, frequency notations that are clearly legible for Diamond Pharmacy Services. These are the most common reasons for clarification requests and delays in filling meds.

NOTE: In the event of an emergency need for medications (meds that should be started before the next regular delivery), you may fill the script at the approved local pharmacy for a 7-to-14-day supply. Complete a Prescription Payment Authorization Form and provide it to the pharmacy. The “Prior Authorization Number” is the code assigned to your facility by Diamond Pharmacy Services. This is also the code that you put at the top of your refill forms. The local pharmacy will bill ODOC directly.

If the medication is needed for longer than 7 – 14 days, it may not qualify as urgent. In the case that it does qualify as an emergency medication (provider discretion), a separate script will need to be submitted to us for regular processing for the additional meds needed past 14 days.

DO NOT fax any initial orders or refills directly to Diamond Pharmacy Services! DO NOT have providers or medical facilities fax orders to Diamond Pharmacy Services! Diamond Pharmacy Services must have our approval before they can fill any scripts. If it does not come through us first, it only causes confusion and delays.

If you currently use Diamond Pharmacy for your county inmates (non-ODOC) please note: If you fax scripts for ODOC-ready inmates directly to Diamond, they will be charged against your county account and will not be paid nor reimbursed by this ODOC program.

If Diamond Pharmacy Services has faxed you for clarification on a medication or to notify you that they do not carry a medication that was ordered, you can respond to them directly. If you have to change the medication or dosage, then you must resubmit that change to us first, so that it has approval on it.

Outside Medical Care, Emergency Care, and Hospital Admission

For outside medical care, complete the Jail Administrator and the entire Health Care Provider section, including an explanation of why outside care was sought. Please ensure the provider signs the form. A copy of the patient care or discharge form should be included for outside care and a copy of the scripts is always appreciated, if available.

Check the box for Outside Medical Care, Emergency Care, or Hospital Admission as appropriate. Ensure that the date in the Health Care Provider section is the Date of Service. If ambulance transport was utilized, a separate MNF for that service will need to be submitted with the transport company information in the Health Care Provider section, signed by jail personnel. Forms for Outside Care, Emergency Care, and Hospital Admissions must be received by us within 24 hours of the date of service. By statute we can deny the claim if the forms are not received in a timely manner. This would make the cost of services the responsibility of the county and/or the inmate.

  • DO check the Prescription box if the provider listed in the Health Care Provider section wrote a prescription as well. Please ensure the provider signs the form. We will look for scripts and process them with Diamond Pharmacy Services unless the notes at the bottom of the form indicate that they were filled by the provider, or if an emergency, at a local pharmacy.
  • DO NOT fax MNF directly to Healthscope. They must have our approval before they can pay any ODOC claims.

Please advise your provider that they will need to submit CMS 1500 Health Insurance Claim Form to the billing address below:

Department of Corrections
P. O. Box 16532
Lubbock, TX 79490-6532

If you have any questions, you can reach Customer Care at 800-323-3710 or by fax 833-559-8614. The EDI # is 71065.


Refills do not need the MNF, but may be emailed to Savanna Jones or faxed to (405) 425-2911 alone using the refill form. Utilizing refill stickers speeds processing. A single form may be used for multiple ODOC-ready inmates. Do NOT fax ANY script forms directly to Diamond Pharmacy Services. They must have our approval to process any prescriptions.

Non-Formulary Drug Medications

All non-formulary drug requests will require a J&S Non-Formulary Pre-Approval Request Form completed by the prescribing provider if they wish for an inmate to remain on the medication. This will need to be attached with the MNF and emailed to Savanna Jones or faxed to 405-425-2911. All non-formulary drug requests will require the approval of our Chief Medical Officer or a designated Psychiatrist.

This is our most recent Drug Formulary List.  

Medical Move Requests

A Medical Transfer Request (MTR) is required for an inmate that is awaiting transfer to ODOC when the county jail cannot provide the level of medical care that is required. The MTR Form needs to be faxed or emailed to ODOC Medical Services Administration at 405-425-2911 or for review and approval. Make note that this is a different fax number then the Prescription/Outside Medical Care/Emergency Care/Hospitalization requests are sent.

The county jail inmate will have to be on the county jail waiting list that is maintained by Lexington Assessment and Reception Center and Mabel Bassett Assessment and Reception Center. Please make sure that the MTR Form is filled out completely and is legible. Provide as much information as possible to help determine if the request for move is a valid request. You will also need to include a medication list and any medical/hospital notes that would justify a medical move.

Once the county jail waiting list is verified, DOC Medical Services Administration will make a recommendation. The move request will either be approved and ODOC Population will have the inmate transferred into ODOC custody, or the move will be denied with a recommendation that the county jail seek medical care at the designated Host Facility. ODOC Population will schedule the move accordingly if approved.

If you have a question regarding a medical transfer, please call ODOC Medical Services Administration at 405-425-2307.  

Please keep a copy of these procedures on file and post the example forms to help any new personnel who may be assigned to you.

Janna Morgan, Ph.D.,
Chief Mental Health Officer
Fax: 405-425-2911

Mental Health services are provided at all facilities by a staff of professional psychiatrists, advance practice psychiatric nurses, psychologists, social workers, and master’s level counseling clinicians. Mental Health provides constitutionally required care for inmates and encompasses the entire spectrum of care, including screening/assessment; crisis intervention; co-occurring disorder treatment; suicide prevention; appropriate levels of outpatient, intermediate, and acute/inpatient mental health services; restrictive housing evaluations; and reentry/pre-discharge planning/preparation.

Inpatient care is provided at specialty housing units, which are located at Joseph Harp Correctional Center in Lexington and Mabel Bassett Correctional Center in McLoud. The agency also partners with the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services to coordinate intense reentry services for those inmates with serious mental illness. This partnership has yielded excellent results in successfully reintegrating this population back into the community with a decreased recidivism rate.

Mental Health services are provided by a staff of professional psychiatrists, advanced practice psychiatric nurses, psychologists, master’s level psychological clinicians, and social workers employed by the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. The Mental Health Services unit promotes recovery for inmates with serious mental illness, intellectual disabilities, and/or co-occurring disorders. Services encompass the entire spectrum of care, including screening/assessment, crisis intervention, suicide prevention, outpatient, intermediate, and acute/inpatient mental health services; and reentry services including pre-discharge planning/preparation. Inmates are also provided psychotropic medication services, with medication distributed by the Medical Services Unit’s nurses and pharmacists. In addition to inmate services, the Mental Health staff also provides facility training to employees regarding suicide prevention and awareness of issues related to working with inmates with serious mental illness.

The ODOC definition of a serious mental illness includes symptoms of a DSM (most current edition) mental disorder that causes maladjustment and/or personal suffering to the extent that medication is recommended and prescribed by a psychiatrist or a diagnosis in the groups of psychotic disorders, Bi-Polar, or Major Depression. Recent data indicates 38% of the total population currently exhibit symptoms of a serious mental illness.

Offenders with mental health problems continue to be increasingly overrepresented in the ODOC population compared to the community. The ODOC has developed a recovery model of mental health services that provides an integrated system of mental health care aligned with good correctional management designed to empower offenders with mental illness to attain each individual's maximum level of crime-free employment, self-care, interpersonal relationships, and community participation.

To achieve effective, cost-efficient mental health services, ODOC utilizes a unique mental health management classification information system that provides a concentration of staffing and designated housing for those inmates with the most serious mental illness in the least restrictive conditions that promote individual recovery and resilience while protecting the public. To provide concentrated services, specialized designated housing units have been established at Joseph Harp Correctional Center and Mabel Bassett Correctional Center. The more acute, inpatient care is provided on Mental Health Units (MHUs). Intermediate care and specialized reentry services are provided on Intermediate Care Housing Units (ICHUs), and specialized services for inmates with intellectual disabilities are provided in the Habilitation Program.

Collaborative Mental Health Reentry Program

The ODOC and the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) collaborative Mental Health Reentry Program transitions incarcerated inmates with serious mental illness into appropriate community-based mental health services in the community. Discharge Managers employed by ODMHSAS operate out of four DOC facilities (EWCC, JDCC, JHCC, MBCC, NFCC and OSP) and are part of the multidisciplinary treatment team. They coordinate the mental health reentry of inmates with a serious mental illness. Reentry Intensive Care Coordination Teams (RICCTs) are under ODMHSAS contracts to be responsible for engaging with the inmate with serious mental illness prior to discharge and then working with them in the community until they are fully participating in the appropriate community-based mental health and substance abuse services.

A recent outcome analysis of the program that was performed by ODMHSAS showed promising results. Outcomes of inmates served during the first 36 months of the program were compared with a baseline group comprised of similar individuals.

Collaborative Mental Health Reentry Program

Outcome Measure Baseline* FY 2012** FY 2015** FY 2018**
Inpatient Hospitalizations 8.70% 0.90% 2.30% 4%
Outpatient Service Utilization 55.10% 78.50% 76.20% 77.4%
Rate of Engagement in Community Based Services 11.70% 64.30% 57.10% 55.5%
Inmates Engaged in Medicaid 90 Days Post Release 14.50% 42.10% 36.60% 31.1%
Inmates Returning to Prison within 36 Months
42.30% 24.60% 24.00% 22%

*The baseline comparison group was comprised of similar individuals prior to program implementation (2006).

**These outcomes are derived every three years.

Paul Haines DDS, Chief Dental Officer

442586 East 250 Road
Vinita, OK 74301

Phone: 918-256-3392, ext. 256
Fax: 918-256-4421

Dental services are provided to all inmates by licensed dental professionals including dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants in twenty clinics at eighteen state-run facilities and monitored at private prisons throughout the state. Specialty dental care is contracted with OU College of Dentistry to provide elective oral surgery as indicated and emergency oral and maxillofacial surgery.

Last Modified on Oct 20, 2023
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