Section 06
- DOC 060102 A (Male) "Initial Custody Assessment Scale"
- DOC 060102 A (Female) "Initial Custody Assessment Scale"
- Attachment A "Offense Severity Categories"
- Attachment B “Case Plan”
- Attachment C "Program Needs Matrix"
- Attachment D "Office of Juvenile Affairs Facilities"
- DOC 060103 A (Male) "Custody Assessment Scale"
- DOC 060103 A (Female) "Custody Assessment Scale"
- Attachment A "Crimes Against Children"
- DOC 060106 A "Protective Measures Investigation"
- DOC 060106 B "Non-Association Form"
- DOC 060106 C "Special Management Offender Notice
- DOC 060106 D "Protective Custody Review"
- DOC 060125 A "Oklahoma Department of Corrections Offense Report"
- DOC 060125 B "Disciplinary Coordinator's Report"
- DOC 060125 C "Disciplinary Hearing Report (Class X or Violation Involving Restitution)"
- DOC 060125 C-1 "Disciplinary Disposition Report (Class A and B Offenses and Class X Guilty Pleas)"
- DOC 060125 D "Facility Misconduct Report Record"
- DOC 060125 E "Disciplinary Hearing Docket"
- DOC 060125 F "Response From Agency Director or Designee"
- DOC 060125 G "Amendment of Rule Violation"
- DOC 060125 H "Record of Delivery of Copies of Evidence to Inmate"
- DOC 060125 I "Witness Discretionary Action Record"
- DOC 060125 L "Inmate Misconduct Appeal Form for Class X Misconducts"
- DOC 060125 L-1 "Inmate Misconduct Appeal Form for Class A and B Misconducts"
- DOC 060125 M "Mental Health Disciplinary Process Consultation Log"
- DOC 060125 N "Change of Plea Form (Class X)"
- DOC 060125 O "Disciplinary Process Extension"
- DOC 060125 P "Review of Evidence"
- DOC 060125 R "Mental Health Recommendations Regarding Inmate Discipline"
- DOC 060125 S "Notice of Deferred Disposition Process for Misconduct Rule Violation (Class A and B)"
- DOC 060125 T "Request to Submit a Misconduct/Grievance Appeal Out of Time"
- DOC 060125 U "Assignment of Staff Representative"
- DOC 060125 V "Misconduct/Grievance Appeal to To Administrative Review Authority"
- Attachment A "Acts Constituting a Rule Violation"
- Attachment B "Disciplinary Hearing Guide"
- Attachment D "Deferred Hearing Process for Rule Violation"
- DOC 060201 A "Initial Orientation Verification"
- DOC 060203 A "Adjustment Review"
- DOC 060203 B "Intra-Facility Assignment Form"
- Attachment A "Projected Release Date"
- Attachment B "Instructions for Obtaining Social Security Card"
- DOC 060204 A "Facility Assignment Form"
- Attachment A "Facility Specific Criteria"
- Attachment B "Bus Ticket Request Form"
- DOC 060205 B "Parole Status Report"
- DOC 060205 C "Parole Stipulation Report"
- DOC 060205 D "Notice of Pardon and Parole Board Hearing Results"
- DOC 060205 E "Pending Parole Tracking Report"
- Attachment A "Parole Residence and Employment Verification Request"
- Attachment B "Medical Parole Commutation/Algorithm"
- Attachment E "Medical Parole Evaluation"
- Attachment F "Notification of Parole Hearing Date"
- Attachment G "ODOC Mental Health Services Treatment Recommendations Upon Parole"
- Attachment A "Oklahoma Department of Corrections Compact/Contract Transfer Application"
- Attachment B "Oklahoma Department of Corrections Compact Transfer Request Cover Sheet"
- Attachment C "Oklahoma Department of Corrections Interstate Compact Request"
- Attachment D "Oklahoma Department of Corrections Progress Report for Interstate Compact Inmates"
- Attachment A "Judicial Review Hearing Report"
- Attachment A "Offender Accountability Cover Letter"
- Attachment B "Offender Accountability Plan Delayed Sentencing Program for Young Adults"
- Attachment C "Consent for Release of Confidential Information"
- DOC 060211 A "Facility Audit Report"
- DOC 060211 B "Receipt for Prisoner / Documents / Detainer
- DOC 060211 C "Time Calculation Audit Form Prior to July 1986"
- DOC 060211 D "Time Calculation Audit Form"
- DOC 060211 E "Records Management Audit Report"
- DOC 060211 F "Facility Audit Log Sheet"
- DOC 060211 G "Application for Compact Services (Form V)"
- DOC 060211 H "Consolidated Record Card"
- DOC 060211 I "Interstate Investigation Request"
- DOC 060211 J "Application for Requisition for a Parole Violator"
- DOC 060211 K "Application for Requisition for an Escaped Inmate"
- DOC 060211 M "Monthly Offender Evaluation Time Credit Report"
- DOC 060211 N "Certificate of Release"
- DOC 060211 O "Notice of Inmate Status Change"
- DOC 060211 P "Eligibility for Enhanced Level 3 and 4 Credit Effective November 1, 2001"
- DOC 060211 Q "Acknowledgement of Release for Deportation Order"
- Attachment A "Application for Pre-November 1, 1988 Credit"
- Attachment B "Agreement on Detainers: Form I"
- Attachment C "Agreement on Detainers: Form II"
- Attachment D "Agreement on Detainers: Form III"
- Attachment E "Agreement on Detainers: Form IV"
- Attachment F "Agreement on Detainers: Form V"
- Attachment G "Agreement on Detainers: Form VI"
- Attachment H "Agreement on Detainers: Form VII"
- Attachment I "Agreement on Detainers: Form VIII"
- Attachment J "Agreement on Detainers: Form IX"
- Attachment K "Certificate of Authentication"
- Attachment L "Sentence Administration Audit Log Sheet"
- Attachment M "Explanation of Inmates' Rights Under Article IV of the Agreement on Detainers"
- Attachment N "Inmate's Agreement to Temporary Transfer of Custody"
- Attachment O "List of Ineligible Offenses" (57 O.S. 138, Subsection E)
- Attachment P "Notice of Transportation Costs"
- Attachment Q "Affidavit of Costs"
- Attachment R "Order"
- Attachment S "Restoration of Earned Credits Checklist"
- Attachment T "Restoration of Earned Credits Monthly Report"
- Attachment U "Reentry Programs"
- DOC 060212 A "Request for Death Certificate"
- DOC 060212 B "Request for Review of Individual Criminal History Record"
- DOC 060212 C "ODOC Challenge of Criminal History Record"
- DOC 060212 D "Request for Review of Individual Department of Corrections Record"
- DOC 060212 E "Record Transfer/Verification Sheet"
- DOC 060212 F "ODOC Authorization to Release DOC Record Information"
- Attachment B "Request for Additional Sentencing Information"
- DOC 060216 A "County Transport Invoice"
- Attachment A "Pre-Release Plan"
- Attachment B "Release Checkout Sheet"
- Attachment C "Voter Rights to Convicted Felons”
- Attachment D "Methamphetamine Offender Registration"
- Attachment E "Probation and Parole Offices"
- Attachment F "Instructions for Obtaining Proper Identification"
- Attachment G "Instructions for Birth Certificate Requests"
- Attachment H "Eligibility Criteria and Guidelines for Resume Development and Mock Interview Panel Participation"
- Attachment I "Occupational Licenses and Certifications"
- Attachment B "Offender Orientation (Passive)-Guidelines and Procedures"
- Attachment D "Rules and Conditions for GPS Surveillance Program"
- Attachment F "Notice for Offenders Assigned to the GPS Surveillance Program"
- Attachment G "Law Enforcement Notification of GPS Placement"
- Attachment H "GPS Residence and Employment Verification Request"
- Attachment M "GPS Packet Checklist"
- Attachment B "Offender Orientation (Passive)-Guidelines and Procedures"
- Attachment C "Electronic Monitoring Program for DUI Offenders Criteria"
- Attachment D "Rules and Conditions for the Electronic Monitoring Program for DUI Offenders"
- Attachment E "List of Violent Offenses"
- Attachment F "Notice for Offenders Assigned to the Electronic Monitoring Program for DUI Offenders"
- Attachment G "Electronic Monitoring Program for DUI Offenders Residence and Employment Verification Request"
- Attachment H "Monthly EMP Inventory Reconciliation"
- Attachment I "Imposition of Intermediate Sanctions"
- Attachment J "Documentation of Completion and Readiness"
- Attachment K "EMP Exit Form"
- Attachment L "EMP Packet Checklist"