Section 16
- DOC 160103 A "Written Report"
- DOC 160103 A "Written Report (Spanish)"
- DOC 160103 B "Travel Permit"
- Attachment A "Evidence-Based Offender Management Guidelines (Supplement to OP-160103"
- Attachment B "Case Review for Non-Module Placement Supervision"
- Attachment C "Transition Plan"
- Attachment D "Verification of General Orientation (English and Spanish)"
- Attachment E "Authorization for Release of Protected Information"
- Attachment A "Interstate Transfer Request Checklist"
- Attachment E "Case Transfer Notice"
- Attachment H "Statutory Termination Review for Continued Supervision on Suspended/Parole Cases"
- Attachment I "Notice of Termination of Active Probation Supervision"
- Attachment J "Inactive Parole Supervision Notice"
- Attachment K "Foreign Born and Suspected Foreign Born Report"
- Attachment A “Initial Case Audit”
- Attachment C “Supervision Review”
- Attachment D “Administrative Caseload Review Form”
- Attachment A "Order to Conduct Pre-Sentence Investigation"
- DOC 160301A "Pre-Pardon Investigation"
- DOC 160301B "Violation Report"
- DOC 160301C "Supplemental Report"
- DOC 160301D "Special Report"
- DOC 160301E "Arrest Report"
- DOC 160301F "Pre-Sentence Investigation"
- DOC 160501 A "Skill Building Review"
- DOC 160501 B "AOSA Process Critique"
- DOC 160501 C "EzAssess Assessor Profile"
- Attachment A "Sex Offender Autobiography"
- Attachment B "Transition Plan"
- Attachment D "Sex Offender Case Transfer Form"
- Attachment E "Treatment Standards"
- Attachment F "Standards for Polygraphy Examiners-Standards of Practice for Sex Offender Clinical Polygraph Examiners"
- Attachment G "Sex Offender GPS Orientation Guidelines and Procedures"
- Attachment H "Special Supervision Conditions for Sex Offenders"
- Attachment I "Oklahoma Computer Use Agreement for Sex Offenders"
- Attachment J "Sexual Reoffending Behaviors"
- DOC 160701 A "Factors for Consideration of Fee Reduction or Waiver Request"
- DOC 160701 B "Fee Collection Program Inmate/Offender Information"
- Attachment A "Administrative Caseload Checklist"
- Attachment B-1 "Request for Notification of Release" (Without a Warrant)
- Attachment B-2 "Request for Notification of Release" (With a Warrant)
- Attachment C "Administrative Supervision Information Acknowledgement"
- DOC 160901 A "Notice of Executive Revocation Hearing" English • Spanish
- DOC 160901 B "Notice of Finding of Probable Cause" English • Spanish
- DOC 160901 C "Notice of Probable Cause Hearing" English • Spanish
- DOC 160901 D "Parole Revocation Fact Sheet" English • Spanish
- DOC 160901 E "Checklist for Probable Cause Hearing"
- DOC 160901 F "Street Time Credit Review"
- DOC 160901 G "Imposition of Intermediate Sanctions-(temporary incarceration)"
- DOC 160901 H "Probable Cause Hearing Findings"
- DOC 160901 I "Imposition of Intermediate Sanctions-(excluding temporary incarceration)"
- DOC 160901 J "Consideration for Indigent Status"
- DOC 160901 K "Treatment Referral Voucher"
- DOC 160901 L "Monthly Approved Treatment Referral Ledger"
- Attachment A "Warrant Review Checklist"
- Attachment B "Parole Absconder Checklist"
- Attachment A "Program Removal Hearing Procedures and Rule and Condition Hearing Guide"
- Attachment B "Notice of Rule and Condition Violation"
- Attachment C "Program Rule and Condition Violation Hearing Action"
- Attachment D "Rule and Condition Violation Appeal Form and Due Process Review"
- Attachment E "GPS Alerts and Violations"
- Attachment F "DVR Instructions and Processing Alerts"
- Attachment H "Monthly EMP Inventory Reconciliation"
- Attachment I "Monthly GPS Inventory Reconciliation"
- Attachment J "Imposition of Intermediate Sanctions"
- Attachment K "Electronic Monitoring Exit Form"
- Attachment A "Allowable Sanctions/Interventions"
- Attachment B "Sanction/Intervention Matrix"
- Attachment C "Notice of Administrative Hearing"
- Attachment D "Diversion Agreement"
- Attachment E "Administrative Hearing Guide"
- Attachment F "Findings of Administrative Hearing Officer"
- Attachment G "Appeal of Administrative Hearing Sanction Form"
- Attachment H "Technical Violation Sanction Form-Jail Time"