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University Design Team Program

ODOT’s Oklahoma State University and Oklahoma University Design Teams are an extension of ODOT’s Design Division. These design teams are located on their respective campuses and are staffed with students employed by ODOT who are pursuing a civil engineering degree. The program is intended to . . .

• Develop students’ skills in the area of transportation within the field of civil engineering;
• Enhance students’ education by providing them with real-world experience; and
• Jump-start students into their engineering careers and prepare them to become future leaders within ODOT.

The program bridges the student’s education and future career as a professional civil engineer. Students graduating with a degree in civil engineering will be offered full-time employment with ODOT if recommended by their managers and positions are available.



1. Tuition reimbursement is available following the first year of employment in accordance with ODOT’s Tuition Reimbursement Policy.
2. A portion of the student’s time spent working in the design team may be counted toward the experience required to sit for the professional engineer (PE) exam.
3. Students are employed by ODOT and earn full state benefits.
4. Students work a minimum of 20 hours per week around their class schedule.
5. As employees of ODOT, students are eligible to continue their employment year-round, including summer and winter breaks.


1. The Completion of  30 college hours towards a civil engineering degree with at least a cumulative 2.5 GPA (overall and/or major) is required for initial employment or re-employment.

2. Complete at least 24 hours in the academic year (beginning in August) toward a civil engineering degree, with no grades below a C in any course.

3. Students must provide class schedules or transcripts at the beginning of each semester and official transcripts at the end of each semester to verify their continued program eligibility.

4. Students must remain in good academic standing with the University to continue in the program. At the end of each academic year, the student’s grades, work hours, and progression will be evaluated for continued program eligibility.


Oklahoma State University (OSU)

The University Of Oklahoma (OU)

Anthony Delce
Engineer Development Program Coordinator
200 N.E. 21st Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73105

The State of Oklahoma is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Quick Links:
Engineering Development Program (EDP)
Engineer Intern Rotation
Field Divisions and Construction Residencies
OK State Employee Benefits
State of Oklahoma Tourism
Summer Engineer Intern Program

Last Modified on Jun 24, 2024
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