Public input sought on SH-18 Cushing virtual public meeting live through June 28
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is offering a virtual public meeting to present information on a future project to widen and improve SH-18 at SH-33 in Cushing. The proposed project will add a center turn lane, widen shoulders and add sidewalks among other features to improve traffic movement along SH-18 between SH-33 and County Rd. EW690/Deep Rock Rd. This project is in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration.
The purpose of the virtual meeting is to inform the public of the proposed project and to solicit comments about the environmental and societal impact of widening SH-18, which will require some right-of-way acquisition. Engineers and planners are seeking comments on whether this project meets current traffic needs and to share with them any pertinent information about the corridor. The SH-18 widening is tentatively scheduled in FFY 2025 at an estimated $6.5 million.
SH-18 at SH-33 in Cushing
Virtual Public Meeting
Live June 14 through June 28
All project materials are available online at Written comments concerning this project may be submitted by June 28 in one of the following ways:
- Online at under Submit a Comment;
- By mail to the Environmental Programs Division Engineer, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, 200 N.E. 21st St., Oklahoma City, OK, 73105; or
- By email to
Questions and comments may be directed to the ODOT Environmental Programs Division at 405-325-3269 or Those without internet access may contact the ODOT Environmental Programs Division to request project information and submit comments by June 28. Those who need translation services may contact the ADA coordinator at 405-521-4140 or email