April Transportation Commission meeting scheduled for Monday, April 3
The Oklahoma Transportation Commission’s monthly meeting is scheduled for 11 a.m. Monday, April 3, in the R.A. Ward Transportation Building, 200 N.E. 21st St., Oklahoma City. Members of the public and media are invited to attend or watch the livestream video online.
Items to be addressed at the meeting:
- Secretary of Transportation and Oklahoma Department of Transportation Executive Director Tim Gatz will unveil the agency’s spring Work Zone Safety Awareness campaign, including a proclamation from Gov. Kevin Stitt and debut of a new public service announcement.
- Commissioners are expected to vote to award 62 projects totaling more than $52 million in municipal transportation alternatives such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, recreational trails, downtown revitalization and others, as part of the Transportation Alternative Program.
- Commissioners will also consider voting to approve $10 million to help eight cities address 11 structurally deficient bridges as part of Bridge Formula Program Funding.
- The commission is expected to vote on whether to award several contracts, among them, an estimated $4 million resurfacing of the Duncan Bypass in Stephens County, a more than $2 million resurfacing of US-60 near Fairland in Ottawa County and $2 million resurfacing of SH-9 between Newcastle and Norman in McClain County.The full agenda may be viewed here.
To watch the commission meeting video livestream:
- Ustream (Turn up the volume on your computer or other device and on Ustream)
- The meeting also will be recorded, captioned and available to the public online later.
The commission, a nine-member panel appointed by the governor and legislative leaders to oversee the state’s transportation development, awards project contracts for road and bridge construction on a monthly basis.
Last Modified on
Mar 31, 2023