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High school students can experience transportation in a new way through summer institute while building resume

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The National Summer Transportation Institute is back this year with not one, but two locations to choose from: Oklahoma State University in Stillwater and Northeastern State University. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation in partnership with both universities is offering this two-week free and informative camp. Students can enjoy a fun and educational experience this summer exploring careers in the transportation industry while building a resume.

High schoolers interested in science, technology, engineering, math and transportation will take statewide field trips to experience Oklahoma’s transportation infrastructure, see laboratory facilities and meet a variety of business, industry, city, state and federal officials to explore the world of transportation careers. Students will learn what college education is needed for success in these fields while networking with agencies, companies and executives to truly understand what a transportation career entails.

Apply for the National Summer Transportation Institute Camp for June 5-16

Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. June 5-9 and June 12-16

Students must be entering the ninth grade. OSU-Stillwater will be a residential camp, while NSU is non-residential. Students must have successfully completed pre-algebra and have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above to enroll. Space is limited to 40 students. Parents will need to provide an official school transcript or letter from the school verifying the applicant's GPA and completion of pre-algebra and write a paragraph explaining why the student is interested in participating in the camp and how participation supports their career goals. The camp is free of charge and applications will be taken under consideration in the order they are received. 

Interested parents and students are encouraged to complete the application via the above listed website links or contact OSU-OKC, Director of Disability Services and Diversity, or 405-945-3385 or, NSU Assistant professor, program coordinator Dr. Doug Martin at or 918-444-2925.

Last Modified on May 10, 2023
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