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Traffic Approved Products List

APL Committee Goals

The Traffic Approved Products List Committee is organized to review and deliberate over the product submissions received to manage and approve products for the Approved Products List. The goal for approving items shall focus on their safety, cost effectiveness, and viability for future projects as well as their durability, lifespan, and cost and complexity of maintenance after installation. 


            Step 1: Application

Any party wanting a product or series of products to be reviewed for eligibility to be included in the APL must fill out the form linked below and email the completed form to ODOT-Traffic Submittals <>.  Additional files such as demonstration videos, product literature, testing reports, etc. can be attached along with the submission form if the file size is under 35MB total. For files larger than that a file hosting link may be sent or instructions for sharing the files can be requested. A response of receipt will be sent out within 5 business days from when the form is received and a preliminary review of the application has been completed. For incomplete forms or forms requiring additional information instructions will be included in the receipt email to guarantee submission.

TNPE-1 Form link

Step 2: Evaluation

Once the forms and any additional required information are received they will be placed in a queue based on date of receipt. Some products may be pushed forward in the queue based on priority or necessity for use in future projects. From that queue the APL Committee will review as many products as possible during its regular meetings. For some products to be effectively reviewed product samples or on-site demonstrations may be required and reviews will be delayed until these requirements are met.

E-Mail For Information on Product Evaluation Status

Step 3: Approval / Denial

When the APL Committee has completed their evaluation and voted on the product’s approval status, the submitter of the initial application will be contacted with the result and any comments related to what led to such result.

Aprroved Products List

Product Status:

CONDITIONAL:  New products will require a conditional period no less than 1 year and must be evaluated installed with field conditions for that amount of time (not from date of approval). During this time the submitting vendor is required to keep track of all locations the product is utilized and the date of installation. If a product has historical use in other states that may be considered in the evaluation for full approval after at least 1 year. Conditional approval may vary between products for up to 5 years.

APPROVED:  Products that have been in use with ODOT previously may start out as “Approved”. New products after successfully finishing the “Conditional” phase will be moved to an “Approved” status. During this status phase all products will be occasionally inspected and re-evaluated to ensure expected performance. 

REJECTED:  Products that do not meet the APL Committee’s qualifications or ODOT’s specifications will be listed as “Rejected”. The submitter will be informed of the reason for rejection and given the opportunity to fix the issue. If the problem is rectified the product may be re-submitted for another review.

EXPERIMENTAL:  Products that do not have a current approved equal or specification may be placed in the “Experimental” status. This requires incorporation into a project where it can be monitored during installation and for a performance evaluation period usually ranging from 6 to 12 months depending on the type of product.  Unless otherwise specified, it will be the vendor’s responsibility to locate an active ODOT project, either construction or maintenance, which can incorporate the product.  This should be accomplished within one year of notice of “Experimental” status or the product will be rejected.

TNPE-2 Form link


All changes to a product must be resubmitted for review. Failure to do so will result in removal from the APL.

Unsatisfactory Performance, at any time, will result in a rejection of a product and removal from the APL.

The Inclusion of an item on the Approved Products List does not mean that the item meets the current Buy America requirements for federal projects as specified in 2019 Special Provisions 106-5. The burden of proof to verify that the product meets the Buy America provisions rests on the Contractor.

Last Modified on Aug 13, 2024
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