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Local Government Resources Tab

• The CIRB fund is state funds dedicated to the county highway system, to construct or reconstruct roads and bridges of the highest priority.
• The CIRB Five-Year Plan is approved by Transportation Commission.
• Previously capped at $120 million per year with 25% ($30 million) going directly to counties, in 2022 the Oklahoma Legislature agreed to raise the cap by $5 million per year for the next 6 years to eventually be capped at $150 million.
• Funding is split evenly between the 8 ODOT districts.


• Federal funding intended to reduce the number of structurally deficient (SD) bridges on the off-system in Oklahoma. This includes city and county owned bridges.

• Must be SD
• ODOT will administer the projects and program
• Can be 100% federally funded
• All federal requirements must be met

SD CITY BRIDGE PROGRAM – Program to assist cities repair or replace structurally deficient bridges in their incorporated city limits. Cities should complete the below Notice of Interest to assist ODOT in prioritization of projects.

SCOUR MITIGATION PROGRAM – Program designed to correct scour issues on structurally deficient bridges on the city and county system – currently reviewing 600 bridges for this program.

Lake Access Program

• State funds for surfacing reimbursement program.
• City/County forces prepare the base and drainage.

Municipal Road Drilling Activity Fund

  • $5M state funds dedicated to assist municipalities repair roadway damage caused by increased oilfield activity
  • Municipality must be under 15K population
  • Applications for FY25 are now open and will close o Sept. 30, 2024
  • Resolution
  • Application Link


• Federal Funds allocated as Transportation Alternatives. These projects are designed to improve the safety and connectivity within communities and cities through pedestrian, bicycle and recreational trail activities.
• Competitive application process – call for projects closes Sept. 30, 2022
• Final project submission – Nov. 1-Nov. 30
• Selection completed by independent committee
• Transportation Commission awards will be made April 2023
• Projects delivered by ODOT following all federal funding guidelines

Contact Local Government for more information

Industrial Access Programs

• State funded program to encourage economic growth and employment opportunities

Application Link:

Industrial Access Criteria


• State Funded Lease-Purchase program for County equipment. Budget varies depending on annual lease payments from the previous year.
• Allows counties to lease equipment through ODOT with a one-time 3% interest premium

Contact Local Government for more information

CAB Agenda

CAB Minutes

• Federal emergency relief fund for counties and cities who experience damage on major collectors due to a disaster. This funding is provided after a presidential declaration of a disaster or the Governor declares an emergency and FHWA concurs.
• It is a reimbursement program. Because of federal funding, federal requirements must be met for reimbursement, including R/W certs, NEPA clearances, Federal Authorizations, for claim payment.
• The ER Program reimburses for 100% of emergency repairs in the first 270 days, 80% after 270 days. Permanent repairs for county major collector roads are funded with 80% ER funds and 20% matching funds.
• Link to Federal Highway ER page:

Contact Local Government for more information

Last Modified on Aug 12, 2024