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Disability/Incapacity Determination

We are here to determine and serve disability and incapacity for the citizens of Oklahoma and ensure their health care needs are met.

Our purpose is to determine medical eligibility for TANF Incapacity requests, short term medical disability, which includes care in nursing facilities, the ADvantage waiver program for citizens, and immigrants that are in compliance with DHS policy and Social Security guidelines. We determine categorical relationship to the disabled for Developmental Disabilities Service Division Home and Community-based services waiver.

Categorical relationship to disability decisions are made in the Level of Care Evaluation Unit (LOCEU) using the same definition of disability as the Social Security Administration. A disability decision from the LOCEU to determine categorical relationship to the disabled is required only when SSA makes a disability decision effective after medical services were received or when SSA will not make a disability decision. If the disability will not last 12 months, a decision for disability is not needed from LOCEU.

Categorical relationship to disability decisions are made on individuals who have applied for the ADvantage waiver program, members on a DDSD waiver, individuals in nursing facilities and some immigrants.

LOCEU also makes TANF Incapacity decisions on individuals (citizens and immigrants) who will be substantially unable to perform their normal daily functions for 30 days or more due to a physical or mental incapacity.

The member must apply with the local county DHS office when a categorical relationship to disability decision is needed or an TANF Incapacity decision is needed. The social worker will inform the individual of the needed information and submit the appropriate form and medical information to the LOCEU for their decision.

For more information please contact us at or call (405) 522-7673.

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Last Modified on Dec 10, 2020
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