Library: Policy
340:50-11-114. Non-financial eligibility factors
Revised 6-1-09
(a) All household members must meet the citizenship requirements per OAC 340:50-5-67. If a person's status as a United States (U.S.) citizen or non-citizen national is questionable and was verified for another program, the worker accepts participation in that program as proof of citizenship or lawful alien status.
(b) Aliens who are otherwise ineligible for food benefits are not automatically eligible for food benefits because they receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The citizenship requirements supersede the categorical eligibility requirements. • 1
(c) A categorically eligible household receiving SSI or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is considered as having met the Social Security number (SSN) information, sponsored alien information, and residency requirements for food benefit purposes. • 2
Revised 9-15-17
1.Refer to Okahome Administrative Code (OAC) 340:50-5-67.
2.Households categorically eligible because they receive or are authorized to receive services through 2-1-1 Oklahoma are subject to rules in Subchapter 5 regarding Social Security numbers (SSN), sponsored alien information, and residency requirements.
(1) For SSN information refer to OAC 340:50-5-68.
(2) For sponsored alien information, refer to OAC 340:50-5-49.
(3) For residency requirements, refer to OAC 340:50-5-66.