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Library: Policy

340:75-1-152.3. Oklahoma Children's Services (OCS) initiation, transfer staffings, ongoing staffings, and family meetings

Revised 7-19-21

     Within one-business day of receiving approved referral, the OCS contractor notifies the child welfare (CW) specialist, CW supervisor, and OCS contract liaison of the referral's status.  The OCS contractor provides the name of the OCS contract staff assigned referral responsibility.  When the referral is placed on a waiting list, the contractor follows procedures in Oklahoma Administrative Code 340:75-1-152.  • 1 through 4


Revised 6-13-22

1.  Initiation of Oklahoma Children's Services (OCS).  When the referring child welfare (CW) specialist is notified the OCS referral was assigned by the OCS contractor, the CW specialist schedules an intake staffing to include all assigned CW specialists and other CW specialists associated with the case, per Instructions to Staff # 2 of this Section.

2.  Inclusion in the family meeting (FM).  OCS contract staff may be included in transfer staffings and FMs scheduled after a parent consented to participate in OCS.

3.  (a) OCS intake staffing.  The intake staffing is held within 15-business days from the OCS contractor's notification of case assignment.

(1) The CW specialist schedules the intake staffing in the family's home to:

(A) introduce contract personnel;

(B) review the reasons for the family's CW involvement; and

(C) discuss the expected behavioral changes.

(2) During the intake staffing, OCS contract staff:

(A) explain service protocols;

(B) exchange contact information; and

(C) plan a convenient schedule for future visits.

(b) Intake staffing location.  The intake staffing is a structured meeting involving the family, CW specialist, and OCS contract staff and is held in the family's home.  At least one adult parent or caregiver must be present at the intake staffing.  When necessary, another location offering comfort and privacy may be used.

(c) CW specialist's role in the intake staffing.  The CW specialist sets the tone for accomplishing the family's goals and service provisions that facilitate enhanced protective capacities and alleviates safety threats.  During the intake meeting, the CW specialist reviews the reason for CW involvement with the family and defines the OCS contractor's purpose, roles, and expectations, including the specific behavioral changes needed to support the child's safety.

(d) Person responsible for the child's health, safety, or welfare (PRFC) and his or her understanding of program requirements.  Prior to asking the PRFC to sign the contractor's consent to services, the OCS contractor informs the PRFC what to expect and what is required of the PRFC during services.  This includes information-sharing that occurs between the CW specialist and the OCS contractor regarding the family.  Parents are informed:

(1) each child:

(A) is seen at each visit;

(B) younger than 12 months of age is seen unclothed; and

(C) has his or her sleeping arrangements assessed for safety; and

(2) about the possible consequences of a lack of cooperation or participation.

4.   (a) Ongoing staffing of open CW cases.

(1) The OCS contractor staffs open OCS cases with the assigned CW specialist or CW supervisor a minimum of once per month, preferably in a face-to-face meeting with additional staffing available via phone and email, when needed.  Monthly staffings include a discussion of:

(A) progress toward goal achievement  and service completion, including behavioral changes to increase protective capacity;

(B) changes in the household that impact the family's functioning including, but not limited to:

(i) physical, mental, or emotional conditions that impair parental functioning;

(ii) changes of employment or financial status;

(iii) changes in household composition; and

(iv) changes in the physical, mental, and behavioral health of the children; and

(C) current or previous safety threats present in the home and efforts to control those safety threats.

(2) Monthly staffings occur until the CW staff and the contractor determine services are completed or may be ended based on the family's progress.

(b) Ongoing staffing of closed CW case.

(1) When there is not an open CW case, the OCS contractor staffs CHBS and PAS cases with the OCS contract liaison a minimum of once per month, preferably in a face-to-face meeting with additional staffing available via phone and email, when needed. Monthly staffings include discussion of the:

(A) progress toward goal achievement and service completion, including behavioral changes to increase protective capacity;

(B) changes in the household that impact family functioning including, but not limited to:

(i) physical, mental, or emotional conditions that impair parental functioning;

(ii) changes of employment or financial status;

(iii) changes in the composition of the household; and

(iv) changes in the physical, mental, and behavioral health of the children; and

(C) development of any potential safety threats or diminished protective capacities.

(2) Monthly staffings occur until services, as determined by the CW staff and the contractor, are completed or may be ended based on the family's progress.

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