Library: Policy
340:75-10-8.4. Runaway or abducted children in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) managed and operated shelters
Issued 7-1-11
(a) Non-secure shelter setting. In accordance with OAC 340:110-3-167, OKDHS managed and operated shelters are non-secure residential programs that provide emergency care and supervision for children.
(b) Restraining young and vulnerable children attempting to leave without permission. Use of physical force, when authorized, is the least force necessary under the circumstances and is permitted by Section 1-7-105 of Title 10A of the Oklahoma Statutes to deter children who are in the process of leaving the OKDHS facility without authorization. • 1
Issued 7-1-11
1.When a runaway incident is suspected.When shelter staff suspects a child may run away from the shelter facility, the resident is counseled about the dangers of running away.The assigned CW worker or CW supervisor is involved in the counseling, when feasible.
2.Physical efforts to detain runaway child.Shelter staff may use discretion in pursuing youth 13 years of age or older, depending on the youth's abilities or disabilities or actively engage in efforts to physically detain children from leaving the shelter.Physical behavior management techniques are utilized, when necessary, for children 12 years of age and younger who attempt to leave the shelter without permission.When feasible, shelter staff pursue residents attempting to leave without permission and return them to the shelter.
3.Search and notification of runaway child.Shelter staff conduct an active search of the premises and notify the child's CW worker, supervisor, or county director of any actual departure of a child from the shelter.
4. Notification to law enforcement of runaway or abducted child.The child's CW worker follows procedures in OAC 340:75-6-48.3 Instructions to Staff when a child runs away or is abducted from an OKDHS managed and operated shelter.The on-duty shelter CWS or DCS supervisor immediately notifies local law enforcement when:
(1) a child runs away or is abducted from the shelter to file a missing persons report; and
(2) the child is located to cancel the missing persons report.
5.Notification to court of jurisdiction by child's CW worker.When a child runs away or is abducted from the shelter, the child's CW worker:
(1) notifies the court of jurisdiction of the child's runaway or abducted status and requests a pick-up order or warrant for the child;
(2) informs the parent(s), legal guardian, or other responsible family members of the child's runaway or abducted status;
(3) when the child is located, notifies the court to cancel the pick-up order or warrant; and
(4) informs the child's parent(s), legal guardian, or other responsible family members of the child's status.