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Library: Policy

340:75-3-130. Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline

5  through 14 and • 16  through 20

Revised 9-15-2021

(a) Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline (Hotline).  Per Section 1-2-101 of Title 10A of the Oklahoma Statutes (10A O.S. § 1-2-101), Oklahoma Human Services (OKDHS) established a statewide, centralized Hotline that operates 24 hours per day to receive child abuse or neglect reports, and reports made by any person subject to the provisions of the Sex Offenders Registration Act who resides with a minor child, per 57 O.S. § 584.  An allegation of child abuse or neglect reported in any manner to an OKDHS county office is immediately referred to the Hotline.

(b) Hotline tracking system.  Per 10A  O.S. § 1-2-101, OKDHS maintains a system to track the number of calls the Hotline received and the number of:

(1) calls screened out;

(2) referrals assigned;

(3) calls received by persons unwilling to disclose basic personal information including, but not limited to, first and last names; and

(4) unsubstantiated or ruled out allegations.

(c) Screening Hotline reports.  Each report received at the Hotline is screened to determine whether the allegations meet the definition of child abuse or neglect and are within the scope of child protective services (CPS) assessment or investigation, per 10A O.S. §§ 1-1-101 et seq. and Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:75-3.  When the allegations are not appropriate for CPS, the reporter may be provided an explanation as to why an assessment or investigation will not be conducted and, when appropriate, where a referral may be made to assist the family.  • 1 & 2

(d) Time limitations for accepting reports for assessment or investigation.  CPS intervention is limited to current situations as the CPS focuses on identifying and protecting children presently at risk or who will be at risk when safety measures are not put in place.

(1) When a report is received that alleges abuse or neglect that is not recent, information is obtained to determine if there is reason to believe the child or other children may presently be at risk or in present danger.

(2) When information does not indicate a child is presently at risk or in present danger, CPS intervention may not be warranted.

(e) Disposition of the screened-out report.  When a report is received that is not appropriate for CPS, however, services are needed, OKDHS may make a referral to an OKDHS or outside resource for emergency food, shelter, medical services, or counseling.  • 3 & 4

(f) Response to reporter concerning a screened-out report.  The reporter may be informed of the decision to screen out the referral and the reason for the decision.  • 15

(g) OKDHS response to reports of child abuse or neglect.  Per 10A O.S. § 1-2-105, OKDHS responds to an accepted report of child abuse or neglect by initiating an assessment of the family or an investigation of the report in accordance with priority guidelines.  The primary purpose of the assessment or investigation is the protection of the child.  For assessments or investigations, OKDHS gives special consideration to the risks of any minor child, including a child with a disability, who is vulnerable due to his or her inability to communicate effectively about abuse, neglect, or any safety threat.

(h) Prioritization of child abuse and neglect reports.  Per 10A O.S. § 1-2-105, OKDHS prioritizes reports of alleged child abuse or neglect based on the severity and immediacy of the alleged harm to the child and assigns a response time.  • 1

(1) Priority I reports.  A Priority I report indicates the child is in present danger and at risk of serious harm or injury.  Allegations of abuse and neglect may be severe and conditions extreme.  The situation is responded to immediately, the same day the report is received.  • 2 & 3

(2) Priority II reports.  Priority II is assigned to all other reports.  The response time is established based on the vulnerability and risk of harm to the child.  Priority II assessments or investigations are initiated within two- to 10-calendar days from the date the report is accepted for assessment or investigation.  • 2 & 4

(i) Accepted report assigned as assessment or investigation.

(1) An assessment is conducted when a report meets the abuse or neglect guidelines but does not constitute a serious and immediate safety threat to a child.

(2) An investigation is conducted when:

(A) a report meets the abuse or neglect guidelines and constitutes a serious and immediate threat to the safety of a child, per 10A O.S. § 1-1-105;

(B) three or more reports were previously accepted for assessment or investigation regarding the family, per 10A O.S. § 1-2-102;

(C) the family has been the subject of a deprived petition, per 10A O.S. § 1-2-102; or

(D) the child was diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome or OKDHS determines the child meets the definition of "drug-endangered child," per 10A O.S. § 1-1-105 and OAC 340:75-3-450.

(j) Referral recordings.  Per 10A O.S. § 1-2-101(A)(5), OKDHS electronically records each referral received by the Hotline and retains the recordings securely for 12 months.  The recordings are confidential and subject to disclosure only when the court orders the disclosure of the referral.  OKDHS redacts any information identifying the reporting party unless otherwise ordered by the court.


Revised 2-2-24

1.  (a) Purpose of the centralized Oklahoma Human Services (OKDHS)  Abuse and Neglect Hotline (Hotline) child protective services (CPS) intake process.  Assessment of safety begins at intake and continues until case closure.  The Hotline CPS intake process includes:

(1) assisting and guiding the reporter with providing information regarding the alleged child abuse or neglect;

(2) interpreting what child abuse or neglect is to the reporter;

(3) identifying possible child abuse or neglect; and

(4) gathering sufficient information to make decisions about the alleged abuse or neglect as well as information pertaining to the six key questions located on Form 04KI030E, Assessment of Child Safety, and outlined in Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:75-3-210.

(b) CPS intake decisions.  Decisions are made during CPS intake at the Hotline in response to questions in (1) and (2) of this subsection.

(1) Does the report meet OKDHS guidelines for child abuse or neglect or indicate safety threats to a child?

(2) How urgent is the report?

(c) Referral recording maintenance.  OKDHS electronically records each referral received by the Hotline and secures the recordings for 12-months.  The recordings are confidential and subject to disclosure only when a court orders disclosure, per Section 1-2-101 of Title 10A of the Oklahoma Statutes (10A O.S. § 1-2-101).  When the court orders the referral's disclosure, OKDHS redacts any information identifying the reporting party unless otherwise ordered by the court. 

2. Hotline functions.   OKDHS provides the Hotline phone number, 1-800-522-3511,  to the public for reporting child abuse and neglect.  The Hotline does not take messages for OKDHS employees or others.  Hotline functions include:

(1) documenting and processing reports received at the Hotline in the Child Abuse and Neglect Information System (KIDS);

(2) determining if the allegations require an emergency response and notifying district Child Welfare Services (CWS) personnel immediately when an emergency response is necessary; and

(3) conducting Information Management System (IMS) and KIDS searches for each person listed on the report and, when applicable, documenting on the report when the IMS or KIDS search was not completed for reasons, such as KIDS down time.

3. District office notification of a report of child abuse or neglect.  During OKDHS business hours, the Hotline specialist enters the child abuse and/or neglect report in KIDS.  The Hotline specialist forwards the report via KIDS to the district where the child victim is located.

(1) After business hours, when the referral requires an emergency response, the Hotline specialist phones the district office; the Hotline specialist may phone the district office during business hours when the referral requires an emergency response.

(A) When a child victim resides in one county and is located in a contiguous county at the time of the referral, the Hotline notifies the county of residence.

(B) When a child victim resides in one county and is located in a non-contiguous county at the time of the referral, the Hotline notifies the county where the child victim is located.  When there are multiple child victims located in various counties, the Hotline notifies each county where an alleged victim is located.

(2) The assigned district where the child victim is located notifies and coordinates the investigation with other counties to facilitate safety.

(3) Each district maintains within KIDS a current child welfare (CW) specialist on-call list that includes contact information for local law enforcement, per the joint response protocol.

(4) When the original acceptance or prioritization requires change, the Hotline completes an override and enters the new designation in KIDS.

(5) When a referral is received by the district and the referral:

(A) does not meet acceptance criteria per a district staff review;

(B) is going to be addressed in an ongoing case or investigation; or

(C) allows for the referral to be screened out with additional information:

(i) the district supervisor sends an email to *CWS.DisputedReferrals stating the referral number, referral name, priority assigned, due date,  reason for requesting review, and the additional information received to justify a screen-out disposition.  The assigned specialist documents the additional information prior to sending for review to the Hotline;

(ii) the Hotline supervisor reviews the referral and makes a determination if the referral is appropriate to screen out; more information is needed; or the referral is to remain assigned;

(iii) an email is sent by the Hotline supervisor to the requesting district supervisor and district director or field manager, when needed, informing them of the decision;

(iv) for referrals dispositioned as a Priority I, the Hotline supervisor makes a determination within one hour when no additional information is needed.  When the additional information is obtained, a response is sent promptly; (v) for referrals dispositioned as a Priority II, the Hotline supervisor makes a determination the same calendar day as receipt of the request, when no additional information is needed.  When the additional information is obtained, a response is sent the day of receipt of the information; and

(vi) when the district  supervisor disagrees with the response from the Hotline supervisor, after consultation with the  field manager, the  field manager emails the Hotline director and Hotline assistant directors requesting a second-level review.  The request includes the details and justification of how the report justifies a screen-out; and

(D) a report cannot be screened-out when:

(i) contact was made with the alleged victim or sibling;

(ii) contact was made with the PRFC or alleged perpetrator; or

(iii) an attempt to contact the family in the family’s home was completed.

4. (a) Interviewing the child abuse or neglect reporter.  The process of interviewing the person reporting suspected abuse or neglect is critical to child protection.  The Hotline specialist documents the report  on Form 04KI001E, Referral Information Report.  Gathering background information begins immediately upon receipt of a report of abuse or neglect.

(b) Assisting the reporter.  The Hotline specialist assists the reporter by:

(1) responding to the reporter's fears and concerns; and

(2) discussing confidentiality.

(A) Per 10A O.S. § 1-6-102 requirements, the disclosure of information that may serve to identify any person who reported an allegation of known or suspected child abuse or neglect is prohibited unless the disclosure is specifically ordered by the court.

(B) When a report of abuse or neglect alleges someone other than the person responsible for the child's (PRFC) health, safety, or welfare is the perpetrator, the reporter is advised the reported information is provided to law enforcement, and when law enforcement requests, the reporter's identity may also be provided verbally;

(3) explaining the importance of reporting;

(4) explaining the CPS role;

(5) explaining what information may be disclosed upon completion of the assessment or investigation to the reporter who properly identifies himself or herself; and

(6) providing the identified reporter with the KIDS referral number.

(c) Gathering information.  The focus of the interview with the reporter is to obtain information that relates to harm or threatened harm to the child.  Information obtained focuses on, but is not limited to:

(1) the alleged abuse or neglect;

(2) each child in the home;

(3) each PRFC; and

(4) family functioning, strengths, and support systems.

5Documenting the child abuse or neglect report.

(1) The Hotline specialist makes diligent efforts to obtain and document:

(A) the reporter's name, address, and phone number;

(B) the reporter's relationship to the child and the child's family and how well the reporter knows the child and the child's family;

(C) if the reporter knows of previous abuse or neglect;

(D) the reason for reporting;

(E) the reporter's source of information, such as personal knowledge or other sources;

(F) the names of collateral persons who may have relevant information regarding the report of child abuse or neglect;

(G) the family's response to the reporter's safety concerns when the reporter shared the concerns with the family;

(H) the child's and PRFC's identities and locations;

(I) if the reporter knows of any unsafe conditions in the home, such as:

(i) loaded firearms or other weapons;

(ii) persons who are volatile or mentally ill; and

(iii) the use or abuse of and types of illegal substances, or the known manufacturing or distribution of illegal substances;

(J) the seriousness of the situation and the urgency of a response;

(K) the family's primary language;

(L) the reporter's knowledge of the family's functioning as it relates to the six key questions located on Form 04KI030E and identified in OAC 340:75-3-210;

(M) the reporter's knowledge of the family's or child's tribal affiliation or if the child may be a ward of a tribal court;

(N) if there is any reason to believe the child may be an Indian child or resides on tribal land; and

(O) the reporter's knowledge of any disability or medical condition of any child in the home or caregiver in the home that might affect the caregiver's ability to protect the child.

(2) The Hotline specialist gathers background information by:

(A) searching for each person listed in the report in:

(i) KIDS for protective services alerts or previous CW reports; and

(ii) IMS, including an X-mail address search;

(B) contacting CPS Programs Unit staff immediately for additional information when a child protective services alert is found; and

(C) reviewing OKDHS history when a person listed in the report received services.

(i)  The Hotline specialist checks all OKDHS record sources , including:

(I) medical services;

(II) Adult and Family Services;

(III) Child Support Services;

(IV) OKDHS adoption records, when applicable;

(V) foster care resource and pre-resource records; and

(VI) the Juvenile On-Line Tracking System (JOLTS), when applicable.

(ii) When the CW case record is stored in Post-Adoption Services, in restricted status on KIDS, or stored in archives, CPS is contacted for assistance in obtaining necessary case information.

(3) When a registered sex offender is calling to report residing with a child, the Hotline specialist obtains the name and date of birth of each child in the home and the offense that the person is required to register for, per the Sex Offender Registration Act, 57 O.S. §§ 581 et seq.  In addition, the Hotline specialist is to collect the required information in (1) and (2) of this Instruction.

6. Exceptions to records and background information search.  Prior to accepting the report, an OKDHS records and background search is conducted regarding each person listed in the report unless it is not possible to access KIDS or IMS.

7. Previous report with unable to locate finding assigned with new report.  Critical thinking and sound judgement are used with any allegation previously made that resulted in a finding of unable to locate.  When it is determined the previous allegation needs to be addressed, the previous report with unable to locate is documented on Form 04KI001E, Referral Information Report, and assigned for assessment or investigation with the new report.

8.   Criteria for screening reports.

(1) Extreme care is taken when making screening decisions.  The Hotline supervisor or specialist considers the potential risk factors and safety threats described by the reporter and the child's age and vulnerability.

(A) When the reporter does not report specific allegations of abuse or neglect, the child's age and vulnerability are considered during the screening process.

(B) Reports regarding children 5 years of age and younger are screened with extreme caution due to the young child's vulnerability to serious and life-threatening consequences resulting from abuse or neglect.

(C) CW history is considered when making screening decisions.

(D) Reports regarding children with disabilities are screened with extreme caution.  The Hotline supervisor considers the child's functioning level and abilities based on his or her reported disability and the child's vulnerability to serious and life-threatening consequences resulting from abuse, neglect, or any other safety threat including his or her inability to communicate effectively.

(E) Reports are not screened out regarding an unaccompanied minor, including a child who is homeless, staying in multiple places or in the care of an adult who is not legally responsible for the child, when the PRFC's location is unknown or the PRFC refuses to provide housing, clothing, food, education, or medical or mental health care for the unaccompanied minor.

(F) Judicial reports are not screened out except with the referring court's permission.

(G) Reports regarding a newborn born into an open permanency planning (PP) or family-centered services (FCS) case are screened with extreme caution and cannot be screened out when:

(i) reunification of a sibling currently in out-of-home placement is not recommended;

(ii) a pending request for termination of parental rights (TPR) to a sibling exists;

(iii) TPR to a sibling occurred and no evidence exists of the condition being corrected that caused the TPR to the sibling;

(iv) a sibling is currently in an out-of-home Safety Plan; or

(v) conditions that led to CW system involvement were not corrected.

(2) Reports appropriate for screening out that are not accepted for assessment or investigation are reports:

(A) that clearly fall outside the definitions of abuse and neglect, per OAC 340:75-3-120, including minor injury to a child 10 years of age and older who has no significant child abuse and/or neglect history or history of neglect that would be harmful to a young or disabled child, but poses less of a threat to a child 10 years of age and older;

(B) concerning a victim 18 years of age and older, unless the victim is in voluntary placement with OKDHS;

(C) where there is insufficient information to locate the family and child;

(D) where there is an indication that the family needs assistance from a social service agency but child abuse or neglect is not indicated;

(E) that indicate a child 6 years of age and older is spanked on the buttocks by a foster or trial adoptive parent with no unreasonable force used or injuries observed, per OAC 340:75-3-410.  The screened-out report is referred to Foster Care as a policy violation;

(F) that indicate the alleged perpetrator of child abuse or neglect is not a PRFC, there is no indication the PRFC failed to protect the child, and the report is referred to local law enforcement; (G) the family resides on tribal land and includes tribal members or the family is a tribal foster home with placement of only tribal custody children and the tribe accepted jurisdiction of the investigation;

(H) allegations of abuse or neglect by a safety plan monitor for a child in an out-of-home safety plan are screened-out and assigned to the county of jurisdiction as a Safety Plan Alert; and

(I) concerns for a newborn who is experiencing symptoms of, or is diagnosed with, withdrawal or symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, but the allegations do not require a coinciding CPS Investigation, are screened-out as a Plan of Safe Care and assigned to the county of residence as a Plan of Safe Care.

(3) Reports that meet the definition of abuse or neglect and have sufficient information to conduct an assessment or investigation are assigned, including:

(A) anonymous reports;

(B) custody or visitation disputes where abuse or neglect is alleged even when there are numerous reports;

(C) reports concerning a family with a history of previous reports.  There may be a legitimate explanation why previous assessments or investigations did not reveal enough information to substantiate the previous report;

(D) unaccompanied minors or children who are homeless, staying in multiple places, or are otherwise without an adult who is legally responsible, able, and willing to provide for the child’s basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, medical or mental health care, and education; or

(E) children who are in congregate care, including inpatient hospitalization and detention, whose parents have expressed an intent to abandon the child.

(4) When a CW specialist responds to a report by interviewing or observing the alleged child victim(s), sibling(s), non-offending PRFC(s), or alleged perpetrator(s), the report cannot be screened out and CPS assessment or investigation protocol is followed, per OAC 340:75-3-200, 340:75-3-210, or 340:75-3-220.

9. Substance-affected newborns not accepted for investigation.

(1) When a report is received concerning an infant diagnosed with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), commonly referred to as withdrawal or fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), and the report is not accepted for investigation, the Hotline supervisor:

(A) documents the information  on Form 04KI001E, Referral Information Report, and  screens out the referral  with a screen-out reason of "plan of safe care"; and

(B) enters the plan of safe care referral  and  assigns the referral to the mother's county of residence.

(2) A new report is entered and forwarded to the Hotline any time the NAS- or FASD-diagnosed infant is at risk of abuse or neglect.

10Reporter, collaterals, family, or other contacts during the screening process.  Contact with the reporter, collaterals, family, or other contacts may be necessary during the screening process when:

(1) a report concerns a child who was raped but the perpetrator is unknown.  The  district personnel contacts law enforcement to determine if the perpetrator is a PRFC or a third party;

(2) a reporter does not provide critical information to make an informed decision regarding the disposition of a report or has secondhand information, but supplies the name of someone who has more direct information.  The Hotline specialist or district personnel may contact another person to obtain first-hand or additional information.

(i) Good judgment is used when deciding which person may supply clarifying or additional information without that person notifying the family of the report.

(ii) Extreme care is taken not to provide details of the child abuse and neglect report when contacting collaterals for additional information.

(iii) All contacts are made for the sole purpose of gathering information to assist in the screening process and are not intended to be used as a tool to avoid assignment of a report.

(iv) Neither the Hotline specialist nor district personnel may contact the alleged victim(s), sibling(s), non-offending PRFC(s), or alleged perpetrator(s) in an attempt to gather additional information during the screening process, unless said person is the reporter and the contact is made for purposes stated in (i) - (iii); or

(3) the Hotline specialist has reason to believe the collateral will notify the family of the screened-out report.  

11Preliminary inquiry when reports of abuse, neglect, or injury of a child received in an open PP, trial reunification, Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC), or FCS case.

(1) When the child, who is a party to an open PP, trial reunification, ICPC, or FCS case is reported to have a physical injury and the injury's cause is unexplained, the report may be managed as a preliminary inquiry.

(2) When the Hotline receives a referral, the Hotline refers the report for a preliminary inquiry to the CW specialist responsible for the child.

(A) The CW specialist conducts and completes a preliminary inquiry within 23-hours of the report's receipt.  The preliminary inquiry includes observing and photographing the alleged injury and interviewing the:

(i) child;

(ii) adult witnesses; and

(iii) person who was the direct caregiver at the time of the incident.

(B) When an injury is unexplained and appears to be consistent with normal childhood play or development, the CW specialist may utilize critical thinking skills and determine with supervisory consultation that a medical examination is not required.  The supervisory consultation must be entered into the KIDS Case Contacts screen explaining the decision not to seek a medical examination.

(C) The preliminary inquiry may include seeking a professional medical opinion when the explanation is implausible or is unexplained, and is not consistent with normal childhood play or development, as provided in (B) of this paragraph.  A medical examination or consultation with a medical professional is required when a:

(i) child 5 years of age and younger or a child with a perceived or diagnosed physical or developmental disability has any unexplained injury that does not meet the criteria provided in (B) or any implausibly explained or unexplained bruise or injury to the head, face, ears, neck, stomach, or genitals;

(ii) non-ambulatory child has a bruise, burn, or fracture; or

(iii) child 5 years of age and younger or a child with a perceived or diagnosed physical or developmental disability has a broken bone or fracture.

(D)  The CW specialist photographs injuries and  stores in the case file by scanning into the  KIDS  document management system.

(E) The CW specialist documents all information related to the injury in the  referral Contacts screen.

(F) The CW specialist documents the injury's details in the child's case KIDS Injury screen.

(G) The CW specialist reports the results of the preliminary inquiry to the Hotline and based on the information, the report is:

(i) screened out as an accidental injury; or

(ii) assigned for investigation.

(H)  The CW specialist who conducted the preliminary inquiry documents information justifying the screen-out disposition  in the referral Contacts screen and on Form 04KI001E .

(3) During the course of open PP, trial reunification, ICPC, or FCS required contacts, any information outlined in paragraph (2)(A) - (F) is gathered prior to a referral being received at the Hotline and the outcome of the preliminary inquiry process does not indicate a suspicion of abuse, neglect, or both, a referral to the Hotline is not necessary when criteria (A) - (D) are met.

(A) The child is thoroughly inspected for additional injuries to include rearrangement of clothing when necessary.

(B) The documentation is entered into the child's case KIDS Injury screen.

(C) Prior to the decision not to contact the Hotline regarding an observed injury to the head, face, ears, neck, stomach, or genitals or a burn or fracture to a child 5 years of age and younger or to a child with a perceived or diagnosed developmental disability, the CW specialist and CW supervisor must consult with their assigned  field manager.

(D) The  field manager  reviews all necessary information to make an informed safety decision and determine if a referral is made to the Hotline.

12.   Safety Plan Alert.  The Hotline documents reports concerning allegations of abuse or neglect by an out-of-home safety plan monitor, or reports that a child's safety is being compromised, and screens out the report with a screen-out reason of Safety Plan Alert.  The report is case connected to a new case with the case type of Safety Plan Alert.  The report is not connected to the open FCS, permanency planning, or biological case history of either the safety plan monitor or the parent of the child.

(1) The report is assigned to the county of jurisdiction with open involvement.  The assigned CW specialist:

(A) conducts a private interview with the child and any child living in the home included in the out-of-home Safety Plan as to the reported concern, and physical and emotional safety in the out-of-home Safety Plan;

(B) discusses the concern with the out-of-home safety plan monitor and any adult living in the home of the out-of-home Safety Plan;

(C) reports any allegation of sexual or physical abuse, torture, confinement, unexplained or implausibly explained injury, or any other potential crime to law enforcement;

(D) evaluates the current Safety Plan, the child’s needs and determine what action steps are needed to resolve the concern;

(E) documents all interviews, action steps, and resolution of the concern in a contact of the safety plan alert as "safety plan alert follow-up";

(F) documents a contact in the open FCS or Permanency Planning case referencing the safety plan alert and coinciding referral number; and

(G) requests end date of the assignment upon resolution of the concern.

(2) When the ongoing specialist receives or observes a safety concern or allegation of abuse or neglect by the out-of-home safety plan monitor, a report is made to the hotline and the above process is completed.

13Documenting screened-out and information and referral (I&R) files.  The Hotline supervisor documents screen-out reasons on Form 04Kl001E.  Each report not assigned for assessment or investigation, including I&R files, is documented in KIDS.  I&R information is documented when the reported information is clearly not child abuse or neglect, but there is:

(1) an indication the family may benefit from a referral to other services, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, immunizations, services at the local health department, or a local food pantry;

(2) no open investigation; and

(3) no existing KK case.

14. Duplicate reports of child abuse or neglect.  Allegations concerning the same incident received from the same or a different reporter are considered duplicate reports.  When a duplicate report is received and the initial report is assigned for assessment or investigation, the duplicate report may be screened out and associated with the assigned assessment or investigation.

15. Subsequent reports of child abuse or neglect. 

(1) Allegations concerning the same child and family received within 45-calendar days of a previously accepted and assigned report may be screened out and the allegations addressed in the on-going report.

(2) A subsequent report containing allegations of a child death, child near death, child trafficking, or sexual abuse to a child by a PRFC or other adult who has close contact or access to the child are not screened out as a subsequent report and the allegations are investigated in the new report.

16. Response to reporter concerning a screened-out report.  When a report does not meet the criteria for acceptance, the reporter is advised the information he or she provided is kept and that future reported allegations of child abuse or neglect that meet the criteria will be accepted for assessment or investigation.

17. Guidelines for designation of the accepted report as an assessment or investigation.  The guidelines outlined in this Instruction to Staff assist the Hotline specialist and supervisor decide if a report is designated as an assessment or investigation and establish response times for initiation.  The guidelines are not all-inclusive and do not replace critical thinking and sound judgment when assessing risk factors and safety threats.

(1) Risk factors considered in conjunction with the guidelines.  As in any decision-making process, the risk factors are considered first rather than strictly following the guidelines.  Risk factors include the:

(A) child's vulnerability.  The alleged child victim's ability to self-protect is a critical risk factor based on the child's age, functioning, disability, and developmental stage.  Allegations concerning the child 5 years of age and younger potentially constitute a serious and immediate safety threat to the child's health and safety.  An older child may be vulnerable due to disability, past victimization, surroundings, or other factors;

(B) previous reports regarding the family;

(C) severity of the allegations and alleged injury;

(D) alleged perpetrator's access to the child; and

(E) alleged victim's location.

(2) An investigation is the more cautious approach and has an initiation response time of five-calendar days or less.

18.   Assessing prior CW and other background history.

(1) Background information includes when the child and family are:

(A) known to OKDHS and CPS;

(B) currently receiving OKDHS or CW services;

(C) known to CPS in another state; or

(D) known to law enforcement, due to reports of violent crimes, domestic violence, substance use or abuse, or sexual abuse.

(2) When a family has three or more previous CW reports, the CW specialist and CW supervisor:

(A) review and discuss each previous report and the information contained in the entire case record;

(B) determine if there is a pattern of behavior that contributes to safety threats within the family;

(C) decide when additional information is needed to determine if there are significant problems within the family; and

(D) consider all information when screening and determining response times.

(3) The CW specialist contacts CPS immediately for additional information when a child protective services alert is found during a search.

19.  Accepted report designation.

(1) Investigations.  Per OAC 340:75-3-220, an investigation is conducted when the allegations in the report indicate there is serious abuse or neglect resulting in an immediate safety threat to the child.  The report designated as an investigation is responded to in a shorter time period than a report assigned as an assessment.  An investigation is initiated in no more than five-calendar days of acceptance unless a special circumstance exists that prevents the initiation.  Examples of reports responded to as investigations include, but are not limited to:

(A) child sexual abuse or child sexual exploitation by a PRFC;

(B) a child death or near death;

(C) a child placed in OKDHS emergency custody;

(D) abuse or neglect in a:

(i) child care center or home that is licensed or should be licensed; or

(ii) foster family or trial adoptive home;

(E) abuse or neglect resulting in serious injury or near death or risk of near death including, but not limited to:

(i) a child 5 years of age and younger alleged to be left alone;

(ii) fractures;

(iii) burns or lacerations;

(iv) head trauma;

(v) life-threatening injuries;

(vi) torture;

(vii) mutilation;

(viii) maiming;

(ix) forced ingestion of a dangerous substance; or

(x) confinement with life-threatening consequences;

(F) abuse or neglect requiring an immediate medical evaluation or treatment including, but not limited to:

(i) non-organic failure-to-thrive;

(ii) multiple injuries of varying ages;

(iii) suspected fabricated or induced illnesses;

(iv) injuries to fragile areas of the body, such as the head, face, ears, neck, stomach, or genitals;

(v) serious medical neglect; and

(vi) serious suicide threats or attempts and emergency intervention is required;

(G) abandonment;

(H) a drug-endangered child who is at risk of suffering physical, psychological, or sexual harm as a result of the use or abuse, possession, distribution, manufacture, or cultivation of controlled dangerous substances, or the attempt of any of these acts by the PRFC.  A drug-endangered child includes an infant:

(i) born exposed to alcohol or a controlled dangerous substance; or

(ii) diagnosed with NAS or FASD;

(I) reports regarding a family with previously confirmed or substantiated reports of serious abuse or neglect or sexual abuse within the last two years;

(J) reports regarding children previously adjudicated deprived;

(K) allegations of serious abuse or neglect in an open PP case, including trial reunification, ICPC, or an FCS case;

(L) allegations that the PRFC is violent, out-of-control, or exhibiting a behavioral health crisis;

(M) allegations that a child 5 years of age and younger was physically disciplined by a foster or trial adoptive parent.  Refer to OAC 340:75-3-410 Instructions to Staff (ITS);

(N) when a child placed in a foster or trial adoptive home is exhibiting sexual behavior outside the normal range of development or inconsistent with case history.  Refer to OAC 340:75-3-410 ITS;

(O) allegations that a child is having sexual contact with another child placed in a foster or trial adoptive home and the PRFC failed to provide appropriate supervision or protection.  Refer to OAC 340:75-3-410 ITS;

(P) when a child is born to a PRFC who is a party to an open PP or voluntary FCS case and:

(i) the siblings are in out-of-home placement with no plans for reunification within the next few weeks;

(ii) there are plans to terminate the PRFC's parental rights; or

(iii) the siblings are in an out-of-home Safety Plan with no plans to end date the Safety Plan within the next few weeks;

(Q) when a child is reported to have a disability and is unable or has limited ability to communicate or is unable to provide appropriate self-care;

(R) when a child is reported to be a victim of human trafficking;

(S) the child is homeless or an unaccompanied minor without access to a parent or legal guardian to meet the child's need for shelter, clothing, food, or medical or behavioral health care;

(T) the alleged victim is 18 years of age and older, but was previously in OKDHS custody and is disclosing substantial abuse, neglect, or sexual abuse that occurred while placed in foster family care; and

(U) allegations a child was sexually abused by a relative or a close family friend and the PRFC(s) continue to allow access to the child or do not believe the child's disclosure regarding the sexual abuse.

(2) Assessments.  An assessment is conducted when the allegations in the report do not indicate a serious and immediate safety threat to a child, but do indicate inadequate parenting or life management.  The first contact during an assessment may be made with the non-offending parent to arrange a time to interview and observe the alleged child victim.  The report assigned as an assessment is responded to in 10-calendar days or less after acceptance.  Examples of reports responded to as assessments include, but are not limited to:

(A) a minor physical injury to a child 6 years of age and older resulting from discipline that does not require medical attention;

(B) untreated minor physical injuries, illnesses, or impairments that within a short time period do not place the child in danger of significant harm;

(C) when the school has fulfilled its statutory responsibility and exhausted all legal remedies, and:

(i) a child has a pattern of unexplained absences from school;

(ii) the pattern of absences appears to be caused by the PRFC's failure to enforce school attendance; or

(iii) the absences are not due to the child's truancy or homeschooling;

(D) emotional abuse or neglect that does not indicate risk of serious physical harm to the child;

(E) when the current report does not contain serious allegations, and:

(i) the history of prior reports does not contain serious allegations of abuse or neglect;

(ii) the allegations of abuse or neglect are not escalating in severity; and

(iii) no more than two reports were previously accepted.  A third accepted report may be an assessment.  A fourth accepted report must be an investigation; or

(F) when a baby is born to a minor child in OKDHS custody and there are no concerns regarding a serious and immediate threat of harm to the newborn.

20.     New referral of abuse or neglect received when previous report pending completion.  When an assessment or investigation is not completed and a subsequent report of abuse or neglect is accepted and assigned, the CW supervisor reviews the documentation in KIDS and considers the pending reports when establishing the response time.

(1) When three reports were previously accepted for assessment or investigation or a deprived petition was previously filed on the child, any subsequent accepted report is assigned as an investigation, per 10A O.S. § 1-2-102.

(2) When three or more reports are pending concerning the same child and family, completion of all the reports is expedited and the most recent report is assigned as an investigation.

21.     Response time for initiation of assessment or investigation.

(1) The designation type and response time required to evaluate safety for the alleged child victim is determined at the time the report is accepted.  The reported allegation that necessitates an investigation requires a shorter response time than an assessment.

(2) Priority I reports indicate the child is in present danger.  Exceptions to the priority assignment may be made when the:

(A) report is not received in time to respond on the same day;

(B) report indicates the need to interview the alleged victim in a neutral setting and a delay of initiation facilitates the need; or

(C) alleged victim's current location is a barrier to timely investigation initiation.(2) When three or more reports are pending concerning the same child and family, completion of all the reports is expedited and the most recent report is assigned as an investigation.

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