Library: Policy
OKDHS:2-37-2. Media training
Revised 8-1-14
Media training is provided by the Office of Communications for the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) Director of Human Services, Executive Team, area directors, county directors, program administrators, and other employees designated as official DHS spokespersons.
(1) Goal. The media training goal is to provide staff with the information needed to provide media interviews. The Office of Communications coordinates the media training format and content.
(2) Objectives. The media training provides staff an opportunity to:
(A) learn about the media elements and understand how those elements help present a clear and accurate message to the public;
(B) understand his or her role in communicating information about DHS programs and services, while protecting client and employee confidentiality;
(C) review the requirements of the Oklahoma Statutes on the Open Records Act, Section 24A.1 et seq. of Title 51 of the Oklahoma Statutes (51 O.S. §§ 24A.1 et seq.), the Open Meeting Act, Sections 301 through 314 of Title 25 , and related DHS policies and procedures when responding to an information request;
(D) learn how to conduct a media interview, communicating a clear and accurate message;
(E) learn how to give basic instructions to others in their areas of responsibility on how to communicate with the media;
(F) learn how to gather the appropriate information needed for communications when critical situations occur; and
(G) learn how to make presentations and give speeches on behalf of DHS.