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Administrative Review Summary Report

Date:  05-09-22

Name of Agency:  Speck Homes, Inc.                                          Date of off-site review: 01-13-22

Reviewer:  Matthew Smith                                                              Date of on-site review: 03-09-22

Persons interviewed:  Becky Wakely                                          Date of exit conference: 04-22-22

This School Food Authority (SFA) operates the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program.

The following areas were corrected prior to the On-Site Portion of this Administrative Review (AR):

·       Buy American Provisions:  During the menu week of breakfast and lunch menus assessed for the week of 12/12/21 – 12/18/22, two fruit products were served that were not domestically produced [7 CFR Part 210.21 (d) and 7 CFR Part 220.16 (d)].  Prior to the completion of the on-site portion of this AR, Speck Homes took corrective action by providing documentation of the use of a limited exemption to the Buy American Provision.

·       Civil Rights – Annual Civil Rights:  During the off-site Speck Homes provided documentation for the attendance of the most recent civil rights training that did not document those staff members who completed the training [FNS Instruction 113-1].  Prior to the completion of the on-site portion of this AR, Speck Homes provided a training log containing the names of those staff members completing the annual civil rights training.

·       Civil Rights – Data on Ethnicity and Race:  The tool for gathering data on the residents’ ethnicity and race was not using the required two-question format [FNS Instruction 113-1].  Prior to completion of the on-site portion of this AR, Speck Homes provided a tool for gathering data on residents’ ethnicity and race using the required two-question format.

·       Local Wellness Policy:  The local wellness policy provided at the time of the off-site visit did not contain guidelines and standards for the marketing of food and beverages [7 CFR Part 210.31 (e) (3) (iii)].  The policy also did not contain the description of the opportunity provided to the public to participate in the local wellness policy process [7 CFR Part 210.31 (c) (5)].  Prior to the completion of the on-site portion of this AR, Speck Homes provided an updated local wellness policy containing these areas.

·       Meal Patterns:  During the menu week of breakfast and lunch menus assessed for the week of 12/12/21 – 12/18/22, insufficient daily serving sizes for lunch menus served during the week were discovered [7 CFR Part 210.10 (c)].  Prior to the completion of the on-site portion of this AR, Speck Homes took corrective action bring all insufficient serving sizes into compliance with the meal patters for grades 9-12.

Corrective actions for the above findings were made prior to the completion to the On-Site portion of this AR.  No further action is required for the above


Findings and Recommendations Identified During the Off-Site Portion of the Review Conducted January 13, 2022:

Local Wellness Policy – Documentation of the assessment and update of the policy:  At the time of the off-site visit, Speck Homes provided a triennial wellness assessment report documenting the most recent assessment and update to the local wellness policy.  The report form provided documented more than one assessment and update to Speck Homes’ local wellness policy.  School Food Authorities (SFA) are required to use separate triennial wellness assessment reports to document the assessment and update to the local wellness policy [as required by federal regulation, 7 CFR Part 210.31 (e) (2) (ii) and USDA Memo SP24-2017].

To demonstrate compliance with requirements for documentation of the assessment and update to the local wellness policy:

  • Provide Speck Homes’ plan for corrective action to demonstrate compliance and understanding.

Professional Standards –Annual Training Hours:  During the off-site portion of this AR it was discovered Speck Homes staff members with duties within the school food services program did not complete the required annual training hours for school year 2020 – 2021 [7CFR Part 210.30 (b) (3), 7 CFR Part 210.30 (c), 7 CFR Part 210.30 (d), and 7 CFR Part 210.30 (e)].   All staff members with duties within Speck Homes’ school food services program only completed one hour that could credit toward the annual training requirements for school year 2020 – 2021.  SFAs are required to track trainings hours using a State Agency (SA) approved training tracking tool to document compliance with annual training hours [as required by federal regulation 7 CFR Part 210.30 (g) and USDA Memo SP39-2015]. 

To demonstrate compliance with requirements for tracking annual training hours:

  • Begin to track training hours that credit toward annual training requirements using a SA approved training tracking tool.
  • Provide Speck Homes’ plan for corrective action to demonstrate compliance and understanding.

Professional Standards – Training Records:  Speck Homes was not keeping records of the trainings completed by staff members with duties within their school food services program [as required by 7 CFR Part 210.30 (g) (1) and 7 CFR Part 210.30 (g) (2)].

To demonstrate compliance with requirements for retaining training records:

  • Begin to keep training records for staff members with duties within Speck Homes’ school food services program.
  • Provide Speck Homes’ plan for corrective action to demonstrate compliance and understanding.

Procurement Review Summary Report

Date:  05-09-22

Name of Agency:  Speck Homes, Inc.                                          Date of AR off-site review: 01-13-22

Reviewer:  Matthew Smith                                                             Date of AR on-site review: 03-09-22

Persons interviewed:  Becky Wakely                                          Date of exit conference: 04-22-22

This School Food Authority (SFA) operates the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program.

The following areas were corrected during the Procurement Review (PR):

·       Buy American Provisions:  During the menu week of breakfast and lunch menus assessed for the week of 12/12/21 – 12/18/22, two fruit products were served that were not domestically produced [7 CFR Part 210.21 (d) and 7 CFR Part 220.16 (d)].  During the PR, Speck Homes took corrective action by providing documentation of the use of a limited exemption to the Buy American Provision.

·       Procurement Plan: At the time of the PR was commenced, the procurement plan provided was not compliant with federal requirements [7 CFR Part 210.21(c) and 7 CFR Part 220.16 (c), 7 CFR Part 210.21(c), and 7 CFR Part 220.16 (c)].  During the PR your agency provide copies of both documents that were compliance with federal regulations.

Corrective actions for the above findings were made prior to the completion to the On-Site portion of this AR.  No further action is required for the above.

There were no additional findings for the Procurement Review.

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