CSS cannot help with custody or visitation issues. Here is some information which may answer frequently asked questions. However, it is recommended you consult with a private attorney for legal advice about your specific situation.
Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Link to Domestic/Family Law Forms Here you may find the child visitation registry, motion for enforcement of noncustodial visitation rights, a standard visitation schedule and guidelines, and an order for enforcement of noncustodial parent visitation rights.
Sample Visitation Schedule from Tulsa County
Oklahoma State Courts Network Your county may have its own sample visitation schedule. To contact your local courthouse and court clerk, visit the Oklahoma State Courts Network and click on your county in the bar on the left side of the page.
- Parenting Time Calculator The Oregon child support program has a tool on its website where anyone can calculate the number of overnights for any parenting plan. This can be used when you have a parenting plan but do not know the number of overnights or to help develop a parenting plan.
Access and Visitation Services Find information about contractors who provide parent education, mediation, counseling and related services for parents to obtain access to their children. Similar services in your area may be located by calling or visiting 2-1-1.
Supervised Exchange in Oklahoma County
Guardianship Information