Child Welfare Links
- Oklahoma Health Care Authority
- Primary entity in the State of Oklahoma charged with controlling costs of State-purchased health care
- Oklahoma Indian Affairs Commission
- The Commission serves as the liaison between Oklahoma’s tribal population and the State government
- Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
- Oklahoma's state agency for mental health and substance abuse services
- Oklahoma Government
- Oklahoma's state government Web site
- Oklahoma State Courts Network Electronic Law Library
- Oklahoma electronic law library of state constitution, statutes, case law
- Administration for Children and Families, Children’s Bureau
- Children's Bureau information on the safety, permanency and well being of children
- American Humane
- Information about protecting children from abuse and neglect
- Child Welfare League of America (CWLA)
- Promotes the well-being of children, youth and their families
- Department of Health and Human Services
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services information about the health, safety and well-being of children and families
- Federal Statistics
- A gateway to statistics from over 100 U.S. Federal agencies
- Social Security Administration (SSA)
- Social Security Online, the official website of the U.S. Social Security Administration, for information about Social Security benefits
- State & Local Government on the Net
- A directory of websites to thousands of state agencies and city and county governments
- U.S. Census Bureau
- U.S. Census Bureau information on national and state poverty and income statistics
Other child welfare links by category
- KTUL Waiting Children
- KTUL website on Oklahoma Waiting Children
- One Church, One Child of Oklahoma
- One Church, One Child of Oklahoma website
- Adopt US Kids
- Information about Oklahoma and nationwide children available for adoption
- Adoptions
- Information about adoption and children available for adoption in Oklahoma
- American Adoption Congress
- Information about foster care and adoption
- Attachment Disorders
- Information about attachment disorders
- North American Council on Adoptable Children
- Information about services available to adoptive children and families
Foster Care
- Community Services Worker Registry
- An online registry of community service workers
- Foster Care & Adoptive Community
- Information for foster and adoptive families and other professions working with abused and neglected children
Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
- Association of Administrators of the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (AAICPC)
- Provides additional information, including state contact names and telephone numbers, for the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
Indian Child Welfare
- National Indian Child Welfare Association
- Information on American Indian child welfare
Protection and Permanency
- Casey Life Skills
- Provides tools to help young people prepare for adulthood
- Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children (CASA)
- Information about volunteer court appointed advocates for abused and neglected children
- Child Welfare
- Provides state and national statistics on foster care and adoption
- Child Welfare Information Gateway
- Information and resources to help protect children and strengthen families
- Connect for Kids
- Information about children’s nutrition and physical activities needs
- Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect
- Information about child abuse treatment programs
- National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
- A clearinghouse of information about missing and exploited children
- National Resource Center for Youth Services (NRCYS)
- Information to help youth in care establish permanent connections and achieve successful transitions to adulthood
- Parents Anonymous
- Information about the prevention of child abuse
Last Modified on
Apr 05, 2024