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Service Information

This program promotes independence through paid work and training activities in the community. 

Services include assessment, individual and group job placement training and ongoing supports by a certified job coach in a community business.

Applications for CIE services should be directed to the provider agencies  who contract with Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS).

State-Funded Community Integrated Employment services are provided to individuals with intellectual disabilities sixteen years of age or older who are not eligible to participate in waiver-funded vocational services.

Please contact the Employment Programs Officer in your respective area:

Area 1 (Serving Oklahoma City Metro area and west of I-35):

Area 2 (Tulsa and east of I-35):

Area 3 (south of I-40; or I-240 in the metro):

  • Applicant’s birth certificate
  • Psychological Evaluation (if available)

  • Individualized Education Plan – IEP (if applicable)

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