CareerTech Dictionary
Contact person to add new or update information is Laura Wilson or ext. 522.
This dictionary was created to facilitate communication and to provide you with definitions used by the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education. You may use the alphabet list or select the abbreviations and acronyms pages. You may also download a text version.
- A -
A-F School Grading System: Gives all schools and school districts in the state of Oklahoma a grade of A, B, C, D or F, similar to grades given to students.
Academic Credit: The unit of measurement an institution awards when the determined course or subject requirement(s) are fulfilled. (See Credit).
Academic Centers: See Education Enhancement Center.
Academically Disadvantaged: Individuals who score at or below the 25th percentile on a standardized achievement aptitude test or whose secondary school grades are below 2.0 on a 4.0 scale (where the grade “A” equals 4.0) or who fail to obtain minimal academic competencies. This definition does not include individuals with learning disabilities. 34 CFR Part 400 et al (Education Department General Administrative Regulations).
Accommodation Plan: A plan developed in cooperation with a qualified person with a disability (as defined by the ADA or Section 504) designed to address the reasonable accommodations needed for the individual to participate in a career and technology education program.
Accreditation: Status of public recognition that an accrediting agency grants an educational institution or program that meets the agency’s established standards and requirements.
Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education: Part of the American Occupational Therapy Association.
Accreditation Review Council on Education in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting: Provides accreditation services under the auspices of the Commission on the Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs.
Accredited Program: A Career and Technology Education program approved by the ODCTE, the State Department of Education and/or other accrediting agencies for federal financial aid eligibility, state funding and/or licensure and certification.
Accrediting Agency: An agency that establishes operating standards for educational institutions and programs and that determines the extent to which the standards are met. Its findings are publicly announced.
ACT KeyTrain®: The complete interactive learning tool for career readiness skills. At its foundation is a targeted curriculum written specifically to help people master the applied workplace skills as defined by the WorkKeys® system.
ACT WorkKeys®: A nationally recognized job skills assessment system that helps employers select, hire, train, develop and retain a high-performance workforce. WorkKeys® is locally branded as Oklahoma's Career Readiness Certificate program.
ACT WorkKeys® Job Profiling: A service that offers a concrete way for businesses to analyze the skills needed for specific jobs and to describe those needs to job applicants. By comparing job profile information with individuals' scores on the WorkKeys® assessment, businesses have a tool for making reliable decisions about hiring, training and developing programs.
ACTE Region IV: The regional division of the Association for Career and Technical Education to which the Oklahoma Association for Career and Technical Education belongs. States in the region are Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas and Oklahoma.
Ad Valorem Tax: A tax levied on the value of the taxed item. Local property taxes are generally ad valorem taxes. Based on property tax values of district, disbursed through county when tax revenues are received.
Adult Basic Education: A project offering services for adults including literacy and basic skills, GED prep, English as a second language, workplace education, work readiness and distance learning. The Oklahoma State Department of Education was previously responsible for ABE, but ODCTE took responsibility for ABE on July 1, 2014.
Adult and Career Development: Training delivered to the general public in which a majority of the students are not employees of a single sponsoring business, industry, organization or entity. This training is delivered at technology centers and includes career and professional development, upgrade and skill-specific training and continuing education.
Adult and Career Development Division: A division of the ODCTE that provides leadership and resources for technology centers that offer career and professional development, upgrade and skill specific training, continuing education and personal enrichment training opportunities.
Adult Basic Learning Examination: Similar to the Test of Adult Basic Education -- but not timed.
Adult Education Family Literacy Act: Federal law that can be found in Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, signed by President Barack Obama in 2014. Part of AEFLA's state purpose is to assist adults with becoming literate, obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency and obtaining the skills necessary to lead to sustainable improvements in the economic opportunities of their families.
Advance CTE: The Washington, D.C.-based professional society of the state and territory agency heads responsible for career technical education. The state directors are committed to leadership and results and high quality education at the secondary, postsecondary and adult levels. Founded in 1920. Formerly known as NASDCTE, the National Association of State Directors of Career and Technical Education.
AdvancED: Parent organization for the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement and the National Study of School Evaluation.
Advanced Media: A division at the ODCTE that provides technical assistance to improve the quality of career and technology education in Oklahoma by using appropriate instructional technologies and media to enhance the delivery of instruction. The staff provides products; services; assistance in the areas of video production, video conferencing and distance learning; graphics design; streaming media; and teacher and administrator training.
Advanced Placement: Credit and/or advanced standing in certain course sequences that postsecondary institutions may offer to high school students who have taken high-level courses and passed certain examinations.
Advanced Standing: Validation of competencies through coursework that the student has successfully completed, through an assessment that the student has acquired the required competencies in the workplace or through extracurricular activities that result in the student receiving credit for course completion.
Advanced Standing Agreement: An agreement between the State Regents for Higher Education, a technology center and a college or university to grant advanced placement.
Agency: Term used to refer to the ODCTE as a state agency.
Agricultural Business Management Services: An approved Business and Entrepreneurial Service that combines classroom experience with practical application to help Oklahomans improve the skills they use in managing farm, ranch and agricultural-based businesses.
Agricultural Education Division: An occupational division of the ODCTE that administers agricultural education programs that prepare students for careers in production agriculture, agribusiness and other emerging occupations.
Agricultural Education Programs: Course offerings that are designed to prepare students in eight major areas of study within the agriculture, food and natural resources career cluster: food products and processing; plant systems; animal systems; power, structural and technology systems; natural resources systems; environmental systems; agribusiness systems; and biotechnology systems.
All Aspects of an Industry: Includes, with respect to a particular industry that a student is preparing to enter, planning, management, finances, technical and production skills, underlying principles of technology, labor and community issues, health and safety and environmental issues.
Alternative Assessment: An approved substitute for a required assessment that aligns to a specific skills standards list and measures academic or career readiness.
American College Testing Program: Provides measures of educational development and readiness to pursue college-level coursework.
American Traffic Safety Services Association: An international trade association representing companies and individuals in the traffic control and roadway safety industry.
Apprentice Programs: A combination of school and work-based learning in a specific occupational area designed to lead to a related postsecondary program, entry-level job or registered apprenticeship program.
Appropriation: An amount received from or made available to an institution through an act of a legislative body.
Approved Career Major/Program: A career major/program approved to be delivered by a technology center or skills center.
Aptitude Tests: Tests designed to predict success in learning activities, particularly in skill areas in which little or no instruction has taken place. They are generally less dependent on school experience than achievement tests and measure a broader range of capabilities.
Articulation Agreement: The linking of two or more educational systems to help students make a smooth transition from one level to another without experiencing delays, duplication of courses or loss of credit.
Assessment: The use of standardized instruments, interviews or other means to determine factors that may contribute to the success of students in career and technology programs. These factors may include interest, aptitude, academic achievement, work experience, learning style and work values. Assessment may also be administered to determine progress attained by students during training or areas of need to address through remediation. See also Career Assessment or Competency Assessment.
Associate in Applied Science degree: Typically a credential requiring two years of full-time equivalent college work (at least 60 credit hours) that emphasizes a technical or occupational specialty and is designed to lead the student directly to employment. Unlike the Associate in Arts or Associate of Science degrees, the A.A.S. is not designed to transfer all courses to a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science. The courses may transfer to a technical baccalaureate degree program, however.
Association for Career and Technical Education: The national professional association for CareerTech educators. Formerly AVA.
Average Daily Attendance: The aggregate attendance of a school during a report period divided by the number of days school is in session during the period.
- B -
Basic Skills: Basic academic and tutorial services designed to increase literacy levels, upgrade literacy and improve listening and speaking skills. Also referred to as Pre-CareerTech skills. See Employability Skills.
Basic Literacy Skills: Reading, writing, mathematics, problem solving and interpersonal skills training that enables adults to communicate in English, use math, obtain a high school diploma or GED and become productive, employable citizens.
Best Practices: Examples of how high-performing schools, programs or strategies are achieving success.
BETA II: A learning aptitude test.
Bid Assistance Center: Oklahoma Bid Assistance Network.
Business and Entrepreneurial Services: Training and services provided by technology centers that offer professional assistance and guidance to people interested in starting new businesses in Oklahoma and provide business owners step-by-step programs for creating and growing successful businesses.
Business Incentives: Benefits offered to firms as part of an industrial attraction, retention or expansion strategy. A few incentives are tax abatements and credits, low interest loans, infrastructure improvements, job training and land grants.
Business Incubator: Entity that nurtures and supports young companies until they become viable, providing them with affordable space, technical and management support, equity and long-term debt financing and employment. The three basic objectives in creating an incubator are (1) to spur technology-based development; (2) to diversify the local economy; and (3) to assist in community revitalization.
Business and Industry Services: A division of the ODCTE that provides resources and support to business and industry staff at technology centers. It offers customized business and industry training services. It also provides resources for executive, management and employee training. The focus is on all aspects of organizational development, organizational needs, assessments, pre-employment assessments, supervisory training, skills training, etc.
Business and Industry Services CORE Certification Program: A professional development program for business and industry services coordinators in technology centers.
Business, Marketing and Information Technology Education Division: The educational division of the ODCTE that administers business information technology and marketing education programs in technology centers and comprehensive high schools. The division provides products and services to promote the development of a comprehensive delivery system that is customer-focused and client-based for business, information technology and marketing industries.
Business, Marketing and Information Technology Education Programs: Course offerings that are designed to prepare students in eight major areas of study within the business, management and administration and information technology career clusters: management, business financial management and accounting, administrative and information support, human resources, network systems, information support and services, interactive media and programming and software development.
Business Professionals of America: The CareerTech student organization for students enrolled in business, marketing and information technology related educational program.
Business Recruitment and Attraction: Traditional approach to economic development to entice companies to relocate or to set up a new branch plant or operation in a state or locality; often referred to as "smokestack chasing."
- C -
Cafeteria Plan: An insurance plan that provides the option of selecting a combination of health care and insurance benefits.
Capacity (Physical): The maximum recommended number of students in a physical shop, classroom or laboratory based on curriculum, square footage, number of machines used in instruction and/or safety issues.
Capital Outlay: Funds for the acquisition of land and buildings; building construction, remodeling and additions; the initial installation or extension of service systems and other built-in equipment; and site improvement. The category also encompasses architectural and engineering services, including the development of blueprints.
Capstone Course: A culminating experience in which students integrate special studies with their majors and extend, critique and apply knowledge related to their majors; a final mastery experience.
Capstone Project: A special project typically completed at the end of coursework and featuring faculty supervision, activity and knowledge linked to prior coursework, dissemination of results and evaluation by the instructor.
Career Academy: A smaller learning community within a high school or technology center that integrates rigorous academic preparation with a focused field of technical preparation including a model sequence of courses. The academy should focus on a particular industry cluster and must identify pathways that lead to postsecondary certifications, licenses and/or degree opportunities through continued education.
Career and Academic Connections: Division of the ODCTE that develops and disseminates products, offers in-service training and provides technical assistance and leadership for career and academic guidance.
Career and Technical Education: A sequence of courses that provides individuals with coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in current or emerging professions. It provides technical skill proficiency, an industry-recognized credential, a certificate or an associate degree and may include prerequisite courses (other than a remedial course) that meet other requirements. It includes competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, occupation-specific skills and knowledge of all aspects of an industry, including entrepreneurship, or an individual. (Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006).
Career and Technology Education: Organized educational programs offering sequences of courses directly related to preparing individuals for paid or unpaid employment in current or emerging occupations requiring other than a baccalaureate or advanced degree (Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, Public Law 105-332).
Career Assessment: Process of measuring vocational or career aptitude and interest. It may include such factors as work history, physical capacity, work values and temperament.
Career Awareness: Activities designed to help students understand the role of work, their own uniqueness and basic knowledge about career clusters and of different occupations.
Career Cluster: A way for schools to organize instruction and student experiences through programs of study around 16 broad categories that encompass virtually all occupations from entry- through professional-level. Each cluster (broad occupational grouping) is divided into pathways. Career pathways are composed of a wide variety of related career majors/programs. Career majors/programs are composed of sequences of courses that vary in length. Successful career major/program completion leads to employment and/or postsecondary enrollment.
Career Cluster Foundation Level: Represents the skill and knowledge, both academic and technical, that all students within a career cluster should achieve regardless of their pathways.
Career Cluster Pathway Level: Represents a sub-grouping of entry-level through professional-level occupations within a career cluster with common knowledge and skills, both academic and technical, necessary to pursue a full range of career opportunities within a pathway.
Career Concentration: Foundation, core and specialized courses or programs that help students succeed in work and further education.
Career Counseling: Communication that takes place between counseling professionals and their clients concerning issues of preference, competency, achievement, self-esteem and the array of factors that facilitate or inhibit personal planning.
Career Development: A lifelong process involving the development of work values, establishment of a career identity, learning about opportunities and trying out plans. The process is designed to help individuals understand their relationships to the world of work. Career development is generally accepted as including a person’s total lifestyle, such as occupations, education, social responsibility, family life and leisure activities.
Career Development Event: An FFA program.
Career Exploration: Activities designed to assist students in discovering their individual interests, abilities, career values and needs by exploring occupations and the world of work.
Career Exploration Program (Exploratory): A sequence of courses outlined in a plan of study or competency profile in which students explore careers and career options.
Career Major/Program: A model sequence of courses that prepares a student for a career and ensures that integration occurs between academic and occupational learning; transitions are established between secondary schools and postsecondary institutions; and students receive skill credentials. An approved career major/program is a career major/program approved to be delivered by a school.
Career Major/Program Approval Process: The process a technology center or skills center uses to secure approval of a career major/program by the ODCTE.
Career Major/Program Completer: A student who has completed all courses required for a career major/program.
Career Major/Program Concentrator: Category used by the Information Management Division to identify enrollees who completed 360 hours or more of a career major/program, but did not complete the entire career major/program.
Career Pathway: A grouping of related occupations within a career cluster. The pathway represents the knowledge and skills, both academic and technical, necessary to pursue a full range of career opportunities within a pathway — ranging from entry-level to management, including technical and professional career specialties. A pathway belongs to only one cluster, but a cluster can contain multiple pathways. A career major belongs to only one pathway, but a pathway can contain multiple career majors.
Career Planning, Preparation and Application: Helps students acquire specific preparations, including the development of occupationally specific skills, application of academic theory to work-based situations and the mastery of workplace basic skills.
Career Portfolio: A lifelong, student-managed collection of achievements that shows progress toward career goals.
Career Practicum: A planned program of work-site learning experiences relevant to a student’s chosen career major/program or plan of study that is coordinated with the student’s academic or school-based preparation.
Career Readiness Certificate Program: A program that measures workplace literacy and represents a widely accepted common language for skills definition among employers, educators/trainers and potential/incumbent employees. With a database of more than 18,000 job profiles, Career Readiness Certificates identify skills needed on the job, assess an individual's skill level and help identify training needed to close any gaps. The program was designed by ACT, the company that developed the ACT assessment college entrance exam.
Career Readiness Certificate: A portable credential that confirms an individual's possession of certain fundamental skills needed in the workplace. The Career Readiness assessment system is used to determine skill levels for reading for information, applied mathematics and locating information. Depending on the scores, potential or incumbent employees receive a certificate at the bronze, silver, gold or platinum level.
Career Readiness Employer Partner: A school, business organization, employer, chamber of commerce, tribal career center, community college or local workforce office that recognize, request or require the Career Readiness Certificate during the hiring process. Jobs must be profiled by ACT Authorized WorkKeys® job profilers for partners that require the CRC when hiring or evaluating employees.
Career Ready 101®/KeyTrain®: Comprehensive career training course that provides basic workplace skills and National Career Readiness Certificate training using ACT WorkKeys® Assessment System.
Career Specialties: Represents the full range of career opportunities within each pathway.
Career Specific Program: A sequence of courses outlined in a plan of study or competency profile designed to prepare individuals with the knowledge and skills needed for employment in a specific trade, occupation or career.
CareerTech: Career and Technology Education.
CareerTech Student Organization: Student organizations designed to support the CareerTech goals of students and prepare members to be the leaders of the future.
CareerTech Testing Center: A division of the ODCTE that develops, maintains and analyzes competency tests and skill standards for occupational programs and licensing agencies.
Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education Act: Federal legislation that provides funding to states to develop more fully the academic, vocational and technical skills of secondary and postsecondary career and technology education students by promoting the integration of academic and vocational technical instruction, including links to secondary and postsecondary education for participating students. Eligible recipients are public schools with career and technology education programs, technology centers and community colleges that offer Associate of Applied Science degrees. The act establishes allowable expenditures by federal statute and requires each state to develop measures of accountability.
Carnegie Unit: Credit that may be given for the successful completion of a course that meets 40 minutes a day, five days a week, for at least 36 weeks or the equivalent of 120 clock hours within the school year or the equivalent in block scheduling. Oklahoma State Department of Education, Rules of the Oklahoma State Board of Education, Administration and Organization, Accreditation Standards 210:35-25-2, paragraph (3).
CATTRAX: HVAC training software programs, a product of Training Labs Inc., Redmond, VA.
Certificate: A formal award issued by a duly authorized body certifying the satisfactory completion of an educational program.
Certification: A designation granted to a person who has fulfilled the educational, performance and assessment requirements and who meets the standards established by a professional organization or government agency that regulates a particular career.
Certified Respiratory Therapist: An entry-level credential.
Child Development Associate: A national credential.
Civil Rights Compliance: Nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
Classification of Instructional Program Code: A coding scheme that contains titles and descriptions of primarily postsecondary instructional programs; developed to facilitate National Center for Educational Statistics collection and reporting of postsecondary degree completions by major fields of study using standard classifications that capture the majority of reportable program activity.
Client: An individual or entity receiving career and technology education services.
Client-Based Programs: Business and entrepreneurial services.
Clinical Coordination: Planned, supervised work-site learning experiences that are aligned with the curriculum and allow health occupations education students to practice skills.
Clock Hour: The unit of measurement some institutions give for fulfilling course requirements.
Cluster-Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources: Includes career paths in production, processing, marketing, distribution, financing and development of agricultural commodities and resources including food, fiber, wood products, natural resources, horticulture and other plant and animal products/resources.
Cluster -- Architecture and Construction: Preparing individuals for careers in designing, planning, managing, building and maintaining the built environment.
Cluster -- Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications: Preparing individuals for designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing and publishing multimedia content, including visual and performing arts and design, journalism and entertainment services.
Cluster -- Business Management and Administration: Preparing individuals for careers in business, management, administration, finance, information technology, marketing, sales and service.
Cluster -- Education and Training: Preparing individuals for managing and providing education and training services and related learning support services. The pathway leads to employment in such areas as paraprofessional, elementary, secondary or post-secondary teaching positions.
Cluster -- Finance: Preparing individuals for services related to financial and investment planning, banking, insurance and business financial management.
Cluster -- Government and Public Administration: Preparing individuals to execute governmental functions, including governance, national security, foreign service, planning, revenue and taxation, regulation and management and administration at the local, state and federal levels. The sequence of courses and course development guides has not yet been developed for the Government and Public Administration Cluster in Oklahoma.
Cluster -- Health Science: Preparing individuals for planning, managing and providing therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health informatics, support services and biotechnology research and development.
Cluster -- Hospitality and Tourism: Preparing individuals for employment in career pathways that relate to families and human needs such as restaurant and food/beverage services, lodging, travel and tourism, recreation, amusement and attractions.
Cluster -- Human Services: Preparing individuals for employment in career pathways that relate to families and human needs in areas such as counseling and mental health services, early childhood development, family, community and consumer services.
Cluster -- Information Technology: Preparing individuals for IT framework-related occupations for entry level, technical and professional careers related to the design, development, support and management of hardware, software, multimedia and systems integration services.
Cluster -- Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security: Preparing individuals for employment in corrections, security and protective services, law enforcement, legal services, emergency and fire management services.
Cluster -- Manufacturing: Preparing individuals for careers in areas such as quality assurance, manufacturing production process development, maintenance installation and repair, welding and metal fabrication.
Cluster -- Marketing: Preparing individuals to perform marketing activities for reaching organizational objectives such as brand management, professional sales, merchandising, marketing communications and marketing research.
Cluster -- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics: Preparing individuals to provide scientific research and professional and technical services (e.g., physical science, social science, engineering) including laboratory and testing services and research and development services.
Cluster -- Transportation, Distribution and Logistics: Preparing individuals for the management and movement of people, materials and goods by road, pipeline, air, rail and water and related professional and technical support services such as transportation infrastructure planning and management, logistics services, mobile equipment and facility maintenance.
Cluster Team: A team responsible for the planning and management of one career cluster and the pathways and majors/programs that fall under that career cluster. A career cluster is managed by only one cluster team, and a cluster team can only manage one career cluster.
Coherent Sequence of Courses: A series of courses in which CareerTech and academic education are integrated and directly related to both academic and occupational competencies.
College-Level Examination Program: A series of examinations demonstrating a student’s proficiency in a subject area for which some postsecondary institutions offer credit.
College Preparatory Program: Specific courses in academic subjects that stress preparation for college or university study.
Common Career Technical Core: A state-led initiative to establish a set of rigorous, high-quality standards for career technical education. It includes standards for each of the 16 career clusters and corresponding career pathways defining expected student outcomes upon completion of instruction in programs of study.
Common Core State Standards Initiative: A state-led effort to develop standards that provides a clear and consistent framework preparing students for college and the workforce upon completion of their K-12 education.
Communications and Marketing: The division of the ODCTE that provides internal and external communication services to promote CareerTech education.
Community Services: Courses and activities that do not meet the guidelines for formula funding and that are typically not occupational in nature.
Competency: A specific work task performed on the job or in the classroom. It is a large enough task to be valued in and of itself and is measurable and observable.
Competency Assessment: An ODCTE/CTTC- developed assessment of occupational readiness as outlined in the skills standards and taught using the curriculum materials.
Competency-Based Education: An educational system based on individualized instruction, emphasizing outcomes and allowing flexible pathways for achieving the outcomes. It identifies what is to be achieved and the standards for measuring achievement.
Competency Certificate: A recognition document that is awarded to an individual who has passed an ODCTE/CTTC-developed competency assessment.
Completion/Retention Rate: A unit of measurement that represents the number of students who completed or were retained in a career major/program divided by the total number of students enrolled in a career major/program.
Completer: A student who receives a degree, diploma, certificate or other formal award. To be considered a completer, the student must have the degree/award actually conferred.
Comprehensive Local Education Plan: A four-year plan for a school that is required by statute. For technology centers, the plan is submitted to the ODCTE and covers school improvement and capital improvement. For comprehensive high schools, it must also include alternative education and reading sufficiency and be submitted to the Oklahoma State Department of Education.
Comprehensive School: PK-12 public school that offers CareerTech offerings in addition to academic curriculum.
Comprehensive School District: A school district in Oklahoma offering pre-kindergarten through 12th-grade education subjects fully accredited by the Oklahoma Board of Education.
Computerized Enrollment System for Instructors: An Internet-based system for comprehensive school teachers to use to submit student enrollment data to the Information Management Division of the ODCTE.
Concentrator (ODCTE Completion Status definition): A student who completes 360 hours or more of a career major/program but does not complete the entire career major/program.
Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education: Leaders across all levels of education and disciplines who are interested in entrepreneurship education and join together for leadership, technical assistance, advocacy, networking and sharing materials.
Consulting/Informal Training: Technical assistance and services provided by technology centers for organizational development (i.e., needs assessments, surveys, strategic planning) and small business activities (i.e., business plan development, marketing, finance and other areas relating to small business operation).
Contextual Academics: The integration of mathematics, science, written communication and reading into career and technology education curriculum using real-world problems and projects in a way that helps students understand the application of that knowledge.
Contextual Learning: Academic content and skills taught by using real-world problems and projects to help students understand the application of knowledge.
Continuing Education Unit: Ten contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction and qualified instruction.
Contract for Ongoing Career and Technology Education Programs: A contract that a comprehensive school district returns to the ODCTE for reimbursement for secondary and full-time adult career and technology programs. All comprehensive school districts approved by the state board to receive reimbursement must submit the signed contract. It includes a listing of programs being funded. Approval and return of the contract and the salary and teaching schedule by the school district to the department indicates the school district’s willingness to comply with all terms set forth in the contract.
Cooperative Agreement: A formal agreement offered by institutions in the Oklahoma State System for Higher Education that includes approved courses taught by a CareerTech technology center and leads to an Associate in Applied Science degree or a college-level certificate in the technical or occupational field. (State Regents Policy and Procedure Manual 3.6 Cooperative Alliances between Higher Ed Institutions -- Tech Centers)
Cooperative Alliance Program: A partnership between one or more institutions in the Oklahoma State System for Higher Education and one technology center as a joint vision of a collaborative partnership designed to benefit students and enhance the technical workforce in that part of Oklahoma. A cooperative alliance is voluntary and agreed upon by all partners and their governing boards. The Oklahoma Regents for Higher Education and the Oklahoma Board of Career and Technology Education review and approve the agreement for each cooperative alliance. The approved cooperative alliance agreement remains in force until the governing boards of the cooperative alliance partners dissolve the agreement. (State Regents Policy and Procedure Manual 3.6 Cooperative Alliances between Higher Ed Institutions - Tech Centers)
Core Content: A set of competencies common to the occupations within a career cluster.
Correctional Institution: Any prison, jail, reformatory, work farm, detention center, halfway house, community-based rehabilitation center or similar institution designed for the confinement or rehabilitation of criminal offenders.
Course: A single subject described in an institutional catalog or bulletin.
Course Completer: A student who has met the instructional requirements for a course as set by ODCTE program standards/requirements.
Course Equivalency: Evidence provided that the competencies required to successfully complete a course are included in another course or were acquired by an individual through specific tasks performed in the workplace or through extracurricular activities that will substitute for a required course.
Course Identification Number: Numbers assigned by ODCTE to identify courses.
Course Offering: An instance of a course that is being delivered.
Course Roster: A listing of students who attended a specific course.
Creative Services: A division of the ODCTE that designs and produces computer-generated and hand-illustrated art for printed products, visual presentations, Web pages, CDs, trade show booths and videos produced by ODCTE.
Credential: Credential that a CTE student may seek by satisfying additional requirements after completing a CTE course or career major/program (i.e. experience and/or higher education prerequisites).
Credit: Quantitative measurement assigned to a course and awarded upon successful completion of the course. Students demonstrating competency in a curriculum subject shall receive credit. Credit can also be given for the successful completion of a Carnegie Unit. Oklahoma State Board of Education Accreditation Standards 210:35-25-2, paragraph (3).
Credit or Credit Hour: A unit of measurement some institutions award for fulfilling course requirements.
Criminal Offender: Any individual who is charged with or convicted of any criminal offense, including a youth offender or a juvenile offender.
CTE Concentrator -- Secondary (Perkins State Plan definition): A secondary student who has enrolled in three or more credits in a single CTE pathway. A secondary credit is the secondary instructional time required to earn a standard Carnegie unit for high school credit in Oklahoma.
CTE Concentrator -- Postsecondary Adult (Perkins State Plan definition): An adult technology center student who has enrolled in 240 or more course hours within a single career pathway that terminates in the award of an industry-recognized credential, a certificate or a degree or who completes a CTE career pathway course sequence of fewer than 240 course hours that terminates in an industry-recognized credential, a certificate or a degree. An adult-level student is enrolled in a technology center career pathway.
CTE Concentrator -- Postsecondary Collegiate (Perkins State Plan definition): A postsecondary student who completes at least 30 academic or CTE credit hours toward a certificate or associate in applied science degree program that is composed of 30 or more academic and technical credit hours or who completes a short-term CTE program sequence of fewer than 30 credit hours that terminates in an industry-recognized credential, a certificate or a degree. Note: 30 credit hours are based on 50 percent of a typical associate in applied science degree program length. A postsecondary credit is the instructional time equal to the requirement to earn a college credit in Oklahoma. CareerTech's Moodle-based learning management system.
ctYOUniverse: CareerTech's online student-ready classroom.
Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center: The entity of the ODCTE that develops competency-based instructional products and services for CareerTech programs.
Curriculum Materials: Instructional and related or supportive materials designed to prepare the individual for employment or to upgrade occupational competencies. Appropriate counseling and guidance materials are included.
Customized Business and Industry Training Services: A division of the Oklahoma Association of Career and Technology Education that fosters and promotes professional linkages and development among and between members who are providing or are interested in business and industry training services.
Customized Industry Training: See PACE.
- D -
Degree: An academic rank conferred by a college or university after examination or after completion of a course or conferred as an honor on a distinguished person.
Dependent School: School districts serving prekindergarten through eighth-grade students that transfer students beyond the eighth grade to comprehensive school districts.
Digital Printing, Distribution and Client Services: CareerTech's full-service printing resource for all Oklahoma government agencies and nonprofit organizations.
Displaced Homemaker: An individual who has worked primarily without remuneration to care for a home and family and, for that reason, has diminished marketable skills; who has been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income; who is a parent whose youngest dependent child will become ineligible to receive assistance under Part A of the Social Security Act; or who is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment. 34 CFR Part 400 et al (Education Department General Administrative Regulations); Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Act of 1990, Sec. 521(14) and Workforce Investment Act of 1998, P.L. 105-220, Sec. 101(9).
Distance Learning: Learning that takes place when space and/or time separates the learner and the instructor.
Dropout: Any student under the age of 19 who has not graduated from high school and who is not attending any public or private school or otherwise receiving an education. (OSL section 819).
Duty Task List: Skills standards.
- E -
E-Business: Business conducted via electronic connections.
E-Commerce: Business conducted via electronic connections.
Economically Disadvantaged (Including Foster Children): Any person who is eligible for or receiving Aid to Dependent Children under Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act or benefits under the Food Stamp Act of 1977; is counted for purposes of Section 1005 of Chapter 1 of Title 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965; is participating in a program assisted under Title II of JTPA; is receiving a PELL grant or assistance under a comparable state program; or is determined as low-income according to the Department of Commerce or the Department of Health and Human Services’ Poverty Guidelines.
Education Enhancement Center: Located in technology centers and designed to provide academic instruction at all achievement levels to assist students in their acquisition of technical skills. Also referred to as Academic Centers.
Educational Equity: Activities carried out in the CareerTech educational system to reduce gender bias, gender stereotyping and gender discrimination.
Educational Planning and Assessment System: An integrated series of assessments (PLAN, EXPLORE and ACT) and reporting services that supports educators as they help students set and reach goals for life after high school.
Employability Skills: Skills needed to perform a given job satisfactorily, including reading, writing, mathematics, communication, critical thinking, problem solving, creative thinking, goal setting, interpersonal skills, teamwork and technology.
Employment and Training Administration: A federal agency.
English as a Second Language: English language education for adults whose inability to understand, speak, read or write the English language is a barrier to their ability to get or keep employment. It also affects their ability to function in society or successfully complete the citizenship application process.
Entrepreneurship Education Consortium: Non-profit organization committed to promoting excellence in entrepreneurship education and supporting the infusion of entrepreneurship education across all levels of career technical and academic education.
Equal Employment Opportunity: Workplace rules, policies, practices and behaviors that are fair and do not disadvantage people because they belong to particular groups. All workers are valued and respected and have opportunities to develop their potential.
Equal Opportunity Employer: An agency or institution that practices the belief that customer satisfaction is earned and quality is never compromised and that an employer-employee relationship is based upon mutual respect, a committed work ethic and recognition of each individual’s importance and value.
Equipment and Engine Training Council: National program certification for power products.
Equipment Matching Funds: When funding is available, funds from the ODCTE that match the cost of equipment acquired for existing programs.
Existing Industry Training: A course that is designed specifically for the employees of one or a specific group of businesses or industries and that qualifies under the Training for Existing Industries Initiative guidelines.
EXPLORE: Eighth-grade achievement and interest assessment that is part of the ACT system (See PLAN).
- F -
Family and Consumer Sciences Education Division: The educational division of the ODCTE that administers family and consumer sciences programs in comprehensive high schools and technology centers.
Family and Consumer Sciences Education Programs: Course offerings that are designed to prepare students with skills needed to function as individuals and family members in the workforce and communities. Career-specific FACS programs focus on five clusters: arts, audio/video technology and communications; health sciences; human services; education and training; and hospitality and tourism.
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America: CareerTech student organization for students enrolled in family and consumer sciences education.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: Protects the privacy of parents and students regarding access to records and the release of records maintained by educational agencies receiving funds from the U.S. Department of Education. The act gives postsecondary students and parents of students under age 18 the right to inspect the students' school files and prohibits the release of any information or material in the files without written consent from the parents or students age 18 and over.
Federal Legislation Assistance: Now called Federal Programs.
Federal Programs: A division of the ODCTE that coordinates activities related to Carl Perkins, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and civil rights legislation. Formerly called Federal Legislation Assistance.
Feeder School: A comprehensive school or entity that sends secondary students to a technology center. Also referred to as sending school or partner school.
Feeder School Code: A number assigned to a comprehensive school or entity that sends secondary students to a technology center.
Finance and Internal Audit: An entity of the ODCTE that maintains the budgeting, accounting, auditing and reporting responsibilities, ensuring that resources are used efficiently, effectively and in compliance with regulatory requirements.
Financial Aid: A general term that describes any source of student assistance outside the student or the student’s family. Funds awarded to a student to help meet postsecondary educational expenses. These funds are generally awarded on the basis of financial need and include scholarships, grants, loans and employment.
Financial Aid Services: Technical assistance provided to schools by the ODCTE to assist them in establishing and strengthening their financial aid programs and related services for postsecondary students.
FIRST Robotics: For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology robotics competition to inspire K-12 student interest in science and technology.
Fiscal Year: The annual financial cycle for the ODCTE and the state of Oklahoma that begins July 1 and ends June 30. It is designated by the ending year. For example, July 1, 2010, to June 30, 2011, would be FY-11.
Follow-up: The collection of data on students who were enrolled in a CareerTech offerings that is used to evaluate the effectiveness of a career major/program, school and/or system.
Form 2: A document submitted to the ODCTE for approval of additions, deletions or changes to career and technology education programs.
Full-Time Equivalent Program (Technology Center): A unit of measurement used to calculate formula funding. It is equal to the total clock hours of eligible instruction in a fiscal year divided by 1,050 hours.
Full-Time Equivalent Student (Comprehensive School): A measurement equal to one student enrolled full time for one academic year in a comprehensive school program. The numerator used to compute full-time equivalent student is the total clock hours in which all applicable students are enrolled. The denominator is 175 hours, based on the estimate that comprehensive school programs are offered one hour per day for 175 days.
Full-Time Equivalent Student (Technology Center): A measurement equal to one student enrolled full time for one academic year in a technology center program. The numerator used to compute full-time equivalent student is the total clock hours in which all applicable students are enrolled. The denominator is 525 hours, based on the estimate that it takes a full-time student 525 hours per year to complete a 1,050-hour program.
Full-Time Program (Comprehensive School): A program that consists of five CareerTech instruction class periods and one planning period for a six-period day or six CareerTech instruction periods and one planning period for a seven-period day. Programs must meet these requirements to receive state funding. Exceptions to this rule can be found in the Rules for Career and Technology Education.
- G -
Gateway to Technology: Middle school pre-engineering curricula developed by Project Lead the Way. Used in middle school technology engineering programs.
General Education Development: One of three exams available for earning a high school diploma in the High School Equivalency program in the Adult Basic Education Division of Oklahoma CareerTech.
Governmental Entity Training: Customized training for government entities.
Grant: A type of financial aid that does not have to be repaid. It is usually awarded on the basis of need.
Guidance Curriculum: Refers to classroom activities and group guidance.
- H -
H.323: A protocol of commands to enable video conferencing over the Internet.
Health Careers Education Division: The educational division of the ODCTE that administers health careers education programs in technology centers and comprehensive high schools.
Health Careers Education Programs: Course offerings that are designed to prepare students in five major areas of study within the health science career cluster: therapeutic services, diagnostics services, health informatics, support services and biotechnology research and development.
Health Certification Project: A joint project between the ODCTE and the Oklahoma Department of Health that coordinates the development and administration of certification tests for nurse aide, medical micropigmentation, sanitarian and related occupations.
High School: A secondary school offering the final years of school work necessary for graduation, usually including grades nine, 10, 11 and 12. (State Department of Education, 2005)
High School Equivalency: A process for acquiring a high school diploma by individuals who are 16 who are not enrolled in a high school or have graduated from high school and who meet other state requirements. Three assessments are available: GED, HiSET and TASC.
High Schools That Work: A framework of goals, key practices and key conditions that schools implement to raise student achievement and meet higher standards. The primary goals are to raise the mathematics, communication, problem-solving and technical achievement of students and to blend the essential content of traditional college-preparatory studies with quality career and technical studies.
HiSET: One of three exams available for earning a high school diploma in the High School Equivalency program in the Adult Basic Education Division of Oklahoma CareerTech. The exam was developed by Educational Testing Service and Iowa Testing Programs.
Human Resources: The entity of the ODCTE that coordinates hiring and orientation activities, provides professional growth opportunities and specific training programs for staff members and maintains the compensation, benefits and performance review systems.
Human Resource Certification Institute: An internationally recognized certifying organization for the human resource profession.
- I -
Independent School: Comprehensive school.
In-District Technology Center Student: An individual who is a legal resident of a technology center district and is entitled to attend that technology center tuition-free or at reduced tuition charges.
Individual Career Plan: A learner-owned, comprehensive educational roadmap that guides a student toward college and career readiness.
Individual Planning: A process involving individual advisement, assessment, career guidance and counseling.
Individual Transition Plan: The component of the Individualized Education Program that provides the written documentation that specifies the activities and services to be undertaken to prepare a student to move smoothly from high school to postsecondary activities.
Individual With a Disability: An individual with any disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Acts of 2008 . The term “disability” means, with respect to an individual, (A) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual; (B) a record of such an impairment; or (C) being regarded as having such an impairment. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 3; and 34 CFR Part 400 et al (Education Department General Administrative Regulations).
Individualized Cooperative Education: A program within an educational discipline that provides students with supervised work-site experiences related to classroom instruction.
Individualized Education Program: A written statement for each child with a disability identified under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, Section 612(4) and 614 (a)(5), that is reviewed and revised at least annually and contains information about the child’s present levels of performance, measurable goals and benchmarks and other services needed for the child to participate and advance in the general curriculum. Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, SEC. 614. Evaluations, Eligibility Determination, Individualized Education Programs and Educational Placements.
Industrial Coordinator: The person in a technology center who is responsible for building relationships with local businesses and industries and meeting their needs for training.
Industry Aligned Assessment: Valid and reliable technical skill assessments aligned to the knowledge, skills and industry standards.
Industry Specific Training: A grouping of reported courses offered at technology centers that includes all industry training except TIP, ACD, apprenticeship and non-funded courses and activities.
Information Management Division: A division of ODCTE that collects, processes and analyzes CareerTech student data and information for program management, planning and decision-making.
Instructional Framework: The ODCTE-approved organizational structure based on the Career Cluster Model. The Instructional Framework identifies the knowledge and skills, courses and career majors/programs necessary to be successful in each career cluster.
Instructional Services: A division of the ODCTE responsible for implementing a comprehensive statewide staff development program for CareerTech educators and partners. The program includes instructional management, leadership programs, teacher recruitment and retention and conference and meeting planning coordination.
Instructional Systems: The functional area of the ODCTE responsible for curriculum/test/art development, printing, sales, warehousing, marketing and distribution.
Instructional Systems Division: A division of the ODCTE that develops and publishes quality standards, instructional materials and assessments for CareerTech programs. These materials are industry-driven, competency- based, current, accessible and affordable.
Integrated Academics: The incorporation of mathematics, science, written communication and reading into CareerTech curriculum and technical information into academic content for the purpose of improving student understanding.
Integrated Academic Instructor: An instructor teaching math, science, written communication, reading or anything considered a “supplement” to a CareerTech program.
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System: A system of surveys designed to collect data from all primary providers of postsecondary education.
Interest Inventory: Carefully constructed questionnaires that enable an individual to identify preferred activities that are then correlated to career clusters.
Internship: Secondary or postsecondary work-based learning in which a three-way partnership is established among the school, an employer or business and the student for the purpose of providing practical education to the student through productive work opportunities. Experiences take place in a workplace setting and offer teachers and students the opportunity to see a relationship between school courses and career choices.
- J -
Job Placement Service: Assistance that is provided to students to obtain employment upon leaving an educational institution.
Job Readiness Competitive Events: Competitive events for special populations enrolled in CareerTech programs.
Job Shadowing: A career awareness/exploration opportunity in which a student observes a worker for a designated period of time to learn about that worker’s career.
- K -
KeyTrain®: See ACT KeyTrain®.
Knowledge and Skill Statements: Industry-validated statements that describe what a learner needs to know and be able to do to demonstrate competence in a given area and, ultimately, be successful in the workplace.
- L -
Learning Management System: A resource available from CareerTech's Learning Network to support teacher management of student learning when using online resources.
Leaver: An individual who is no longer attending school and has left a CTE course or program without completing any of the required competencies.
Licensure: A process whereby a regulatory agency or board authorizes individuals to work in a given occupation or profession. Obtaining and retaining licensure usually requires a person to complete an approved education program, pass an exam and maintain standards.
Lifelong Learning: Now called Adult Basic Education.
Limited English Proficiency: Secondary students, adults or out-of-school youths who have limited ability in speaking, reading, writing or understanding the English language and whose native language is a language other than English or who live in a family or community environment in which a language other than English is the dominant language. Refer to 34 CFR Part 400 et al (Education Department General Administrative Regulations).
Local Application for Ongoing Career and Technology Education Programs: An annual application required of all comprehensive school districts and other eligible recipients requesting funds for CareerTech education programs, services and/or activities. The application includes a listing of programs being funded and assurances of compliance. Approval and return of the assurances of compliance to the department indicates the school district’s intent to form a contract for CareerTech programs and to comply with all terms set forth in the local application. The local application gives school districts the opportunity to verify ongoing programs, request new or expanded programs or request the deletion or reduction of programs.
Local Education Agency: In general, a public board of education or other public authority legally constituted within a state for either administrative control or direction of or to perform a service function for public elementary schools or secondary schools in a city, county, township, school district or other political subdivision of a state or for a combination of school districts or counties. It is recognized in a state as an administrative agency for its public elementary schools or secondary schools.
- M -
Maintenance and Plant Services: A division of ODCTE that provides a clean and safe working environment for staff and customers, including building and custodial maintenance, plant services and emergency procedure implementation and training.
Management and Organizational Development Services: Approved business and entrepreneurial services that enable organizations to achieve their business goals by improving organizational effectiveness, implementing continuous improvement, improving human performance and establishing leadership programs.
Management Information System Code: A four-digit course code representing an occupational grouping assigned to each business and industry training course.
MarkED Conclave: An annual professional development conference for individuals who teach economics, marketing, management and entrepreneurship.
MarkED Consortium: An association of state education departments and other educational groups interested in economics, entrepreneurship, business management and marketing.
Marketing Education Division: See Business, Information Technology and Marketing Education Division.
Marketing Education Programs: See Business, Information, Technology and Marketing Education Programs.
Memorandum of Training: A written understanding among the CareerTech teacher, the employer and the student or parent that designates each party’s responsibilities for work-site learning to take place.
Memorandum of Understanding: A document that describes the general principles of an agreement between parties, but does not amount to a substantive contract.
Mentor: An experienced person who provides guidance and support by being a role model, guide, tutor, coach or confidant to the developing novice.
Metal Working Skills Inc.: Provides national program accreditation.
Mill or Millage: Rate of tax imposed on taxable value. One (1) mill equals $1.00 of tax for each $1,000.00 of taxable value.
One cent = $0.01 = 1/100 of One Dollar
One mill = $0.001 = 1/1000 of One Dollar
Model Sequence of Courses: A designated sequence of academic and technical courses that successively builds content from introductory to advanced information and culminates in academic and technical skill proficiency certificate, licensure and/or degrees.
- N -
NAAE Region II: The region of the National Association of Agricultural Educators to which Oklahoma Agricultural Educations Teachers Association belongs.
National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education: See Advance CTE.
National Automotive Technician's Education Foundation: A certification of training programs that is provided on the recommendations of NATEF based on evaluation of the program’s purpose, administration, learning resources, finances, student services, instruction, equipment, facilities, instructional staff and cooperative work agreements. Automotive Service Excellence offers voluntary certification for automotive and auto body technician training programs.
National Career Development Guidelines: A competency-based approach to career development designed to help plan high quality career guidance and counseling.
National Council Licensure Examination: A test administered by the boards of nursing in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the five U.S. territories of American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands to determine who is safe to begin practice as an entry-level nurse. All states require this exam to be taken prior to practicing as a nurse.
National Institute for Metalworking Skills: The nation’s only ANSI-accredited developer of precision manufacturing skill standards and competency assessments. NIMS certifies individual skills against standards and accredits programs that meet its quality requirements.
National Technical Honor Society: The honor society for CareerTech students.
National Council of Local Administrators: Provides leadership and advocacy in the promotion and development of career and technical education in the secondary and postsecondary school systems of the United States and its territories.
New and Related Services: A division of Oklahoma Association for Career and Technology Education.
Nontraditional Training and Employment: Individuals studying or working in occupations or fields of work, including careers in computer science, technology and other current and emerging high-skill occupations, in which their gender constitutes less than 25 percent of those employed.
North American Industry Classification System: A consistent framework, developed by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, for the collection, analysis and dissemination of industry statistics used by government policy analysts, academics and researchers, members of the business community and the public.
North American Technician Excellence: Certification designed for installation and service technicians who work on residential and light commercial equipment and systems, air conditioning, air distribution, gas heating, heat pumps and oil heating.
- O -
Occupation: A person’s usual or principal work or business, especially as a means of earning a living or vocation.
Occupational Competency: An industry-validated skill within a job.
Occupational Pathway: A plan of study leading to a specific occupation or job title.
Occupational Program: A program of study designed to provide the student with sufficient knowledge and skills to perform in a specific job.
Occupationally Specific Program: An instructional program designed to prepare individuals with entry-level skills and training for employment in a specific trade, occupation or profession.
Official Enrollment: The verified cumulative count of participants in CTE programs and courses during a given fiscal year.
Oklahoma Agricultural Education Teachers Association: A division of the Oklahoma Association for Career and Technology Education.
Oklahoma Association for Career and Technology Education: An organization that seeks to provide the kind of foresight and direction needed to develop a productive and competitive workforce for Oklahoma. The association is recognized as a dynamic educational leadership organization anticipating and fulfilling the professional needs of its members and their customers in developing a competitive workforce. Members are instructors, administrators and other staff at technology centers, comprehensive schools, skills centers and the ODCTE.
Oklahoma Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences: A division of the Oklahoma Association for Career and Technology Education.
Oklahoma Bid Assistance Network: A statewide service funded by ODCTE and the Procurement Technical Assistance Program of the Department of Defense. OBAN assists Oklahoma companies in competing on federal, state and local government contracts.
Oklahoma Career and Technology Education Board: Nine-member board composed of the state superintendent of public instruction, who serves as the chairman of the board; two members of the State Board of Education; a representative of each congressional district; and one member at large. Members are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the state Senate. The state director of career and technology education serves as an ex officio non-voting member and executive officer.
Oklahoma Career Information System: Internet-based career information delivery system customized for Oklahoma that combines career education and labor market information into one comprehensive, easy-to-use career exploration and job search tool.
Oklahoma Cost Accounting System: Codes defined by the State Department of Education that are used by schools to account for the expenditure of funds. These codes are also used to identify courses taken by students at the high school and technology center.
Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education: The state department that provides leadership, resources and assures standards of excellence for a comprehensive statewide system of career and technology education. The system offers programs and services in 29 technology center districts operating on 60 campuses, comprehensive school districts, skill centers (prison) and juvenile facilities. The agency is governed by the state Board of Career and Technology Education and works closely with the State Department of Education and the state Regents for Higher Education to provide a seamless educational system for all Oklahomans. The agency is located in Stillwater in north central Oklahoma.
Oklahoma Department of Commerce:
Oklahoma Department of Corrections:
Oklahoma Electronic Commerce Connection: An entity of Small Business Development Services that provides training to support the growth of electronic business in Oklahoma.
Oklahoma Evaluation and Industry Partnerships: Oklahoma Education & Industry Partnership (OEIP) offers an outstanding professional development opportunity for Oklahoma educators each summer.
Oklahoma Horizon: A nationally televised show produced at the ODCTE. The staff covers stories across Oklahoma, the nation and the world, showcasing people and businesses that contribute to Oklahoma's economic success and quality of life.
Oklahoma Instructional Materials: A section of New and Related Services Division of OKACTE that addresses development of instructional materials and assessments.
Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction: See State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
O*NET: The Occupational Information Network used for matching the title of an occupation with its five- or six-digit occupational code (
Open Admission: A policy whereby a school accepts any student who applies.
Open Entry, Open Exit: An instructional model in which students can enter a program at any point openings occur, progress at their own pace and exit when the content has been successfully completed.
- P -
Partner School: See Feeder School.
PACE: A division of the Oklahoma Association of Career and Technology Education that fosters and promotes professional linkages and development among and between members who are providing or are interested in business and industry training services. Formerly Customized Business and Industry Training Services.
PELL Funds: Federal student financial assistance. Funds can only be used to prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation.
PELL Grant: A U.S. Department of Education grant program for needy postsecondary students who have not yet received a baccalaureate or professional degree.
Performance Assessment: The process of measuring performance against a set of standards through examination, practical test, performance observation and/or the completion of portfolios of work and assignments.
Perkins: Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education Act.
Placement: The designation given regarding the education and/or employment status of a student who completes a career major/program or course.
PLAN: Trademark for the name of the 10th-grade achievement and interest assessment that is part of the ACT system. EXPLORE is the eighth-grade version. PLAN, EXPLORE and ACT constitute the Educational Planning and Assessment System.
Plan of Study: See Individual Career Plan.
Portfolio: A lifelong, student-managed collection of achievements and progress toward career goals.
Positive Placement: A unit of measurement that represents the number of students placed (military + employed related + employed non-related + continuing education) divided by the total number of known completers.
Postsecondary/Adult Student: A student who is no longer enrolled in a comprehensive school system or its equivalent and is enrolled in a CTE career major/program or course. Students beyond the compulsory age for high school who are enrolled in an educational program.
Postsecondary Education: Education beyond high school including CareerTech, associate degree, baccalaureate degree and certificates/credentials.
Pre-Employment Training: Preparation in interviewing techniques, writing resumes, letters of application, follow-up letters, listening techniques and learning-to-learn skills.
Printing Industries of America: Professional organization of printers nationwide.
Printing Plant: The entity of the ODCTE that provides printed material, print estimates and technical assistance in pre-press production.
Priority Academic Student Skills: Oklahoma State Department of Education benchmarks of the skills and competencies that must be met in an academic program.
Procurement Technical Assistance Center: A center funded under the Procurement Technical Assistance Program administered by the Department of Defense.
Production Work Activities: The production of a product by students under contract with a second party for remuneration to the school. Such activities align with the objectives and purpose of the program.
Program: A sequence of courses, outlined in an individual plan of study or competency profile, that results in a career specific, career foundation or career exploration outcome and is aligned to recommended state/national standards or industry certifications or credentials based upon ODCTE guidelines.
Program Assistance Grant: Annual grants provided to CareerTech programs in comprehensive schools for the purpose of supporting the additional costs of the CareerTech program, including the purchase of equipment, instructional supplies and staff development.
Program Identification Number: A five-digit identification number assigned to every position in the CareerTech System's database.
Program of Study: A comprehensive, structured approach for delivering academic and career and technical education to prepare students for postsecondary education and career success. At a minimum, Programs of Study incorporate and align secondary and postsecondary education elements; include academic and CTE content in a coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses; offer the opportunity, where appropriate, for secondary students to acquire postsecondary credits; lead to an industry-recognized credential or certificate at the postsecondary level or an associate or baccalaureate degree; and support the tenets of the POS 10 Component Framework, which include legislation and policies, partnerships, professional development, accountability and evaluation systems, college and career readiness standards, course sequences, credit transfer agreements, guidance counseling and academic advisement, teaching and learning strategies and technical skills assessments.
Program Standards: A set of characteristics or comprehensive benchmarks (quality indicators) established and approved by the Oklahoma Board of Career and Technology Education upon which program quality is measured. Program funding is contingent upon programs meeting the standards or making satisfactory progress toward meeting those standards.
Project Lead the Way: National curriculum used in the pre-engineering, biomedical and Gateway To Technology programs. PLTW prepares students to be the most innovative and productive leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics and to make meaningful, pioneering contributions to the world. PLTW partners with middle schools and high schools to provide a rigorous, relevant STEM education.
Purchasing and Plant Services: A division of the ODCTE responsible for purchasing services and vendor relations, telephone systems, management of facilities and records, grounds beautification and agency vehicles.
- Q -
Quality Indicator: Individual criteria that when looked at collectively determine whether a program has met the standard.
- R -
Region IV: See ACTE Region IV.
Regional Accreditation Officer: A representative of the State Department of Education who evaluates comprehensive districts.
Regional Administrator: Serves as a liaison among comprehensive school superintendents, communities, other agencies and administrative entities involved with the delivery of CareerTech programs and services.
Registered Apprenticeship Program: A highly flexible training model combining on-the-job learning and related classroom instruction in which paid employees receive technical and practical training in highly skilled occupations. (United States Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Office of Apprenticeship Training, Employer and Labor Services, 2005)
Registered Respiratory Therapist: An advanced level credential.
Registration: A credential offered by a regulatory body that administers examinations and maintains a registry or list of qualified personnel.
Related Placement: A unit of measurement that represents the number of students joining the military, employed in related field and continuing education divided by the total number of known completers.
Research, Analysis, Communication and Evaluation: A formula used in communications and marketing strategic planning.
Resource Center for CareerTech Advancement: A division at the ODCTE that provides research on educational materials and best practices and identifies curriculum, assessments, professional development and other instructional delivery resources.
Retention (Retained): A student who continues in the same career major/program in the following academic year.
Reverse Transfer: A process in which credit hours earned by students after transfer to another institution may be applied to certificate or degree requirements at previously attended institution or institutions. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education policies regarding requirements and standards for awarding undergraduate certificates or degrees shall apply.
- S -
Safeland USA: A federally recognized oilfield safety program.
Safety and Health Training for Government Entities: Training delivered to government entities in compliance with the Oklahoma Occupational Health and Safety Standards Act designed to reduce workplace accidents and injuries.
Safety and Health Training for Industry: Training delivered to private industry or organizations in compliance with the Oklahoma Occupational Health and Safety Standards Act designed to reduce workplace accidents and injuries.
Salary and Teaching Schedule: A document that is a part of the contract for ongoing career and technology education programs. Comprehensive school districts must complete and return the salary and teaching schedule for each CTE teacher in the district.
Sales and Marketing Executives International Inc.: A non-profit professional association for sales and marketing professionals and entrepreneurs.
Scholastic Aptitude Test: An examination to predict the facility with which an individual will progress in learning college-level coursework.
School-Based Enterprise: An enterprise, such as a school store, that provides a laboratory for students to practice academic and related career skills. The enterprise is aligned with the objectives and purpose of the program.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Division: Course offerings that provide leadership to STEM educators across the state and support programs provided in comprehensive schools and technology centers.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Programs: Provides hands-on and problem-based curriculum that allows students to explore opportunities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, including pre-engineering, biomedical technology, biotechnology, technology engineering and Gateway To Technology.
Seamless Education: An alignment of educational opportunities to enable students to transition from one level of education to another without loss of time, credit or repetition.
Secondary CareerTech Student: A student in grade 12 or below who is enrolled in a CareerTech offering at a comprehensive school or at a technology center with the intent of completing the required objectives or coursework.
Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990: Regulations of the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board that identify and help provide facility and transportation accommodations for individuals with disabilities not eligible for special education resources.
Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990: A section requiring that federal agencies' electronic and information technology be accessible to people with disabilities. IT Accessibility & Workforce Division, in the U.S. General Services Administration's Office of Government-wide Policy, has been charged with the task of educating Federal employees and building the infrastructure necessary to support Section 508 implementation. (
Self-Paced Instruction: An educational delivery system that allows students to progress at their own rates.
Sending School: Feeder School.
Service Center: A division of the ODCTE that provides information and technical assistance on inventory and inventory control, conducts equipment audits, tags new and transferred equipment and oversees the transfer of equipment titles to technology centers and comprehensive high schools.
Service Learning: A program in which students participate in meaningful, needed service that uses their academic and social skills and knowledge. Participants receive credit toward graduation.
Single Parent: An individual who is unmarried or legally separated from a spouse and has a minor child or children for which the parent has either custody or joint custody. Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Act of 1990, Section 521(30).
Skill Assessment: The process of measuring performance against a set of standards through examination, practical tests, performance observation and/or the completion of portfolios of work and assignments.
Skill Credential: A state, national or industry-recognized license, certificate, credential or competency assessment.
Skill Set: An established group of competencies that leads to entry-level employment or advanced standing.
Skills Centers: State-owned correctional facilities, private prisons, state-operated juvenile detention centers and private juvenile group homes in which CareerTech offerings are provided.
Skills Centers Division: The division within the ODCTE responsible for operation of the Skills Centers School System, a state-run school that operates campuses inside adult and juvenile correctional facilities in Oklahoma.
Skills Centers Program: An organized career specific or non-career specific CTE training program provided to offenders in a correctional facility.
Skills Centers Student: An incarcerated adult or juvenile offender who is working to complete an individual career plan of study leading to successful unsubsidized employment.
Skills Standards: An industry-driven document that lists the skills, knowledge and abilities needed to perform an occupation successfully. Skills standards lists are used to identify or develop instructional materials and guide competency test development.
SkillsUSA: The CareerTech student organization serving high school and postsecondary students who are preparing for careers in technical, skilled and service occupations.
Small Business Development Services: The entity of the ODCTE that provides leadership and resources to technology centers to ensure the success of Oklahoma businesses. The resources include self-employment training, small business management, the Oklahoma Bid Assistance Network and the Oklahoma Electronic Commerce Connection.
Small Business Management: A function of Small Business Development Services that provides support to the SBM programs in technology centers. The SBM programs offer a step-by-step process for creating and developing a successful business.
Society for Human Resource Management: An association of human resource professionals that serves the needs of HR professionals and advances the interests of the HR profession.
Soft Money: A term that refers to funds that are not a part of the general operating budget of an institution. The funds may be from government agencies or private foundations.
Special Populations: Individuals with disabilities; individuals from economically disadvantaged families (including foster children); individuals preparing for non-traditional fields; single parents, including single pregnant women; displaced homemakers; and individuals with limited English proficiency. Carl D. Perkins Act of 2006.
Standard: The level or rate of an outcome.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction: Also known as the Oklahoma state school superintendent. The chief executive officer for the Oklahoma State Department of Education and the chairman of the Oklahoma State Board of Education and Oklahoma State Board of Career and Technology Education. The state superintendent of public instruction is responsible for overseeing, implementing and reviewing the policies of Oklahoma's public school system.
Status Unknown Rate: A unit of measurement that represents the number of students for which follow-up information could not be provided divided by the total number of completers.
Status Unknown Student: A student for which follow-up information could not be provided.
Student: A person enrolled in a course offering.
Student Accounting System: The formal process for collecting and reporting data related to the statewide CTE system.
Student Follow-Up: The completion and placement data for students who were enrolled in designated CTE offerings, collected by the ODCTE six months after the end of the previous fiscal year or six months after completion of a skills centers program.
Student Internship: Opportunities for students to practice their skills in work situations that are aligned to the students' career goals and the programs. See Internships.
Student Services: Services provided by technology centers to help secondary and postsecondary students achieve career development goals. Examples of services include career advisement, assessments, guidance and counseling services, testing and industry credentials or certifications.
Students Taking Action with Recognition: A National FCCLA competitive event.
Supervised Agricultural Experience: An agricultural education program component.
Supplemental Assessment: An assessment or certification that documents attainment of specific skills but does not assess occupational readiness as outlined in the skills standard. Supplemental tests are not suitable substitutes for ODCTE-developed competency tests.
Supplemental Services: Services that help educational agencies implement auxiliary, ancillary and intervention programs and services to ensure special populations are provided full access to CareerTech education, recruitment, assessment, appropriate program placement, guidance and transition services. The services might include assessment, curriculum, equipment, classroom modification, supportive personnel and instructional aides and devices.
System Support: Refers to support services provided to educational entities by the ODCTE such as research, staff development, program management and technical assistance.
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Teacher Certification Program: A program designed to prepare students to meet the requirements for certification as teachers.
Teacher Education and Compensation Helps: A program of the Early Childhood Association of Oklahoma that provides scholarships to help child care providers acquire a child care credential or associate degree.
Teacher Internship: Opportunities for academic teachers to spend time within an industry to determine how their subject area is integrated into the employment setting.
Teacher Salary Supplement: The reimbursement to comprehensive schools from the ODCTE to augment the salary of CTE teachers.
Teachers-As-Advisers: A system that provides educational and career planning with parental involvement for all students by matching student groups with a teacher adviser for a certain period of time.
TechConnect: Foundation programs designed to transition ninth- and 10th-grade students to the next level of career development. The program provides foundational competency experiences by focusing on integration of rigorous academics, all aspects of the industry, employability and technical skills.
TechConnect Plus: Career specific programs designed for 11th- and 12th-grade students in comprehensive high schools to build more effectively on the experiences at the ninth- and 10th-grade level through more rigorous career and technology content and focused experiences in technical/trade content areas.
Technical Assistance: Services provided by the ODCTE to CareerTech programs to ensure compliance with standards and state and federal regulations and to assure the quality of the programs.
Technology Center Services: The division of the ODCTE that serves as the liaison between technology center administrators and the department.
Technology Centers That Work: An improvement initiative to help shared timed centers review and implement the actions needed to produce high-demand, high-wage graduates who will be leaders in their selected careers.
Technology Engineering Courses: Course offerings that provide hands-on career exploration experiences and improve technological literacy.
Technology Student Association: The CareerTech student organization for students enrolled in science, technology, engineering and mathematics programs.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families: A federal block grant created by the passage of the Personal Responsibility Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996; designed to assist eligible families with dependent children that meet the income/resource standards set out in the state TANF plan.
Test Assessing Secondary Completion: One of three exams available for earning a high school diploma in the High School Equivalency program in the Adult Basic Education Division of Oklahoma CareerTech. TASC is Data Recognition Corporation | CTB's high school equivalency test.
Testing Division: A division of the ODCTE that develops, maintains and analyzes competency tests for occupational programs and licensing agencies.
Testing Liaison: The person in a comprehensive high school, technology center or skills center who coordinates communication of information regarding competency testing issues between the Testing Division and CareerTech instructors at that facility.
Trade and Industrial Education Division: The division of the ODCTE that administers the training of students in a wide variety of trade and industrial careers.
Trade and Industrial Education Programs: Course offerings that are designed to prepare students for careers in several trade and industrial-related clusters. Instruction encompasses areas of study such as concepts, layout, design, materials, production, assembly, quality control, maintenance, troubleshooting, construction and repair and service of industrial, commercial and residential goods and products.
Training for Existing Industry Initiative: An economic development incentive that provides training to an organization’s existing employees to increase competitiveness. Training is provided at no cost for qualifying organizations.
Training for Industry Programs: An economic development incentive that provides employee training for qualifying companies that create new jobs in Oklahoma. This training is provided at no cost to the companies.
Training Plan: A document listing observable duties and tasks that an intern or worksite learning student should master while participating in an internship or work-based experience.
Transcript: The official school record of a student’s performance showing all course work completed, including course titles, course hours, grades or other evaluations earned and grading scale.
Transportability: The ease by which project activities and results may be replicated at other sites, such as through the development and use of guides or manuals that provide step-by-step directions for others to follow to initiate similar efforts and reproduce comparable results.
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Unduplicated Headcount: A student who is counted only once for the full year time period, regardless of the number of courses or programs in which he or she is enrolled.
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- W -
Work-Based Learning: Designed to provide students with work experiences that provide instruction in such things as positive work attitudes, employability skills and participative skills. These experiences may occur within the classroom or the workplace.
Workforce Investment Act of 1998: The federal government's effort to adapt workforce training systems to current economic conditions. The economic development impact of WIA includes (1) shifting decision-making to the local level; (2) allowing local businesses to determine skill needs; (3) adapting training to local growth patterns; (4) promoting inclusion of economic development principles in plans; and (5) requiring states to submit economic development plans with the WIA implementation plan.
WorkKeys®: A job skills assessment system that helps employers select, hire, train, develop and retain a high-performance workforce. See ACT WorkKeys®.
Work-Site Learning: Planned learning experiences for students, under the guidance of a workplace mentor, to develop specific technical competencies and general workplace competencies. Experiences may also occur in a school-based enterprise, simulation or special project.
Work-Study: A need-based form of financial aid that supplements government student loans and grants by allowing qualified individuals to work at a fair wage for up to 10 hours per week on campus, often in positions that relate to their area of study.
Work-Study Program: A provision of the Higher Education Act to provide grants to institutions for partial reimbursement of wages paid to postsecondary students who are employed part-time by the institution. The funds are intended to help with educational expenses.
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