"The WorkKeys/CRC process saves valuable time, money, and resources for FES." - Brenda Rolls, President and CEO of Frontier Electronic Systems.
Meeting military standards and stringent quality requirements as defined by industry standards are extremely important and mandatory for our customer base.
The FES specialists in tandem with the WorkKeys job profiler determined the workplace skills and skill levels necessary for job success.
The specialists helped develop and administer the WorkKeys/CRC criteria bringing a knowledge base with practical experience that FES can access to better screen and evaluate applicants.
The results are people hired who are a good fit for the position and happy in their career choice.
In 2012 WorkKeys was implemented at Frontier Electronic Systems.
Immediate benefits were two fold.
- Candidates who did not want to take an assessment screened themselves out of the process.
- The smaller pool of remaining applicants contained individuals who were serious enough about applying for our positions that they were willing to take the assessment, and who potentially would be a better fit for our open positions. Both of these benefits reduced the amount of work for the FES human resources team.
The position of electronic assembler has been WorkKeys profiled.
Now, it is standard practice for all new electronic assemblers to complete the task list activities through in-house training.
FES has hired five employees through the WorkKeys/Career Readiness Certificate program. This represents 25 percent of our electronics assembler work force. Of the five individuals hired through these programs, two scored Gold, three scored Silver, and all are strong contributors to the FES team, doing very well in their positions.
We value the opportunity to participate in the WorkKeys/CRC program.