"WorkKeys® is for the employee's benefit as much as the company. The company invests in its employees in a perceived fair manner. The result is company loyalty." Keith Watters Hobby Lobby Distribution Personnel/Hiring Center
"Now we have a WorkKeys testing site on campus with proctors. Employees may take the assessment while on the clock with the company absorbing the cost.
Morale is up and turnover for the population that has gone through WorkKeys is much lower than the population that hasn't gone through it."
Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.
Hobby Lobby operates from a single office, distribution and manufacturing complex in Oklahoma City. The on-site manufacturing plant produces store fixtures, candles, scented products, art canvas, picture frames, and houses product packaging facilities.
As of March 2015, Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. had more than 600 stores across the nation and is one of America's fastest growing arts and crafts chains and is continually opening new stores.
A fair process was needed for promoting Team Leaders and Managers.
In 2013, Hobby Lobby managers decided to profile Team Leader positions using the WorkKeys system.
Today, Hobby Lobby Distribution offers the WorkKeys system on-site for employees who wish to advance in the company. The WorkKeys Assessment is a required step for employees who desire to be a Team Leader. Employees can voluntarily learn what skill sets are needed to become WorkKeys certified and use KeyTrain to train up for the assessment.