All classes are also available online.
The prerequisite class is offered both spring and fall.
Class Objective: Defend and uphold the Library Bill of Rights, Use the principles and ethics of librarianship in a way that demonstrates respect for patron privacy
Class PowerPoint
Class Pre-Reads
Spring Classes
See the class PowerPoint, class resources, worksheets, and other information. You may print any that you would like or just follow along on any device you choose.
Online resources are intended for during and after class use.
Pre-Class Homework
Watch one or both of the example Reference/Readers' Advisory Interviews:
Review the following reference sources. Think of other reference or community resources that might be helpful at your library.
Begin filling out the 5x5 Book Challenge. Bring this to class to get suggestions to finish filling it out, and be prepared to share reading suggestions with others.
- Appeal Factors
- 5 Finger Rule - for beginning readers
Class Resources
Reference Interview Resources
- ALA guidelines for conducting successful reference interviews
- OK211 Community Resources Database
- Example Reference Interview Questions
Readers' Advisory Resources
Appeal Factors
See the class PowerPoint and other information. You may print any that you would like or bookmark this page for future reference.
Online resources are intended for during and after class use.
See the class PowerPoint, class resources, worksheets, and other information. You may print any that you would like or bookmark this page for future reference.
Please complete any pre-class activities. All other handouts or other resources are intended for during and after class use.
Pre-Cass Homework
Think of a person or a subject for practicing reference searches.
Class Resources
Tutorials & Troubleshooting
- EBSCO training videos
- Libby Help
- Register an email without a phone number
- DigitalLearn - basic computer skills building that can be used by staff or shared directly with customers.
Digital Resources
Website Evaluation
Internet Safety
See the class PowerPoint, class resources, worksheets, and other information. You may print any that you would like or bookmark this page for future reference.
Please complete and bring any pre-class homework to class. All other handouts or other resources are intended for during and after class use.
Pre-Cass Homework
Complete the following activities and bring them to class:
Class Resources
Communication Tools
- Homelessness Training Library
- Improv to be a better human being: Galen Emanuele at TEDxBellingham
- Customer Service in Libraries trainings from WebJunction
Stress Management Tools
New each year! The webinars are recorded and made available online for those who cannot attend live.
Trauma-Informed Librarianship (now online)
A presentation on trauma-informed librarianship with Q&A
This webinar contains the following information:
- General information about the changing needs of patrons, including some state-specific data about factors impacting library patrons in Oklahoma
- Information about how these needs impact library staff
- Trauma and how it can impact both public library patrons and staff in libraries of all sizes (specifically including rural as well as suburban and urban libraries)
- The six guiding principles of trauma-informed care and how they can be applied in a library setting to benefit both staff and patrons
- Strategies for ensuring your library offers trauma-sensitive programming and services
About the Speaker
Beth is a researcher, consultant, trainer, and scholar who studies public library staff and patron needs, trauma-informed librarianship, staff experiences of workplace violence and stress, staff readiness for social services in the library, library-based social work practicum placements, and other types of social work-informed public library interventions and collaborations. She works with libraries of all sizes, from small or rural libraries to urban libraries, as well as both individual and large statewide or regional library organizations to understand staff experiences and challenges, patron needs, and strategies for supporting libraries in the valuable services they provide. Beth has conducted needs assessments of libraries across the United States, has developed and coordinated library-based social work collaborations, supervised library-based student practicum placements, and has provided multiple workshops internationally for public library staff on patron psychosocial needs, trauma-informed librarianship, skill-building for managing challenging patron behavior, and social work collaborations for meeting those needs.
Beth earned her BS in psychology from the University of Evansville, and her MSW and PhD in social work from the University of Kentucky. She is currently affiliate research faculty at UNC Charlotte after leaving her role as Director of the School of Social Work to pursue her consulting business full-time. She has nearly 15 years of experience as a social work educator, researcher, and administrator. In addition, she has 14 years of previous practice experience working primarily with individuals who struggle with poverty-related needs, mental health challenges, substance use disorders, and intimate partner violence.
To learn more, visit
Fall Classes
See the class PowerPoint, class resources, worksheets, and other information. You may print any that you would like or bookmark this page for future reference.
Please complete and bring any pre-class homework to class. All other handouts or other resources are intended for during and after class use.
Pre-Cass Homework
- Fill out the Community Profile Worksheet. Bring it to class.
Class Resources
Ages and Stages
Program Planning
See the class PowerPoint and other information. You may print any that you would like or bookmark this page for future reference.
Please complete and bring any pre-class homework to class. All other handouts or other resources are intended for during and after class use.
Pre-Cass Homework
Find out when your library was established and any interesting facts about your library that you can share with the group.
See the class PowerPoint and other information. You may print any that you would like or bookmark this page for future reference.
Please complete and bring any pre-class homework to class. All other handouts or other resources are intended for during and after class use.
Pre-Cass Homework
Read your library's collection development policy.