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Online Resources

With your ODL library card, you can access many platforms for research and information. Below you will find a list of the remote access and in-library use resources that ODL provides its patrons. We have also included a list of open access online resources for you to explore. 

Remote Access

Available with your ODL library card account.

In Library Use

Available only at the ODL library.

Direct Access

EBSCO — available to all Oklahomans— is a search interface that delivers millions of online resources, including: health, business and legal information, current events, Consumer Reports, other magazines, and more — all from expert sources.

Brainfuse — an on-demand, web-based, online learning platform

  • HelpNow - Homework help, writing lab, practice tests, and more
  • JobNow - support every step of the job search process: cover letter writing, resumes, interview prep, and job resources
  • VetNow - help for veterans and their families to understand and apply for the benefits they are eligible for from local, state, or federal programs

Digital Prairie — digital content spanning more than 100 years of Oklahoma government history

If you have questions about assessing the remote or the in-library use resources, please contact us.

Last Modified on Jan 24, 2024