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Federal Bonding

The Federal Bonding program provides individual fidelity bonds to employers for job applicants who are deemed unbondable by commercial carriers. Bonds are issued in increments of $5,000 up to $25,000 and are available at no cost to employers or job candidates. The applicant is covered for the first six months of employment, but the employer may purchase additional coverage after this period if they desire.

Many employers carry insurance to protect themselves against employee theft or dishonesty. Employees who handle money, valuable tools or goods are covered. This insurance is called fidelity bonding. When such commercial insurance is denied because of an individual’s background, the employer often denies a job to that person.

This is not cash-in-hand. This is an insurance coverage dollar amount.

Want to Request a Bond?

Contact Information

For any questions, email OESC at

Any "at-risk" job candidate is eligible for bonding services, including:

  • Ex-offenders & other justice-involved individuals
  • Individuals with a history of substance abuse
  • TANF or public assistance recipients
  • Individuals with poor credit records
  • Economically disadvantaged individuals with little or no work history
  • Individuals dishonorably discharged from the military
  • Anyone who cannot secure employment because they are not commercially bondable

For an employer to receive a federal bond, they must have an extended a firm job offer to a job candidate that is qualified for the job. The job itself must offer steady work with a reasonable expectation of being permanent.

The bond does not cover liability due to poor workmanship, job injuries or work accidents. It is not a bail bond or court bond for the legal system. It is not a contract bond, a performance bond or a license bond sometimes needed to be self-employed.