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HOUSE BILL (HB) 3015 UPDATE: HB3015 has passed and the bill as written will reduce the supervision requirements from two years to 3,000 hours. The Board is having discussions on this bill and how it will impact licensees. Please continue to check our website for updates.

Agency Forms

Online Application

Applicants who are requesting licensure transfer from another state must complete the application, affidavit of legal status, and must submit to the background check process (as noted above). In addition to those three items, applicants must complete the verification licensure form and request an ASWB score transfer request as applicable.

Verification of Licensure (As part of the online application process, we need verification of licensure for all states you are currently licensed in or have been previously licensed in. You may use this form to request verification from your current/previous state's of licensure, or you may print your verification from your state's website and upload it into the application portal.)

ASWB Score Transfer Request (Once the request is submitted to the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB), ASWB will forward the score transfer directly to the Oklahoma State Board of Licensed Social Workers.)

In Oklahoma, a general business license or fee is not required.

The regulating business in the state (issuing licenses, permits, etc.) is done directly by the specific state agencies or sources designated to do so.

All applicants are required to submit an Affidavit of Legal Status verifying U.S. citizenship OR qualified alien status.

Applicants are required to submit to a background check.

Please review the Background Check Policy before scheduling your appointment.

The results of the background checks will come directly to the Board Office from IdentoGO. You do not need to upload any documents once your background check process is completed.

Service Code for the OK Social Work Board: 2B7NG9
To resolve scheduling conflicts contact IDEMIA 1-877-219-0197

Supervision Forms

To begin the process of establishing a supervision contract, you must hold licensure at the LSWA or LMSW level. Once licensed at either level, you may complete and submit Supervision Contract Form 201.

When your contract is approved, you will receive an email notification of the approved contract with the approval letter informing you of your effective start date.

If you are experiencing difficulty defining the "focus of supervision" for page two of the contract, please refer to the following examples. These examples should assist in helping you determine the area of focus for your supervisory experience.

Focus of Supervision Samples

Evaluation Forms & Intervals

Once your contract has been approved, you may begin accruing hours toward the completion of your supervision. Generally speaking, there are three evaluation periods for which you will need to submit evaluation forms. Evaluation forms are to be submitted at following intervals:


When you have accumulated a minimum:
  • 25 hours educational supervision
  • 1000 practice hours

1st (First) Evaluation Period is approximately six months if employed full time.


When you have accumulated a minimum:
  • 50 hours educational supervision
  • 2000 practice hours

2nd (Second) Evaluation Period is approximately twelve months if employed full time.


When you have accumulated a minimum:
  • 100 hours educational supervision
  • 4000 practice hours

3rd (Third) Evaluation Period is approximately twenty-four months if employed full time.

For those seeking CLINICAL LICENSURE

You must complete and submit the following forms for EACH evaluation period within 30 DAYS of completing the evaluation period.

Comments MUST be included in all sections.

All forms received by this office MUST include original signatures where appropriate.


You must complete and submit the same 202 and 207 forms, for EACH evaluation period within 30 DAYS of completing the evaluation period as noted above.

Administrative Licensure uses Form 205. Comments MUST be included in all sections.

All forms received by this office MUST include original signatures where appropriate.

Termination of Supervision

Termination of Supervision occurs for a variety of reasons, change of jobs, relocation, completion of the required number of hours, etc. If you are terminating supervision for any reason, you will need to complete and submit FORM 208 within 30 days of the termination, along with evaluation forms, and the supervision log for that evaluation period.

Board Approved Supervisors

To make application to become a Board Approved Supervisor (BAS), please fill out application and submit it to the Oklahoma State Board of Licensed Social Workers with payment of $150.00. Please note that your application MUST include detailed information demonstrating your CLINICAL supervisory work experience specific to the specialty for which you are making application, e.g., those seeking BAS approval for clinical specialty MUST describe their CLINICAL supervisory experience.

To enroll in a Supervisor Training Workshop, please complete the following form and mail it to the Oklahoma State Board of Licensed Social Workers with payment of $100.00. Please note that the Supervisor Training offered by the Oklahoma State Board of Licensed Social Workers is the same for both BAS and Non-BAS Supervisors.

Last Modified on Aug 09, 2024
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