Special Populations
Katlyn Hudgins
Resources for CTE Disability Specialists, Counselors, Teachers & Instructors
- Supporting CTE Special Populations Grant Application. Each and every year billions of dollars are awarded to schools, teachers and organizations!!!
- Office of Special Education Programs Technical Assistance Network
- ESSP Member Dependent Scholarship
If you are an ESSP member, you have the opportunity to apply for the ESSP Member Dependent Scholarship. This Scholarship is made available to assist an ESSP member, their spouse, child, and/or dependent with the cost of tuition, books, tools, and/or other expenses connected to employment or training.
The ESSP member MUST have paid their dues for the year that they are applying.
Amount: $500
Number of Awards: One
Deadline: June 1st
- Strategies for Special Population Success: Practical Tips and Tools for Educators – National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity
- Categories of Disability
- CareerTech FAQs Regarding Students with Disabilities
- Special Populations Resource Guide
- Disability Reference Guide For Technology Centers
- Section 504 Accommodation Plan (fillable form)
- IEP Participation Questionnaire
- Educational Interpreter Registry (OSDE)
- Discipline Removal of CTE Students with Disabilities
- Non-Traditional Careers
- Checklist for Ensuring Accessibility of Learning Materials
Resources for Students
Do you realize that you already have great job skills?
The things you like about yourself, the things you do all the time -- these are the basics of great job skills.
Whether you’re writing a resume or preparing for a job interview, this list can help! Be sure to think of examples from your own life that you are willing to share. For example, “I am determined and goal-oriented; I have started my own lawn care business, created business cards and promoted my business on various social media outlets.
- Oklahoma ABLE Tech: Oklahoma ABLE Tech provides assistive technology services, including loan of equipment, services and accessible educational materials
- Transition to Postsecondary Education Student with Disability Guide & Career Development Checklist
- Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities
- Bookshare: Bookshare helps people read in ways that work for them. They can listen to books, follow along with highlighted text, read in braille or large text, and customize their experience.
- U.S. Department of Labor, Disability Resources: Provides resources for people with disabilities who are in the workforce and includes laws, regulations, job search, responsibilities and rights.
- Casy Cundiff Scholarship: The Casy Cundiff Scholarship is made available to assist any individual with a disability and/or student with unusual circumstances (i.e., homelessness, parent in armed forces, single parent, foster care, etc)
- access or complete a CTE career major
- enter the career for which they have trained
Award of the scholarship is based on how an applicant has overcome barriers to achieve success in their career major. - Amount: $500
- Number of Awards: One
- Deadline: June 1st
Resources for Parents
- Postsecondary Education For A Child with A Disability Parent Guide
- Oklahoma Parents Center
- Special Education Resolution Center: The Special Education Resolution Center offers innovative programs that assist school districts and parents in settling disputes regarding the individualized education programs of students with disabilities. The programs are provided at no cost through a partnership with the Oklahoma State Department of Education
Grant Resources
Each and every year billions of dollars are awarded to schools, teachers and organizations!!!
New Carl Perkins Innovation Supplemental Grants - Things to know:
- All grants will be on a two-year award cycle to match the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment timeline. To be eligible for awards recipients will be required to complete and submit their Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment.
- Grant recipients will have to show progress towards goal completion by the end of the first year of funding to receive 2nd year funding. These Benchmarks will be developed in collaboration with the Program area innovative grant leads and the recipients.
- There will be 6 Innovation Grant initiatives that all eligible recipients can apply for:
- Career Development and Programs of Study
- Career Pathways, Workforce and Industry Partnerships
- Supporting CTE Special Populations
- High Growth and Emerging Technologies
- Innovation in Career Exploration
- Innovative Strategies to Recruit and Retain CTE Instructors
Resources for Businesses
Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion
Professional Development
CareerTech Master Educator has many courses related to accessibility and disabilities, including:
- Accessibility for Web Design
- Accessible Video: Caption, Search and
Compliance Strategies
- Acrobat DC: Creating Accessible
PDFs (2015)
- Advanced Accessible PDFs (2019)
- Advanced Accessible PDFs (2020)
- Android App Development: Accessibility
- Creating Accessible Documents in
Microsoft Office
- Creating Accessible PDFs
- Disability Basics for CareerTech
- Dyslexia Awareness
- EPUB Accessibility Using InDesign
- FERPA – Family Educational Rights
& Privacy Act
- Increasing Accessibility & Fostering
Inclusive Classrooms with Microsoft
- iOS App Development: Accessibility
- Supporting Students with Mental Illness
- Teaching Techniques: Making
Accessible Learning
- Using Accessibility to Improve SEO
- WordPress: Accessibility
For more information on Master Educator, please contact: Carrie Miller, Leadership & Professional Development Coordinator