STEM Action Items
- Submit fundraiser(s) for board approval
- Work with certification specialist for questions about new teachers
- Register teachers for Oklahoma Summit
- Registration, Hotel, Transportation, Parking, Food/Per Diem
- Perkins Letters go out (Approval/Incomplete)
- Attend Oklahoma Summit
- Submit TSA fundraiser(s) for local board approval
- Request Program Identification List (PID) for all CareerTech Teachers
- Contact
- Request Allocation Report (412 and 411) for CareerTech Teachers (CTE)
- Superintendent or
- Send 412 Allocation amounts to each CTE teacher (412 Funds)
- STEM & Trades and Industry (T&I) - $9500
- AG & BITE - $13,000
- FAC, Marketing and Health Careers- $8000
- Review/Train CTE teachers about district PO process (activity and 412)
- Review/Train CTE Teachers to request travel
- Request 412 Reports for the previous year from your school finance person ask for a Project Code 412 report for division Program Code 315
- Email report to Karsyn Bradshaw
- CareerTech Division (Program) Codes
- 311 AG
- 316 BITE
- 314 FACS
- 313 Health
- 312 Marketing
- 315 STEM
- 318 Trades and Industry (T&I)
- Request the following information from HR – Finance and send to each teacher for Salary and Scheduling Report
- Each Teachers Salary
- Check CareerTech 411 added to Salary ($2200 or AG $2,600)
- Retirement Amount for each teacher
- Insurance Amount for each teacher
- Work with teachers/counselors on class sizes
- Register any new teacher for follow up day
- Check OCAS codes for all CTE teachers with school counselor/registrar
- Send teachers course titles/OCAS codes for Salary and Scheduling
- CTIMS email – setup account (watch for email from CTIMS)
- Note Pathway Codes for STEM Programs
- SC000 STEM Exploration (All Middle School)
- SC001 Engineering and Technology
- SC002 Science and Mathematics (e.g. BioMed, BioTech, CSI)CESI
- Help teachers with TSA Affiliation and Membership
- TSA Membership
- Please make PO out to:
- Technology Student Association
- 1904 Association Drive
- Reston, VA 20191-1540
- Enroll All Students
- Total TSA Access - Lesson plans, Rubrics and Guidelines for TSA Events
- Attend TSA Fall Leadership Conference (FLC)
- c/o Rose Devers
- 1500 W Seventh Ave
- Stillwater, OK 74074
- Register Students for TSA FLC (Once PO is prepared)
- TSA Fall Leadership Information
- Must be affiliated before registering
- Review Travel Procedures
- Agenda
- Permission Slips
- Student List to Admin
- Check eligibility
- Bus Reservation
- PO for Lunch or sack lunches
- Register any new teacher for follow up day
- Plan to attend TSA Lead Conference
- Check teachers submitted salary and scheduling report (Due September 30)
- Perkins Agreement should be submitted (September 15)
- Prepare and submit CESI report
- Work with accreditation/enrollment submitted to ensure OCAS codes for CTE courses are correct before submitting.
- Register and Attend TSA Fall Leadership Conference (FLC)
- Remind teachers to upload documents for comprehensive evaluation folders
- Plan Fundraising for TSA
- Submit Follow up Reports
- Total TSA Access - Rubrics and Guidelines for TSA Events
- Community Service
- Remind teachers to upload documents for comprehensive evaluation folders
- Prepare TSA Officer Applications
- Review 412 Accounts and Update teachers
- Plan for mini conference(s)
- TSA Chapter community service project
- Fundraising for TSA
- Remind teachers to upload documents for comprehensive evaluation folders
- Send out budget reminder and timeline for spending 412 funds
- Prepare TSA Officer Applications
- Lottery Grant Opens
- TSA Mini Conference Opportunities
- Update CESI
- Register for STEM Mid-Winter Conference
- PO for TSA State Leadership Conference (SLC)
- SLC Registration
- Plan Advisory Committee Meeting
- Upload documents for comprehensive evaluation folders
- Send out budget reminder and timeline for spending 412 funds
- TSA Officer Applications Due
- Lottery Grants
- Remind teachers to upload documents for comprehensive evaluation folders
- Lottery Grants Close
- TSA Mini Conference Opportunities
- Innovative Grants (Even Number Years (2024, 2026, etc.))
- Plan to attend a Regional TSA Conference
- Remind Teachers to upload documents for comprehensive evaluation folders
- Perkins Grants Open
- TSA State Leadership Conference
- Advisory Committee Meeting
- Update Inventory List(s) and upload to evaluation folder
- Check/Closeout all PO’s
- Update STEM division about any teacher changes
- Update CESI
- Remind teachers to upload documents for comprehensive evaluation folders
- Check Perkins allocation amount for next year
- Prepare PO for Oklahoma Summit
- Ask for fundraiser(s) that need board approval
- Register for TSA National Conference
- Attend TSA winner’s workshop
- Remind teachers to upload documents for comprehensive evaluation folders
- Perkins Invoices due May 2
- Perkins Grant due May 6
- Work with certification specialist for questions about new teachers