Military and Overseas Voters
Uniformed services members, their spouses and dependents and U.S. citizens who reside outside of the country are eligible to apply for a Military or Overseas Absentee Ballot. Applicants must meet the qualification requirements of 26 O.S. § 14-137.
Requesting Your Absentee Ballot
Uniformed services members and those who are living overseas, along with their spouses and dependents may apply for an absentee ballot.
If you are eligible for a Military or Overseas Absentee Ballot you may submit your application to the appropriate County Election Board through the OK Voter Portal, by mail, fax or email. You may request to receive your ballot electronically (recommended) or by mail. Absentee ballot requests must be received no later than 5 p.m. the third Monday (15 days) before the election.
State law requires voters to provide an identification number that matches the identification number on their voter registration record when applying for an absentee ballot.
Military voters should contact the Voting Assistance Officers in their units for application forms and information or complete a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) found on the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) website.
Overseas voters may obtain the same materials at United States military installations, embassies and consulates, or by completing a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) found on the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) website.
Voters with questions on selecting a voting address, should refer to the Federal Voting Assistance Program website. The FVAP website provides a wealth of information, along with numerous resources.
Receiving Your Absentee Ballot
Military and Overseas Absentee Ballots are transmitted to voters by their County Election Board no later than 45 days prior to an election for federal and state elections only.
If an application is received less than 45 days before a federal or state election, the absentee ballot is transmitted within 48 hours of receipt of the application.
You can verify whether or not your absentee ballot has been sent using the OK Voter Portal. If you do not receive your absentee ballot, please contact your County Election Board or submit a Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB).
Your Absentee Ballot Packet
Your absentee ballot packet will include absentee ballots, as well as instructions for voting, preparing, and returning an absentee ballot.
Ballots Transmitted Electronically
Here is a checklist:
- Instruction Letter
- Ballot(s)
- Declaration Envelope
- Fax Cover Sheet
Ballots Transmitted by Mail
Here is a checklist:
Please inspect your packet carefully before voting. If you are missing a ballot, instructions or have questions regarding your packet, please contact your County Election Board directly for assistance.
Voting Your Absentee Ballot
Please read all instructions thoroughly before marking or returning your ballot. Absentee ballot laws are subject to change. Any changes to procedures will be noted in your absentee ballot packet.
Military and overseas voters with concerns about receiving or returning their ballot on time, may opt to use a Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB). Please see the Federal Voting Assistance Program website for more information.
IMPORTANT: If you receive your ballot from the County Election Board after submitting your Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB), you may complete the ballot issued to you and submit it to your County Election Board. Only one ballot will be counted.
Returning Your Absentee Ballot
Voted absentee ballots must be returned with a signed and dated affidavit.
Except as permitted by law, absentee voters must return their own absentee ballot to county election officials.
Military and overseas voters have several options for returning ballots. You can return your voted absentee ballots to the County Election Board by U.S. mail or by a private mail service that has delivery documentation, such as FedEx or UPS. First class postage is required for U.S. mail. (We recommend using your outer envelope as a guide to determine return postage.) Private mail service rates apply.
You may also transmit your absentee ballot to your County Election Board by fax. County Election Board fax numbers can be found on the Federal Voting Assistance Program website.
Absentee ballots must be received by the County Election Board by 7 p.m. (CST) on Election Day to be counted.
Please consider the distance your absentee ballot must travel and allow sufficient time for your absentee ballot to be received by the County Election Board.
Tracking Your Absentee Ballot
Military and Overseas Absentee Balloting Portal
If you request to receive your absentee ballot electronically, you can track your ballot using the Military and Overseas Absentee Balloting (MOAB) Portal.
Once your ballot has been received, the portal will indicate the date of receipt.
OK Voter Portal
If you request to receive your ballot by mail, you can use the OK Voter Portal to track your ballot.
The OK Voter Portal provides information on your absentee ballot.
- You can see when your absentee ballot was sent.
- You can see when your absentee ballot is received by the County Election Board.
If your absentee ballot was rejected, you will receive a letter from the County Election Board following the election. The letter will explain why your ballot could not be counted.
NOTE: The OK Voter Portal is a voter information system only, it does not “count” ballots or “tally” votes.