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The index to Child Support Services policy, including administrative rules in Chapter 25 of Title 340 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code, and Instructions to Staff in Chapter 25.

Note 1: 
Please email your suggestions for improving this Index to OCSS.POLICY.UNIT.
Note 2: 
The initials ITS mean Instructions to Staff.
Note 3: 
The initials DM mean Division Memo.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z


     Allocation and distribution 340:25-5-351 & ITS
     Cancelled by statute - defined 340:25-5-345.2
     Case Type - defined  340:25-5-345.2
     Cashier’s Check - defined 340:25-5-345.2
     Certified Check - defined 340:25-5-345.2
     Check - defined 340:25-5-345.2
     Distributed payments- defined 340:25-5-345.2
     Due date for past support  340:25-5-140
     Endorsement of payments  340:25-5-110.1
     Filing date, motion to modify  340:25-5-305
     Forgery - defined 340:25-5-345.2
     Generally  340:25-5-345.1
     Interest  340:25-5-140.1 & ITS
     Negotiable Instrument - defined  340:25-5-345.2
     Payee- defined 340:25-5-345.2 & ITS
     Payment of support  340:25-5-350.3 & ITS
     Pended payments - defined 340:25-5-345.2
     Return of overcollected support  340:25-5-305
     Stop pay - defined 340:25-5-345.2
     Unauthorized signature - defined 340:25-5-345.2
     Undistributed payments - defined 340:25-5-345.2
     Unreimbursed public assistance  340:25-5-350.2
     Warrant - defined 340:25-5-345.2

Address of Record
     Annual notice served by 340:25-5-213
     Case specific 340:25-5-190 ITS
     Collection and maintenance of 340:25-5-340
     Defined 340:25-1-1.1
     Disclosure of 340:25-5-340
     Establishing and updating 340:25-5-340 & ITS
     Name Change 340:25-5-340 ITS
     Remains in effect 340:25-5-190 ITS and 340:25-5-340 ITS
     Request for 340:25-5-340 & ITS
     Service of process to 340:25-5-190 and 340:25-5-340 ITS
     Updating  340:25-5-340

Administrative complaint procedure
     Generally  340:25-1-5.1 & ITS
     Child Support Comments 340:25-1-5.1 & ITS 
Administrative establishment case
     See Case - Transfer of administrative establishment.

Administrative offset
     Generally  340:25-5-215.1 & ITS
     Review procedures  340:25-5-225

Administrative review process
     For annual notice  340:25-5-213
     For federal offsets  340:25-5-225
     For state tax offset  340:25-5-244
     Generally  340:25-5-200.1

     See Modification.

Adult disabled child
     See Disability.

Aggregate order
     Defined  340:25-5-201.1 & ITS

Allocation and distribution of collections
     Allocation - defined  340:25-5-345.2
     Distribution - defined 340:25-5-345.2
     Generally  340:25-5-351 & ITS
     When CP dies  340:25-5-140

Annual notice
     Confirm balances  340:25-5-140
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Generally  340:25-5-213
     Past-due payments  340:25-5-213 & ITS

Annual fee
     When assessed  340:25-5-351

     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Case closure application  340:25-5-123 & ITS

Application for services
     After children reach majority 
340:25-5-110.1 & ITS
     Application for Child Support Services 340:25-5-110.1 and 340:25-5-198.1
     Case Closure Application  340:25-5-123 & ITS
     Fee  340:25-5-110.1
     Generally  340-25-5-110.1
     Name discrepancy  340:25-5-55 ITS and 340:25-5-110.1 ITS
     Not required in certain cases  340:25-5-117 & ITS
     When CSS has active case for unreimbursed assistance  340:25-5-117
     When CP relinquishes physical custody to another custodian  340:25-5-133
     When NCP requests services on open MEO case  340:25-5-110.1

     See also Past-due support.
     Action to determine  340:25-5-140 & ITS
     Allocation and distribution of 340:25-5-351
     Arrears defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Case opening of non-TANF Medicaid only cases  340:25-5-169
     Cases with deprived actions  340:25-5-124.3 & ITS
     Dismissed District Court Order 340:25-5-140 ITS     
     Interstate case  340:25-5-140 and 340:25-5-270
     Release of information to credit bureaus  340:25-5-265
     Unenforceable 340:25-5-123 & ITS

     See also Case - Assignment to district office.
     Cases with delinquent juvenile court actions  340:25-5-124.3 & ITS
     Cases with deprived juvenile court actions  340:25-5-124.3 & ITS
     Cases with guardianship action 340:25-5-124 & ITS
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Family violence  340:25-5-124 ITS
     File Transfer 340:25-5-124 & ITS
     Incarcerated NCP  340:25-5-124 ITS
     Intergovernmental order    340:25-5-12
     Multiple case action  340:25-5-124.4 & ITS
     No party lives in Oklahoma   340:25-5-124 & ITS
     OAH order not docketed   340:25-5-124 & ITS
     Significant contacts and office assignment  340:25-5-124 & ITS
     Unreimbursed public assistance  340:25-5-350.2
     When location of CP and child is unknown 340:25-5-124

Authorized representative
     Authorized Representative Designation 340:25-1-3.1 & ITS
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Generally  340:25-1-3.1 & ITS
     Limitations  340:25-1-3.1 & ITS
     Refusal of  340:25-1-3.1 & ITS
     Verification of  340:25-1-3.1 & ITS


     Staff  340:25-5-345.1

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Calculating new and modified obligations
See Establishment


     See also Non-IV-D case
     Access and use of information 340:25-5-67 & ITS and 340:25-5-124 & ITS
     Applicant, defined 340:25-1-1.1
     Assignment to district office  340:25-5-124 & ITS
     Assignment to district office when there is deprived action 340:25-5-124.3 & ITS
     Closed in error 340:25-5-123 ITS 
     Closure 340:25-5-123 & ITS
     Closure of non-TANF Medicaid only 340:25-5-123 & ITS
     Closure of overpayment recovery 340:25-5-305
     Confidential information 340:25-5-67 & ITS
     Defined 340:25-1-1.1
     Evaluation 340:25-5-200 & ITS
     Generally 340:25-5-110
     Initiation 340:25-5-117 & ITS
     Initiation after children reach majority 340:25-5-110.1 & ITS
     Initiation of judgment only 340:25-5-110.1 ITS and340:25-5-117
     Interstate 340:25-5-270
     Multiple alleged fathers 340:25-5-117 ITS
     Multiple case action  340:25-5-124.4 & ITS
     Name change 340:25-5-55 & ITS and 340:25-5-67.1 ITS
     Noncooperation — medical support 340:25-5-171
     OHCA referral  340:25-5-123 & ITS
          See also Oklahoma Health Care Authority
     Opening to collect past-due support when child is adopted 340:25-5-110.1
     Opening of non-TANF Medicaid only 340:25-5-117 & ITS and 340:25-5-169
     Overpayment recovery inactive status 340:25-5-305
     Procedure for requesting and releasing information 340:25-5-67 & ITS
     Records, contents and retention of, contents of 340:25-5-55 & ITS
     Reopening 340:25-5-117
     Reopening for interest collection 340:25-5-140.1
     Transfer of administrative establishment case 340:25-5-124.1 & ITS
     Transfer of cases with deprived actions 340:25-5-124.3 & ITS and 340:25-5-268
     Transfer or referral to tribal child support program 340:25-5-286 & ITS

Centralized Support Registry
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Generally  340:25-5-350.3 & ITS
     Method of Payment 340:25-5-350.3 & ITS     
     Online and electronic transactions  340:25-5-350.3 & ITS

Centralized Case Registry
     Applicable to both IV-D and non-IV-D cases 340:225-5-339
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Distribution of non-IV-D payments  340:25-5-339
     Generally  340:25-5-339
     Legal authority  340:25-5-339
     Non-IV-D support payment inquiry referral  340:25-5-339
     Summary of Support Order required in non-IV-D case  340:25-5-339

     See Paper warrant.

Child care expenses
     See Child support guidelines.
     Review of child support order  340:25-5-198.1

Child custody
     See Custody and Locate services.

Child support
     See also Child support guidelines.
     Computation form  340:25-5-178
     Child Support Computation 340:25-5-178 ITS
     Current child support - defined 340:25-1-1.1
     Default orders  340:25-5-134 and 340:25-5-178
    Duration of  340-25-5-179 & ITS
     Effective date 340:25-5-140
     Effective date of order for an incarcerated NCP  340:25-5-178
     Establishment of  340:25-5-178 & ITS
     Establishment of in deprived actions  340:25-5-178 & ITS, and 340:25-5-124.3 & ITS 
     Establishment of in non-TANF Medicaid only cases  340:25-5-169
     Follows the child  340:25-5-133 & ITS
     Full time student definition  340:25-5-179 ITS
     Guidelines for  340-25-5-178
     Interest considered 340:25-5-140.1 & ITS
     Modification of order  340:25-5-198.2
     Obligee - defined 340:25-1-1.1
     Obligor - defined 340:25-1-1.1
     Payor - defined 340:25-1-1.1
     Review of child support order 340:25-5-198.1 & ITS
     Use of locate services 340:25-5-155 & ITS

Child support computation form     
     Child Support Computation 340:25-5-178 & ITS
     Preparation of  340:25-5-178 & ITS
     Use of best evidence to determine income 340:25-5-178 & ITS

Child Support Enforcement Division
     See CSS.
Child support guidelines
     Actual child care expenses  340:25-5-178 
     Legal base  340-25-5-178
     Ongoing child care expenses 340:25-1-1.2

Child welfare cases
     See Deprived actions.

Closure of cases
     Application 340:25-5-123 & ITS
     Balance removal  340:25-5-123 & ITS
     Deprived actions  340:25-5-123
     Enforcement actions resolution  340:25-5-123 & ITS
     Family Violence Indicator 340:25-5-123 & ITS and 340:25-5-67.1
     Generally  340:25-5-123 & ITS
     Good cause  340:25-5-123 & ITS
     Of non-TANF Medicaid only cases 340:25-5-123 & ITS
     Overpayment recovery  340:25-5-305
     NCP receiving SSI  340:25-5-123
     Reunification  340:25-5-123
     Termination of income assignment  340:25-5-123 & ITS
     Unenforceable arrears  340:25-5-123 & ITS
     When applicant moves out-of-state  340:25-5-123 & ITS

     See Payments.  

     See Administrative complaint procedure.
Confidential information
     See Release of information.

Conflict of interest
     Family Violence  340:25-5-67.1 & ITS
     Generally  340:25-5-124 & ITS
     Political activity 340:2-1-4

Consumer reporting agencies
     See Credit bureaus.

     Generally  340:25-5-200 & ITS

Contract staff
     Bound by rules  340:25-1-1

Cooperation with CSS   
     Documentation of  340:25-5-114 ITS
     Exceptions to  340:25-5-117 & ITS
     Failure to comply - TANF and non-TANF 340:25-5-114 & ITS
     Medicaid cases  340:25-5-114 & ITS and 340:25-5-123 & ITS

Credit bureaus
   Accessing information 340:25-5-265 & ITS
   Grace period from reporting to 340:25-5-265
   Release of information to  340:25-5-265

     Address & telephone information 340:25-1-2.1
     Defined 340:25-1-1.1
     Internet address 340:25-1-2.1
     Legal base 340:25-1-1
     Structure and services 340:25-1-1.2 & ITS

     Amendment of income assignment after obligor obtains  340:25-5-201.1 & ITS
     Current support follows child  340:25-5-133 & ITS
     Modification after obligor obtains  340:25-5-201.1 & ITS
     Services not offered  340:25-1-1.1
     Use of locate services for  340:25-5-155 & ITS


Data security
     See System security.

     Due date for past support  340:25-5-140
     Of collections  340:25-5-350.3

     Application for deceased child 340:25-5-110.1
     Case closure 340:25-5-200 ITS
     Establishing parentage of deceased NCP 340:25-1-1.2 and 340:25-5-176 & ITS
     Of CP 
340:25-5-133 and 340:25-5-140

     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Interest accrual  340:25-5-140.1 & ITS

Deprived actions
     Assignment to district office  340:25-5-124.3 & ITS
     Change in Placement Notification 340:25-5-133 & ITS  
     Establishment of support order in  340:25-5-178 & ITS and 340:25-5-178
     Transfer of cases  340:25-5-124.3 ITS

Direct Deposit
     See Payments.

See also Social Security Disability Insurance, Social Security Retirement and Supplemental Security Income.
     Adult child  340:25-5-178
     Application  340:25-5-110.1 & ITS
     Closure 340:25-5-123
     Establishment and enforcement of support orders  340:25-5-110.1 & ITS and 340:25-5-178
     Veteran's disability compensation apportionment  340:25-5-178 & ITS and 340:25-5-198.2 & ITS

Disabled adults
     Application  340:25-5-110.1 & ITS
     Establishment and enforcement of support orders  340:25-5-110.1 & ITS and 340:25-5-178

Disclosure of information
     See Release of Information.

District office
     Assignment of cases to  340:25-5-286 & ITS and 340:25-5-124 & ITS
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1

     See Allocation and distribution of collections.

     Administrative orders in district court  340:25-5-124.1 ITS 
     Generally  340:25-5-185.1 & ITS
     In deprived actions  340:25-5-124.3 & ITS

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Electronic funds transfer
     See Centralized Support Registry and Payments.

     See Child Support, Duration of.

     FIDM 340:25-5-212
     Generally  340:25-5-200 & ITS
     Interest included in remedies  340:25-5-140.1
     Legal base 340:25-1-1
     Legal remedies 340:25-5-200 & ITS
     Of cases with deprived actions  340:25-5-124.3 & ITS 
     Of fixed sums and judgments for medical support and birthing costs 340:25-1-1.2
     Of health care coverage 340:25-1-1.2
     Of judgments for and fixed ongoing child care costs 340:25-1-1.2
     Of medical enforcement only (MEO) cases 340:25-5-169
     Of multiple support orders 340:25-5-200
     Of National Medical Support Notice  340:25-5-171 & ITS
     Of past-due support 340:25-5-140
     Of spousal support 340:25-5-200
     Of support for disabled adults  340:25-5-178
     Of tribal orders  340:25-5-286 & ITS
     Remedies to enforce medical support
     Resolving enforcement actions at closure  340:25-5-123 & ITS

     See also Right-Sizing Orders 
     Determining gross income  340:25-5-178 ITS
     Of current support  340:25-1-1.2 and 340:25-5-178 & ITS
     Of current support for an incarcerated NCP  340:25-5-178
     Of current support when noncustodial receives TANF, SSI, & VA 340:25-5-178 & ITS
     Of medical support  340:25-1-1.2 and 340:25-5-168 & ITS
     Of medical support only  340:25-5-169
     Of ongoing child care obligations 340:25-1-1.2 and 340:25-5-178 & ITS
     Of parentage 340:25-1-1.2 and 340:25-5-176 & ITS
     Of support for a prior period  340:25-5-179.1
     Of support for an incarcerated NCP  340:25-5-178 and 340:25-5-179.1
     Of support for a prior period for a TANF, SSI, recipient noncustodial parent 340:25-5-179.1
     Of support for disabled adults  340:25-5-178
     Of support in cases with deprived actions  340:25-5-178 & ITS
     Of support when NCP has multiple cases  340:25-5-178 ITS

     See Conflict of interest and Political activity.

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Family violence
     See also Good cause (link needed)
     Address information     340:25-5-67.1 ITS
     Case assignment due to  340:25-5-124 ITS
     Confidential address  340:25-5-124 ITS
     Customer Assistance  340:25-5-270 ITS
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Disclosure of Address of Record 340:25-5-340 & ITS 
     Family Violence - Address of Record Statement (
03EN008E)  340:25-5-67.1
     Family Violence Indicator removal  340:25-5-123 & ITS
     Generally  340:25-5-67.1 & ITS
     Interstate cases  340:25-5-270 & ITS
     Name change  340:25-5-67.1 ITS
     Social security number change  340:25-5-67.1 ITS

Federal administrative offset
     See Administrative offset.

Federal laws and regulations
     See Legal base.

Federal parent locate service
     Release of information  340:25-5-67 & ITS

Federal Tax Information (FTI)
    Safeguarding FTI 340:25-5-67 ITS, 340:25-5-75 & ITS
    Background investigations and fingerprinting 

Federal tax offset
     Generally  340:25-5-215 & ITS
     Review procedures  340:25-5-225

     Application fee  340:25-5-1101
     DRA (annual) fee  340:25-5-351
     Service fee  340:25-5-351

     Generally  340:25-5-212 & ITS
     Exception to issuance of levy 340:25-5-212 & ITS
     Release of funds from levy  340:25-5-212 & ITS
     Request for administrative review 340:25-5-212 & ITS

Financial Institution Data Match
     See FIDM.

     See Accounting.

Forum state
     See Interstate case.

Full-service case
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Intrastate case 340:25-1-1.2 and 340:25-5-110.1
     Non-TANF Medicaid referrals  340:25-5-117 and 340:25-5-169


Genetic tests
          See Parentage

Good cause
     Closure  340:25-5-123 ITS
     Exceptions to cooperation  340:25-5-117 
     Generally  340:10-10-6 and 340:25-5-117
     Good Cause Report 340:25-5-114 & ITS
     Noncooperation  340:25-5-114
     Reopen case  340:25-5-67.1 and 340:25-5-178

     See Child support guidelines.


Health insurance
     Defined 340:25-1-1.1
     Establishment of medical support 340:25-5-168 & ITS
     Modification of support order 340:25-5-198.1 & ITS & 340-25-5-198.2

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Incarcerated NCP
     Defined 340:25-5-140
     Effective date of order  340:25-5-178 ITS
     Enforcement 340:25-5-200
     Establishment of current child support  340.25-5-178 & ITS
     Establishment of parentage  340:25-5-176 ITS     
     Establishment of support for a prior period  
     Incarceration enforcement 340:25-5-200
     Modification  340:25-5-178 & ITS340:25-5-198.1 & ITS, and 340:25-5-198.2
     Payments made while incarcerated 340:25-5-140 ITS And 340:25-5-305
     Rebuttable presumption 340:25-5-140
     Release from Incarceration 340:25-5-17
     Service by Acknowledgment  3340:25-5-190 ITS

Income assignment
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Lump sum payment 340:25-5-200 ITS      
     Not applied to income with federal administrative offset  340:25-5-215.1 ITS
     Not used in outgoing interstate referrals 340:25-5-200
     Notice of Income Assignment - defined 340:25-1-1.1
     Order/Notice to Withhold Income 340:25-1-1.2 and 340:25-5-200
     Termination or amendment of income withholding 340:25-5-201.1
     Termination at case closure 340:25-5-123 & ITS
     Tribal employer  340:25-5-286 ITS

     See Native American and Tribal Child Support.

Information Disclosure
     See Release of Information

Insurance Intercept 
     Generally  340:25-5-203.2 & ITS

     Accrual 340:25-5-140.1 & ITS 
     Generally  340:25-5-140.1 & ITS
     Grace period from 340:25-5-140.1 & ITS 
     Affidavit of Child Support Payments Received 340:25-5-140.1 & ITS
     Application of payments to  340:25-5-140.1 and 340:25-5-351
     Calculating of  340:25-5-140.1 & ITS
     Cash medical 340:25-5-140.1
     Child Care Costs  340:25-5-140.1
     Waiver of  340:25-5-140.1 & ITS

Intergovernmental case
   See Interstate case
   Defined      340:25-1-1.1

International cases
     See also Interstate case.
     Bilateral agreements 340:25-5-285 ITS
     Generally  340:25-5-285 & ITS
     Conversion of child support to foreign currency  340:25-5-285 & ITS and 340:25-5-350.3
     Foreign reciprocating countries 340:25-5-285 & ITS

Interpreter Services
Defined 340:25-1-2.1 & ITS

Interstate case
     Allocation and distribution of past-due support 340:25-5-351 & ITS
     Application 340:25-5-110.1 & ITS
     Application - Not required on referral  340:25-5-117
     Assignment to district office  340:25-5-124 & ITS
     Calculation of interest  340:25-5-140.1 & ITS
     Case Assignment   340:25-5-124
     Choice of law  340:25-5-270
     Communication with out-of-state CPs  340:25-5-270
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Determination of controlling order  340:25-5-200 and 340:25-5-270 & ITS     
     Duration of support  340:25-5-179 & ITS
     Family violence and nondisclosure  340:25-5-270 & ITS
     Forum state defined  340:25-5-270
     Generally  340:25-5-270 & ITS
     Genetic testing in  340:25-5-270
     Interest collection 340:25-5-140.1 & ITS
     Judgment only collections  340:25-5-110.1 ITS and 340:25-5-117
     Limited services 340:25-1-1.2  
     Modification of order  340:25-5-198 and 340:25-5-198.1 & ITS
     Orders - registered  340:25-5-124 & ITS and 340:25-5-270 ITS
     Registration of support order  340:25-5-200
     Review of support order  340:25-5-198.1 & ITS
     Services provided 340:25-5-270 & ITS

     See Commissioned peace officers.

IRS information
     Unlawful use of our disclosure  340:25-5-215 & ITS

IV-D programs and services
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Excluded services 340:25-1-1.2 & ITS
     Legal base 340:25-1-1
     Limited services  340:25-1-1.2 & ITS
     Services  340:25-1-1.2

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Judgment only
     Case initiation  340:25-5-110.1 ITS and 340:25-5-117
         child care costs 340:25-1-1.2
         medical support 340:25-1-1.2
         unspecified 340:25-1-1.2 ITS



Legal base
     For accessing credit bureau information 340:25-5-265 & ITS    
     For accounting  340:25-5-345.1
     For administrative offsets  340:25-5-215.1
     For annual notice  340:25-5-213
     For applications 340:25-5-110.1
     For case initiation  340:25-5-110
     For Central Case Registry  340:25-5-339
     For current support  340:25-5-178
     For enforcement generally  340:25-5-200
     For establishment of current support  340:25-5-178
     For establishment of support for prior period  340:25-5-179.1
     For federal tax offset  340:25-5-215 & ITS
     For FIDM  340:25-5-212
     For interstate cases  340:25-5-270
     For international cases 340:25-5-270 and 340:25-5-285
     For locate services  340:25-5-155
     For lottery intercept  340:25-5-200
     For medical support  340:25-5-168
     For overpayment recovery 340:25-5-305 & ITS
     For passport denial, revocation, restriction, or limitation  340:25-5-214
     For past support  340:25-5-140
     For parentage establishment  340:25-5-176
     For release of information to credit bureaus  340:25-5-67
     For review and modification  340:25-5-198
     For right-sizing orders  340:25-5-178 & ITS
     For service members 340:25-1-1
     For state tax offset  340:25-5-235
     For system security  340:25-5-75
     For tribal child support services 340:25-5-286 ITS
     Generally 340:25-1-1
     Limited services  340:25-5-270 & ITS

Legal custody
     See Custody.

License revocation and reinstatement
     Generally  345:25-5-211.1 & ITS
     Provisional license  340:25-5-211.1 ITS
     NCP reinstatement request  340:25-5-211.1

See Insurance Intercept and FIDM, and Payments.

Limited Services
Deceased NCP genetic testing 340:25-5-1-1.2
Intergovernmental 340:25-5-270 & ITS
Records 340:25-5-286 & ITS
Service of Process 340:25-1-1.2 & ITS
Tribal Program 340:25-5-286 & ITS

Local office
     See District office.

Locate services
     Generally  340:25-5-155 & ITS
     Most Wanted Missing Parent program 340:25-5-155

Lottery intercept
     Generally  340:25-5-203.1
     Legal authority  340:25-5-200

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     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Case opening (full-service vs. MEO)  340:25-5-117

Medical enforcement only case (MEO)
Cash medical support assigned 340:25-5-169
     Enforcement with NMSN only 340:25-5-169
     Establishment 340:25-5-169
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Services provided 340:25-5-169
     Exception to MEO status 340:25-5-169
     Review request 340:25-5-198.1 & ITS

Medical support
     Alternative health coverage - defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Birthing costs 340:25-1-1.2 & ITS
     Calculating cost of 340:25-5-168 & ITS
     Case opening and closure of non-TANF Medicaid only cases  340:25-5-117 & ITS; 340:25-5-123; and 340:25-5-201.1
     Cash medical support 340:25-5-168 & ITS; 340:25-5-171 & ITS and 340:25-5-169
          Allocation and distribution 340:25-5-351
          Defined  340:25-1-1.1
          Exception to MEO status 340:25-5-168
          Termination of 340:25-5-168 & ITS
     Enforcement of medic 340:25-5-169
     Enforcement of medical support order 340:25-5-171 & ITS
     Enrollment in Indian Health Services 340:25-5-168
     Establishment of 340:25-5-168 & ITS
     Establishment for incarcerated NCP  340:25-5-178
     Establishment of medical enforcement only 340:25-5-169
     Establishment for NCP receiving Social Security benefits  340:25-5-178
     Fixed medical costs 340:25-5-168 & ITS
          Defined 340:25-1-1.1
     Health coverage preference 340:25-5-168 & ITS 
     Indian Health Services 340:25-5-168 & ITS
     Intact Family        340:25-5-168 ITS
     Medical support - defined 340:25-1-1.1
     Modification of order  340:25-5-168 & ITS and 340:25-5-169 and 340:25-5-198.2  
     Noncooperation 340:25-5-171
     Notification requirements  340:25-5-168
     Past-due medical support and judgments  340:25-1-1.2 & ITS
     Release of information necessary to enroll children 340:25-5-67 and 340:25-5-171
     Reasonable cost standard for medical support 340:25-5-168 & ITS
     Review of order for medical support provision 340:25-5-169      
     Standards for medical support provision  340:25-5-168 & ITS

     See Medical enforcement only case.

     See Servicemembers Civil Relief Act.
     Default 340:25-5-178 ITS
     Enforcement of support order  
340:25-5-200 & ITS
     Enforcement of past support  340:25-5-140 & ITS
     Establishment of paternity  340:25-5-176 & ITS
     Establishment of support for a prior period  340:25-5-179.1 & ITS
     Establishment of support order  340:25-5-178 & ITS
     Grace period from reporting to credit bureau  340:25-5-265
     Interest rate cap on arrearages  340:25-5-140.1 & ITS
     Military & Veterans Coordinator  340:25-1-5.1 & ITS and 340:25-5-212 ITS
     Power of Attorney  340:25-1-3.1 ITS
     Review and modification  340:25-5-198 ITS
     Veteran’s disability compensation apportionment  340:25-5-178 ITS and 340:25-5-198.2 & ITS

Minor Child
     Establishment of current support for  340:25-5-178
     Maximum age of  340:25-5-178 & ITS

Minor Parent
     Establishment of current support 340:25-5-178 & ITS
     Service of process  340:25-5-190

     See also Review and modification.
     After obligor obtains custody  340:25-5-201.1 & ITS
     Cash medical 340:25-5-168 and 340:25-5-198.2
     Determination of controlling order  340:25-5-270 & ITS and 340:25-5-200
     Generally  340:25-5-198.2 & ITS
     Medical support order is requested  340:25-5-168 and 340:25-5-198.2
     Overpayments   340:25-5-305
     When medical insurance enrollment not completed  340:25-5-168 & ITS

Most Wanted Missing Parent Program

See Locate

Multiple alleged fathers 
     See Parentage.

Multiple case action
     See Right-Sizing Orders.

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National Medical Support Notice
     Generally  340:25-5-171 & ITS
     When child is eligible for TRICARE  340:25-5-171 & ITS

Native American
     See Tribal child support program

Next Friend
     Defined 340:25-3-1.1

     See Income assignment.

Non-cash support 
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Waiver of interest  340:25-5-140.1 & ITS

     Determination of  340:10-10-5
     Good cause  340:25-5-117
     Good Cause Report 340:25-5-114 ITS
     In non-TANF cases 340:25-5-114 & ITS
     In TANF and non-TANF Medicaid cases  340:25-5-114 & ITS
     Medical support refusal 340:25-5-171
     Of CP  340:25-5-114 & ITS and 340:25-5-117 ITS
     Retained support payments  340:10-10-7 340:25-5-305

Noncustodial parent
Defined 340:25-1-1.1
Establishment of current support for an incarcerated NCP    340:25-5-178
Establishment of support for a prior period for an incarcerated NCP  340:25-5-179.1
Establishment of support for a prior period for a TANF or SSI NCP   340:25-5-179.1

Non-IV-D case
Address of record requirements 340:25-5-340
Allocation and distribution of collections 340:25-5-351 & ITS
Central Case Registry
  information 340:25-5-339
Defined 340:25-1-1.1
IV-D services not provided   340:25-5-350.3 ITS
Not covered by rules unless clearly provided 340:25-1-1
Support payments through Centralized Support Registry 340:25-5-350.3


     Default order 340:25-5-134 ITS
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Docketing orders  340:25-5-185.1
     Orders not docketed    340:25-5-124 & ITS
     Transfer of administrative establishment cases  340:25-5-124.1 & ITS

     Defined 340:25-5-345.2

     Defined  340:25-1-1.1

     Defined  340:25-1-1.1

OCSS (Child Support Services)
     See CSS

Oklahoma Employer Services Center
Generally 340:25-1-2.1

Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA)
     Generally 340:25-1-1.1 and 340:25-5-117
     Deprived cases  340:25-5-124.3 & ITS
     Noncooperation — good cause determination  340:25-5-114 & ITS
     Referrals  340:25-5-117 & ITS

     See Support order.

     See System security.

    Not payments for future support 340:25-5-305 & ITS
    Return of 340:25-5-305

     See also Recovery.
     Adjustment  340:25-5-305
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Disbursement   340:25-5-305 & ITS
     Fraud by CP  340:25-5-305
     Generally  340:25-5-305
     Recovery of 340:25-5-305
     Refund 340:25-5-305
     Review   340:25-5-305 & ITS
     Types of  340:25-5-305


Paper warrant
     Defined  340:25-5-350.3

Parental kidnapping
     Use of locate services  340:25-5-155 & ITS

Participant in a case
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1

     Generally  340:25-5-214 & ITS

Past-due support
     See also Arrears
     Administrative offset collection for  340:25-5-215.1 & ITS
     Applications not accepted for  340:25-5-110.1
     Arrears - defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Cases with deprived actions  340:25-5-124.3  ITS
     Confirmation of  340:25-5-140
     Enforcement of 340:25-5-140
     Federal tax offset collection 340:25-5-215 & ITS
     Judgment by operation of law  340:25-5-200
     Payments to custodian owed past-due support  340:25-5-133   
     Unenforceable  340:25-5-123 & ITS

Past support
     Abatement while incarcerated 340:25-5-140
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Generally  340:25-5-140 & ITS
     Interstate  340:25-5-140.1
     Proceedings to determine  340:25-5-140
     Settlement of  340:25-5-140 & ITS
     Waiver of  340:25-5-140 & ITS
     Work Release 340:25-5-140 ITS

     See also Default Orders
      Acknowledgment of Paternity 340:25-5-117340:25-5-176 & ITS and 340:25-5-110.1
     Action not initiated  340:25-5-176
     Adult Child's (18 years or older) Consent  340:5-25-176 & ITS
     Alleged father incarceration 340:25-5-176 & ITS
     Case with deprived actions  340:25-5-124.3 & ITS
     Challenges to parentage 340:25-5-176.1 & ITS
     Default  340:25-5-134 & ITS and 340:25-5-176 & ITS
     Denial of Paternity 340:5-25-176 & ITS
     Disestablishment of  340:25-5-176.1 & ITS, 340:25-5-179.1 ITS
     Establishment of  340:25-5-176 & ITS
     Establishment when alleged father is disabled or deceased 340:25-1-1.2 and 340:25-5-176 & ITS
     Father applicant  340:25-5-176 ITS
     Genetic testing  340:25-5-176 & ITS and 340:25-5-176.1     
     Outreach  340:25-5-110.1 and 340:25-5-117
     Motion to vacate or modify 340:25-5-176 & ITS
     Multiple alleged fathers 340:25-5-176 & ITS and 340:25-5-117
     No presumption in alleged common law husband 340:25-5-176 ITS
     Rescission of Acknowledgment of Paternity 340:25-5-176 & ITS
     Rescission of Denial of Paternity 340:25-5-176 & ITS
     Use of locate services  340:25-5-155 & ITS
     Vacating of default parentage order  340:25-5-176

     Affidavit of Forged Endorsement 340:25-5-350.3
     Affidavit of Lost or Destroyed Warrant 340:25-5-350.3
     Annual fee assessed 340:25-5-351
     Cash medical proration 340:25-5-351
     Checks, refusal of by CSS 340:25-5-350.3
     Conversion from foreign currency  340:25-5-285 & ITS, and 340:25-5-350.3
     Date of collections  340:25-5-350.3
     Debit cards  340:25-5-350.3 & ITS
     Direct deposit  340:25-5-350.3 & ITS
     Distributed payment adjustments 340:25-5-352 & ITS
     Due date for past support  340:25-5-140
     Electronic funds transfer  340:25-5-350.3 & ITS
     Endorsement of  340:25-5-110.1
     Erroneous collections  340:25-5-305
     For future support - not overcollections  340:25-5-305
     Forged endorsements on warrants  340:25-5-350.3
     Internet access to  340:25-1-2.1
     Investigation Questionnaire 340:25-5-350.3
     Made at CSS Offices 340:25-5-350.3    
     Missed - become judgments  340:25-5-200
     Monthly payment plan - defined 340:25-5-345.2
     Of past-due support to custodian owed past-due support 340:25-5-133
     Of support through Registry  340:25-5-350.3
     On non-TANF Medicaid case 340:25-5-123 & ITS
     Overcollections  340:25-5-305
     Overpayments  340:25-5-305
     Pended payments 340:25-5-350.4 & ITS
     Quarterly written notice of  340:25-5-350.3
     Repayments  340:25-5-305
     Returned payments list 340:25-5-350.3 & ITS
     Return to NCP or payor  340:25-5-305 and 340:25-5-350.3
     Sent to OKDHS General Revenue Fund  340:25-5-305
     Temporary order 340:25-5-140 ITS
     Undistributed payments 340:25-5-350.4 & ITS
     Vacated order 340:25-5-140 ITS
     WebPay (SMART e-Pay) 340:25-5-350.3

Peace officers
     See Commissioned peace officers.

Personal service of process
     See Service of process.

Physical custody
     See Custody.

Power of Attorney
     See Authorized representative.

Political activity
     Generally 340:2-1-4'

Private collection agency
     CP address changes prohibited  340:25-5-340
     Release of information to  340:25-5-340

Problem-Solving Court Program
     License reinstatement  340:25-5-211.1 & ITS

Professional development
     Requirements  DM 11-01  

Pro Se
Services 340:25-1-1.2
     Challenges to parentage establishment 340:25-5-176

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     See also Case.
     Access and use of information  340:25-5-67 & ITS
     Contents of case records  340:25-5-55
     Disclosure of  340:25-5-67 & ITS
     Destruction of 340:25-5-55 ITS
     Retention of 340:25-5-55 & ITS

     See also Overpayment and Unreimbursed public assistance.
     Administrative review  340:25-5-305
     Case closure 340:25-5-305
     Fraud  340:25-5-305
     Legal base  340:25-5-305
     Limitation on  340:25-5-305
     Of overpayments from other entities 340:25-5-305 & ITS
     Methods  340:25-5-305
     Notice of  340:25-5-305
     Procedures  340:25-5-305

     Closure of  340:25-5-123 & ITS
     Generally  340:25-5-117

Registration of foreign orders
     Effect of assignment to district offices  340:25-5-124
     Conversion of child support to foreign currency  340:25-5-285 & ITS and 340:25-5-350.3 
     Generally  340:25-5-124 and 340:25-5-270 ITS

Registration of orders
     As necessary  340:25-5-270 ITS
     Tribal child support orders 340:25-5-286

Reinstatement of driver license
     See License revocation and reinstatement.

Release of information
     See also System security.
     Address of record 340:25-5-340 & ITS
     Authorized disclosure  340:25-5-67 & ITS and 340:25-5-340 & ITS
     Attorney representation 340:25-5-67 & ITS
     Benefits  340:25-5-67 ITS
     Confidentiality  340:25-5-67 & ITS
     Family violence 340:25-5-67 and 340:25-5-67.1
     Federal Tax Information 340:25-5-67 & ITS
     Legal base 340:25-5-67
     Medical support 340:25-5-67 and 340:25-5-171 & ITS
     Passwords  340:25-5-75 ITS
     Procedure for requesting and releasing 340:25-5-67 & IT
     Redacting information 
     Restrictions on  340:25-5-67 & ITS
     Tax return information  340:25-5-215 ITS
     To entities upon written authorization  340:25-5-67 ITS
     Verification of identity 340:25-5-67 & ITS

     See Administrative review.

Review and adjustment
     See Review and modification.

Review and modification
     See also Right-Sizing Orders
     Abatement 340:25-5-178
     Ability to pay  340:25-5-198.1 & ITS
     Application for Child Support Services 340:25-5-110.1 and 340:25-5-198.1
     Criteria for review  340:25-5-198.1
     Determination of controlling order  340:25-5-200 and 340:25-5-270 & ITS
     In medical enforcement only (MEO) cases  340:25-5-198.1 & ITS
     Intrastate cases 340:25-1-1.2 ITS and 340:25-5-110.1 ITS
     Legal base  340:25-5-198
     Modification of support order 340:25-5-198.2
     NCP with multiple cases  340:25-5-124.4 & ITS and 340:25-5-178 ITS
     Review of support order 340:25-5-198.1 & ITS and 340:25-5-169
     When either parent becomes SSI recipient 340:25-5-198.1 & ITS

 Right-Sizing Orders
     Determining gross income  340:25-5-178 & ITS
     Incarcerated NCP 340:25-5-178 & ITS
     Modification  340:25-5-198.1 & ITS
     Multiple case processing  340:25-5-124.4 & ITS 
     NCP with multiple cases  340:25-5-178 & ITS

     Purpose and scope of  340:25-1-1

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Safeguarding Information
     See Release of Information

Same-sex parents
     Application  340:25-5-117 ITS
     Parentage  340:25-5-176 ITS

Secondary employment
     See Employees.

     See System security.

Seek work order
     FIDM  340:25-5-212 ITS
     Generally  340:25-5-200
     License reinstatement  340:25-5-211.1 & ITS

Service of process
     Assistance from tribal office  340:25-5-286 ITS
    Customer-initiated 3340:25-5-190 ITS
    Diligent efforts 
340:25-5-190 & ITS
340:25-5-190 & ITS
340:25-5-190 & ITS
    In administrative establishment cases 340:25-5-124.1 & ITS
    Limited services 340:25-1-1.2 ITS
    Service methods 340:25-5-190 & ITS
    To address of record 340:25-5-190& ITS

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
     Enforcement of support order under  340:25-5-200 & ITS
     Enforcement of past support under  340:25-5-140 & ITS 
     Establishment of parentage 340:25-5-176 & ITS
     Establishment of support for a prior period 340:25-5-179.1 & ITS
     Establishment of support order 340:25-5-178 & ITS
     Grace period from reporting to credit bureau 340:25-5-265
     Interest rate cap on arrearages under  340:25-5-140.1 & ITS
     Legal base 340:25-1-1
     Review and modification under  340:25-5-198 & ITS and 340:25-5-198.1 & ITS

     See IV-D programs and services.
     Appropriate  340:25-5-117 & ITS
     Excluded  340:25-1-1.2 & ITS
     Generally  340:25-1-1.2
     Judgment only  340:25-5-110.1 ITS and 340:25-5-117
     Material change in circumstances 340:25-5-198.1 & ITS
     Medical enforcement only  340:25-5-117 & ITS and 340:25-5-198.1 & ITS

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
    Calculating child support 
340:25-5-178 ITS
    Deviation from guidelines  340:25-5-178 & ITS
    Release of levy  340:25-5-212

Social Security Numbers
     See Release of information.

Social Security Retirement (SSR)
Closure 340:25-5-123
Deviation from guidelines 340:25-5-178 & ITS

Spousal support
     Enforcement of 340:25-5-200
     Establishment of - not offered  340:25-1-1.2
     Interest  340:25-5-140.1
     Modification of - not offered  340:25-1-1.2

State DisbursementUnit
     See Centralized Support Registry.

State laws
     See Legal base.

State tax offset
     Generally  340:25-5-235
     Review procedures  340:25-5-244

Supervisory training
     See Professional development.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
     Closure  340:25-5-123 
     Deviation from guidelines  340:25-5-178 & ITS
     Modification  340:25-5-198.2 & ITS
     Release of levy  340:25-5-212

Support for a prior period
     Cases with deprived actions  340:25-5-124.3 ITS 
     Court Actions    340:25-5-179.1 ITS    
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Establishment of  340:25-5-179.1
     When NCP receives TANF or SSI  340:25-5-179.1

Support order

See also Default orders
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Motion to vacate or modify default establishment order 340:25-5-178 & ITS
     Registered in Oklahoma  340:25-5-124 & ITS
     Review for medical support 340:25-5-169
System security
     See also Release of information.
     Employee Background Investigations 340:25-5-75 & ITS
     Generally  340:25-5-75 & ITS
     Logon Authorization Request for OKDHS Employees 340:25-5-75 ITS
     Logon Authorization Request for non-OKDHS Employees 340:25-5-75 ITS
     Remote Access Request and Authorization 340:25-5-75 ITS
     Staff inappropriate access  340:25-5-67 ITS


Tax offset
     See Federal tax offset and State tax offset.

Title XIX
     See Medicaid.

     See Professional development.

Transfer of cases among offices
     See also Case - Transfer of administrative establishment.
     Because a case participant moves  340:25-5-124
     Extenuating Circumstances  340:25-5-124 ITS
     Electronic 340:25-5-124 ITS, 340:25-5-124.1 ITS, 340:25-5-124.3 ITS, and 340:25-5-124.4 ITS
     File Transfer 340:25-5-124 ITS
     For multiple case action  340:25-5-124.4 & ITS
     To avoid conflict of interest  340:25-5-124 & ITS
     To tribal child support office program  340:25-5-286 & ITS
     When CP files contempt in another county 340:25-5-124 & ITS
     When CP with a confidential finding address 340:25-5-124 & ITS
     When CP’s finding address and AOR are different   340:25-5-124 ITS

Tribal child support programs
     IV-E Funds 340:25-5-286 ITS
     Juvenile  340:25-5-286
     Limited services  340:25-5-286
     Referrals and transfers  340:25-5-286 & ITS
     Registration of tribal child support orders 340:25-5-286 & ITS
     Service of process assistance 340:25-5-286 ITS  

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     See also Interstate case.
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Accepting referrals under  340:25-5-117
     Modification of support order under  340:25-5-198.1 & ITS

Unemployment compensation intercept
     Generally  340:25-5-203
     Processed as income assignment in non-IV-D case  340:25-5-350.3 & ITS

Unreimbursed public assistance
     Allocation of collections  340:25-5-351 & ITS
     Case opening of non-TANF Medicaid only cases  340:25-5-169
     Defined  340:25-1-1.1
     Generally  340:25-5-350.2
     Past support  340:25-5-140 & ITS

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See also Military and Servicemembers Civil Relief Act.

     Services not offered  340:25-1-1.2

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Workers Compensation
     Generally  340:25-5-200 & ITS



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