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State Suppliers Expo

Sept. 25-26, 2024 | Oklahoma City, OK

Visit Oklahoma's biggest government-business networking event of the year!

Event details

The 2024 State Suppliers Expo is our biggest year yet, spanning two days at the Oklahoma City Convention Center.


Networking Conference

State of Construction Breakfast (pre-registration required).

Come-and-go networking with 14+ state-hosted booths.

Learn what projects and initiatives are happening across all areas of government.

Get hands-on assistance to sign up as a state bidder, the first step to becoming a state supplier.

State of Technology Luncheon (pre-registration required).

Inaugural Oklahoma Business Matchup (pre-registration required).

THURSDAY, SEPT. 26, 2024

Educational Breakout Sessions

Navigating the State Bidding Process.

Statewide Contract Opportunities.

Feedback and Q&A with Procurement Professionals.

National Contract Opportunities.

Industry-specific procurement processes, including technology, construction and transportation.

Oklahoma Small Business Contract Opportunities.

What's new for 2024?

Building on key event offerings and using attendee feedback from prior years, the State Suppliers Expo team is excited to announce new improvements to provide even more value at the event.

With a robust schedule that still allows time for meaningful connections, the State Suppliers Expo will now be a two-day event. Day 1, on Sept. 25, will focus on networking opportunities, where attendees can come and go through state-hosted booths and learn about current and upcoming projects across all areas of government. State procurement staff will be available at the Supplier Registration booth, the returning centerpiece of the Expo, to answer questions and help businesses sign up to bid on projects. Day 2, on Sept. 26, will provide a full roster of educational breakout sessions. From guiding companies through the state procurement processes and educating attendees on how to bid on projects, to showcasing industry-specific requirements and opportunities, the breakout sessions will dive deeper into the “how” of doing business with the state.

In addition to our educational breakout sessions, we’re offering two new presentations – one for construction companies and one for tech companies. Construction professionals are invited to register for the State of Construction breakfast to hear from Nathan Wald, leader of state construction and properties, and tech companies are invited to register for the State of Technology luncheon, where Joe McIntosh, state chief information officer and chairman of the governor’s AI Task Force, will present his vision for artificial intelligence and emerging technologies in state government.

We’re introducing the Oklahoma Business Matchup, an all-new event segment available to the first 160 companies that pre-register for the event. This segment offers businesses the opportunity to meet one-on-one with their choice of state buyers for 15 minutes in dedicated, prescheduled meetings.

2024 booths

  • Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage.
  • Secretary of State.
  • Agriculture.
  • Transportation.
  • Energy and Environment.
  • Commerce.
  • Gov’t Efficiency and Technology.
  • Human Services.
  • Workforce Development.
  • Licensing and Regulation.
  • Public Safety.
  • Health and Mental Health.
  • Education.
  • Military and Veterans Affairs.
  • State Use.*
  • OMES Capital Assets Management.*
  • National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO).*
  • Supplier Registration.

*New for 2024.

Last Modified on Aug 15, 2024
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