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Open Minds: Tutor Training Program

Tutor Training Program: Open Minds for Tutors of Basic Literacy

Open Minds for Tutors of English Language Learning

Open Minds, Oklahoma’s tutor training model, was launched in 2003 with funding from Dollar General Literacy Foundation. Trainers from seventeen local programs piloted the workshop model throughout the state. The agenda has evolved to meet the changing needs of Oklahoma literacy programs, volunteer tutors, and the learners they serve.

The flexible model is designed in three 3-hour interactive sessions covering such topics as learner goal setting, using the language experience approach, working in a core literacy curriculum, incorporating a variety of reading and writing strategies in each lesson, and using real world materials.

Trainers present the information in a variety of formats including demonstration, paired practice and group work, and video.

In addition to the 9-hour tutor training, many Open Minds trainers provide at least one annual in-service/continuing education opportunity for local tutors.

See the video, Journey to Literacy and find training materials and resources for tutors of basic literacy learners and English language learners below.

Open Minds for Tutors of Basic Literacy

Open Minds for Tutors of English Language Learners

The development of the Open Minds project was made possible thanks to Library Services and Technology Act funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and dedicated trainers throughout the state.

For questions, please contact the Literacy Resource Office

Last Modified on Jan 09, 2023