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Julie Childers

Academic Coordinator
(405) 743-5110  |  Email

Oklahoma Cost Accounting System: Codes defined by the State Department of Edu­cation that are used by schools to account for the expenditure of funds. These codes are also used to identify courses taken by students at the high school and technology center.

2023 Academic Information for CareerTech Counselors

Click to view the 2023 Academic Information for CareerTech Counselors (PDF) – from the office of Counseling and Career Development. 

With the reinstatement of the Oklahoma School Report Card, the changes to Oklahoma Promise, and the future promise of the Oklahoma E-transcript, our team has produced a quick refresher on Academics in-and-out of CareerTech.

CTE Academics and Transcripting

CTE Academics and Transcripting Academic Credits for Careertech Courses (Chart) meetings requirements for Oklahoma Promise a nd the College Prep/Work Ready and Core Curriculum. CTE Academic Credits/Transcripting - Math & Science Courses

Academic Team Self Study Standards and Guidelines

Last Modified on Jul 19, 2024