Oklahoma Agricultural Education Teachers Association.
Upcoming Events
Spotlight Award Application
OAETA Members Children Scholarship
- 2024 Scholarship Application (for HS Grads for 2023) Due July 1, 2024.
OAETA Award Applications
Refer to the NAAE applications as guidelines for OAETA awards. Please complete the desired award application and submit a printed copy to the OAETA office (Do NOT upload your application to NAAE at this time). Must be in the office on or before April 1, 2024. State level winners will be required to upload your application online to the NAAE site by May 15, 2024.
How do I log in?
When you click "click here to complete your online application," you will be prompted to log in to the website. If you have never logged in before or don't remember your password, click the "Can't Access Account?" link and follow the instructions to reset or set up your password. *Note - you must use the email address we have on file with your membership record.
If you still have problems logging in, please call the NAAE office at 1-800-509-0204. The NAAE office is open from 8am until 5pm eastern time, Monday-Friday.
Can I fill out more than one award online?
It is possible to submit multiple NAAE awards and to have multiple award applications in progress at the same time. Simply choose the application you want to work on from the drop-down list or the NAAE Awards page. Just be sure to hit the save button on the application you’re working on before you move to a different application.
Working on an award over multiple sessions
Because the awards forms are associated with your profile, you can partially complete an awards application, save it, log out, and log back in later to complete the form. The items you have attached to the application and the fields you have filled out will be saved.
You can have multiple awards in progress at the same time, and work on those awards over an extended period of time.
Award Application Areas (NAAE Awards page)
- Outstanding Teacher
- Outstanding Young Member
- Turn The Key
- Outstanding Secondary Program
- Outstanding Post-Secondary Program
- Ideas Unlimited
- Teacher Mentor
The following applications are State Applications and should be filed in the OAETA office by July 1. Winners will be recognized at Summer Conference
2024 OAETA Award Applicant Winners
Outstanding Teacher by Area
Central: Shelbi Morgan-Comanche
Northeast: Sam Peterman-Cave Springs
Northwest: Kevin Kornele-Fort Supply
Southeast: Randy Bean- Strother
Southwest: Emily Schmidt- Chickasha
Overall Winner: Emily Schmidt- Chickasha
Outstanding Early Career Teacher: Tim Taylor- Okmulgee
Outstanding Middle/Secondary Ag Ed Program: Fairview
Ideas Unlimited: Bailey Kliewer- Stillwater
Teacher Mentor: Mason Jones- Edmond
Turn the Key: Maggie Neufeld- Fairview
Ag-Ed Teacher Hall-of Fame:
Outstanding Service Citation: Dr. Mindi Clark-NWOSU
Lifetime Achievement: Dr. Rob Terry-OSU